1 | <h1 id="title" class="title">Change password</h1>
2 | <p class="sub-title">Please set a new password</p>
3 |
4 | <nb-alert *ngIf="showMessages.error && errors?.length && !submitted" outline="danger" role="alert">
5 | <p class="alert-title"><b>Oh snap!</b></p>
6 | <ul class="alert-message-list">
7 | <li *ngFor="let error of errors" class="alert-message">{{ error }}</li>
8 | </ul>
9 | </nb-alert>
10 |
11 | <nb-alert *ngIf="showMessages.success && messages?.length && !submitted" outline="success" role="alert">
12 | <p class="alert-title"><b>Hooray!</b></p>
13 | <ul class="alert-message-list">
14 | <li *ngFor="let message of messages" class="alert-message">{{ message }}</li>
15 | </ul>
16 | </nb-alert>
17 |
18 | <form (ngSubmit)="resetPass()" #resetPassForm="ngForm" aria-labelledby="title">
19 |
20 | <div class="form-control-group">
21 | <label class="label" for="input-password">New Password:</label>
22 | <input nbInput
23 | [(ngModel)]="user.password"
24 | #password="ngModel"
25 | type="password"
26 | id="input-password"
27 | name="password"
28 | class="first"
29 | placeholder="New Password"
30 | autofocus
31 | fullWidth
32 | fieldSize="large"
33 | [status]="password.dirty ? (password.invalid ? 'danger' : 'success') : 'basic'"
34 | [required]="getConfigValue('forms.validation.password.required')"
35 | [minlength]="getConfigValue('forms.validation.password.minLength')"
36 | [maxlength]="getConfigValue('forms.validation.password.maxLength')"
37 | [attr.aria-invalid]="password.invalid && password.touched ? true : null">
38 | <ng-container *ngIf="password.invalid && password.touched">
39 | <p class="caption status-danger" *ngIf="password.errors?.required">
40 | Password is required!
41 | </p>
42 | <p class="caption status-danger" *ngIf="password.errors?.minlength || password.errors?.maxlength">
43 | Password should contains
44 | from {{getConfigValue('forms.validation.password.minLength')}}
45 | to {{getConfigValue('forms.validation.password.maxLength')}}
46 | characters
47 | </p>
48 | </ng-container>
49 | </div>
50 |
51 | <div class="form-group">
52 | <label class="label" for="input-re-password">Confirm Password:</label>
53 | <input nbInput
54 | [(ngModel)]="user.confirmPassword"
55 | #rePass="ngModel"
56 | id="input-re-password"
57 | name="rePass"
58 | type="password"
59 | class="last"
60 | placeholder="Confirm Password"
61 | fullWidth
62 | fieldSize="large"
63 | [status]="rePass.touched
64 | ? (rePass.invalid || password.value != rePass.value ? 'danger' : 'success')
65 | : 'basic'"
66 | [required]="getConfigValue('forms.validation.password.required')"
67 | [attr.aria-invalid]="rePass.invalid && rePass.touched ? true : null">
68 | <ng-container *ngIf="rePass.touched">
69 | <p class="caption status-danger" *ngIf="rePass.invalid && rePass.errors?.required">
70 | Password confirmation is required!
71 | </p>
72 | <p class="caption status-danger" *ngIf="password.value != rePass.value && !rePass.errors?.required">
73 | Password does not match the confirm password.
74 | </p>
75 | </ng-container>
76 | </div>
77 |
78 | <button nbButton
79 | status="primary"
80 | fullWidth
81 | size="large"
82 | [disabled]="submitted || !resetPassForm.valid"
83 | [class.btn-pulse]="submitted">
84 | Change password
85 | </button>
86 | </form>
87 |
88 | <section class="sign-in-or-up" aria-label="Sign in or sign up">
89 | <p><a class="text-link" routerLink="../login">Back to Log In</a></p>
90 | <p><a class="text-link" routerLink="../register">Register</a></p>
91 | </section>