5.62 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5 */
6import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
7import { NbStatusService } from '../../services/status.service';
8import { NbComponentSize } from '../component-size';
9import { NbComponentOrCustomStatus, NbComponentStatus } from '../component-status';
10import { NbBooleanInput } from '../helpers';
11import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
13 * Alert component.
14 *
15 * Basic alert example:
16 * @stacked-example(Showcase, alert/alert-showcase.component)
17 *
18 * Alert configuration:
19 *
20 * ```html
21 * <nb-alert status="success">
22 * You have been successfully authenticated!
23 * </nb-alert>
24 * ```
25 * ### Installation
26 *
27 * Import `NbAlertModule` to your feature module.
28 * ```ts
29 * @NgModule({
30 * imports: [
31 * // ...
32 * NbAlertModule,
33 * ],
34 * })
35 * export class PageModule { }
36 * ```
37 * ### Usage
38 *
39 * Alert could additionally have a `close` button when `closable` property is set:
40 * ```html
41 * <nb-alert status="success" closable (close)="onClose()">
42 * You have been successfully authenticated!
43 * </nb-alert>
44 * ```
45 *
46 * Colored alerts could be simply configured by providing a `status` property:
47 * @stacked-example(Alert status, alert/alert-colors.component)
48 *
49 * It is also possible to assign an `accent` property for a slight alert highlight
50 * as well as combine it with `status`:
51 * @stacked-example(Alert accent, alert/alert-accents.component)
52 *
53 * And `outline` property:
54 * @stacked-example(Outline Alert, alert/alert-outline.component)
55 *
56 * @additional-example(Multiple Sizes, alert/alert-sizes.component)
57 *
58 * @styles
59 *
60 * alert-border-radius:
61 * alert-bottom-margin:
62 * alert-padding:
63 * alert-scrollbar-color:
64 * alert-scrollbar-background-color:
65 * alert-scrollbar-width:
66 * alert-shadow:
67 * alert-text-font-family:
68 * alert-text-font-size:
69 * alert-text-font-weight:
70 * alert-text-line-height:
71 * alert-closable-start-padding:
72 * alert-tiny-height:
73 * alert-small-height:
74 * alert-medium-height:
75 * alert-medium-padding:
76 * alert-large-height:
77 * alert-giant-height:
78 * alert-basic-background-color:
79 * alert-basic-text-color:
80 * alert-primary-background-color:
81 * alert-primary-text-color:
82 * alert-success-background-color:
83 * alert-success-text-color:
84 * alert-info-background-color:
85 * alert-info-text-color:
86 * alert-warning-background-color:
87 * alert-warning-text-color:
88 * alert-danger-background-color:
89 * alert-danger-text-color:
90 * alert-control-background-color:
91 * alert-control-text-color:
92 * alert-accent-basic-color:
93 * alert-accent-primary-color:
94 * alert-accent-info-color:
95 * alert-accent-success-color:
96 * alert-accent-warning-color:
97 * alert-accent-danger-color:
98 * alert-accent-control-color:
99 * alert-outline-width:
100 * alert-outline-basic-color:
101 * alert-outline-primary-color:
102 * alert-outline-info-color:
103 * alert-outline-success-color:
104 * alert-outline-warning-color:
105 * alert-outline-danger-color:
106 * alert-outline-control-color:
107 */
108export declare class NbAlertComponent {
109 protected statusService: NbStatusService;
110 /**
111 * Alert size, available sizes:
112 * `tiny`, `small`, `medium`, `large`, `giant`
113 * Unset by default.
114 */
115 size: '' | NbComponentSize;
116 /**
117 * Alert status (adds specific styles):
118 * `basic` (default), `primary`, `success`, `info`, `warning`, `danger`, `control`.
119 */
120 status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus;
121 /**
122 * Alert accent (color of the top border):
123 * `basic`, `primary`, `success`, `info`, `warning`, `danger`, `control`.
124 * Unset by default.
125 */
126 accent: '' | NbComponentStatus;
127 /**
128 * Alert outline (color of the border):
129 * `basic`, `primary`, `success`, `info`, `warning`, `danger`, `control`.
130 * Unset by default.
131 */
132 outline: '' | NbComponentStatus;
133 /**
134 * Shows `close` icon
135 */
136 get closable(): boolean;
137 set closable(value: boolean);
138 protected _closable: boolean;
139 static ngAcceptInputType_closable: NbBooleanInput;
140 /**
141 * Emits when chip is removed
142 * @type EventEmitter<any>
143 */
144 close: EventEmitter<any>;
145 constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
146 /**
147 * Emits the removed chip event
148 */
149 onClose(): void;
150 get tiny(): boolean;
151 get small(): boolean;
152 get medium(): boolean;
153 get large(): boolean;
154 get giant(): boolean;
155 get primary(): boolean;
156 get success(): boolean;
157 get info(): boolean;
158 get warning(): boolean;
159 get danger(): boolean;
160 get basic(): boolean;
161 get control(): boolean;
162 get primaryAccent(): boolean;
163 get successAccent(): boolean;
164 get infoAccent(): boolean;
165 get warningAccent(): boolean;
166 get dangerAccent(): boolean;
167 get basicAccent(): boolean;
168 get controlAccent(): boolean;
169 get primaryOutline(): boolean;
170 get successOutline(): boolean;
171 get infoOutline(): boolean;
172 get warningOutline(): boolean;
173 get dangerOutline(): boolean;
174 get basicOutline(): boolean;
175 get controlOutline(): boolean;
176 get additionalClasses(): string[];
177 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAlertComponent, never>;
178 static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NbAlertComponent, "nb-alert", never, { "size": { "alias": "size"; "required": false; }; "status": { "alias": "status"; "required": false; }; "accent": { "alias": "accent"; "required": false; }; "outline": { "alias": "outline"; "required": false; }; "closable": { "alias": "closable"; "required": false; }; }, { "close": "close"; }, never, ["*"], false, never>;