10.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5 */
6import { EventEmitter, Type } from '@angular/core';
7import { NbCalendarCell, NbCalendarSize, NbCalendarViewMode, NbCalendarSizeValues, NbCalendarViewModeValues } from '../calendar-kit/model';
8import { NbBooleanInput } from '../helpers';
9import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
11 * Calendar component provides a capability to choose a date.
12 *
13 * ```html
14 * <nb-calendar [(date)]="date"></nb-calendar>
15 * <nb-calendar [date]="date" (dateChange)="handleDateChange($event)"></nb-calendar>
16 * ```
17 *
18 * Basic usage example
19 * @stacked-example(Showcase, calendar/calendar-showcase.component)
20 *
21 * ### Installation
22 *
23 * Import `NbCalendarModule` to your feature module.
24 * ```ts
25 * @NgModule({
26 * imports: [
27 * // ...
28 * NbCalendarModule,
29 * ],
30 * })
31 * export class PageModule { }
32 * ```
33 * ### Usage
34 *
35 * If you want to select ranges you can use `NbCalendarRangeComponent`.
36 *
37 * ```html
38 * <nb-calendar-range [(range)]="range"></nb-calendar-range>
39 * <nb-calendar-range [range]="range" (rangeChange)="handleRangeChange($event)"></nb-calendar-range>
40 * ```
41 *
42 * In order to use it, you have to import `NbCalendarRangeModule`.
43 * @stacked-example(Range, calendar/calendar-range-showcase.component)
44 *
45 * The calendar component is supplied with a calendar navigation that contains navigate buttons.
46 * If you do not want to use it you can hide calendar navigation using `showNavigation` property.
47 * @stacked-example(Without navigation, calendar/calendar-without-navigation.component)
48 *
49 * As you can see in the basic usage example calendar contains previous and next month days
50 * which can be disabled using `boundingMonth` property.
51 * @stacked-example(Bounding months, calendar/calendar-bounding-month.component)
52 *
53 * You can define starting view of the calendar by setting `startView` property.
54 * Available values: year, month and date.
55 * @stacked-example(Start view, calendar/calendar-start-view.component)
56 *
57 * You can use a larger version of the calendar by defining size property.
58 * Available values: medium(which is default) and large.
59 * @stacked-example(Size, calendar/calendar-size.component)
60 *
61 * Calendar supports min and max dates which disables values out of min-max range.
62 * @stacked-example(Borders, calendar/calendar-min-max.component)
63 *
64 * Also, you can define custom filter property that should be predicate which receives
65 * date and returns false if this date has to be disabled. In this example, we provide the filter
66 * which disables weekdays.
67 * @stacked-example(Filter, calendar/calendar-filter.component)
68 *
69 * Week numbers column could be enabled via `showWeekNumber` binding:
70 * @stacked-example(Week number, calendar/calendar-week-number.component)
71 *
72 * If you need create custom cells you can easily provide custom components for
73 * calendar. For examples if you want to show any average price under each date you can
74 * just provide custom `dayCellComponent`. Custom cells for month and year can be provided
75 * the same way, check API reference.
76 * @stacked-example(Custom day cell, calendar/calendar-custom-day-cell-showcase.component)
77 *
78 * @styles
79 *
80 * calendar-width:
81 * calendar-background-color:
82 * calendar-border-color:
83 * calendar-border-style:
84 * calendar-border-width:
85 * calendar-border-radius:
86 * calendar-text-color:
87 * calendar-text-font-family:
88 * calendar-text-font-size:
89 * calendar-text-font-weight:
90 * calendar-text-line-height:
91 * calendar-picker-padding-top:
92 * calendar-picker-padding-bottom:
93 * calendar-picker-padding-start:
94 * calendar-picker-padding-end:
95 * calendar-navigation-text-color:
96 * calendar-navigation-text-font-family:
97 * calendar-navigation-title-text-font-size:
98 * calendar-navigation-title-text-font-weight:
99 * calendar-navigation-title-text-line-height:
100 * calendar-navigation-padding:
101 * calendar-cell-inactive-text-color:
102 * calendar-cell-disabled-text-color:
103 * calendar-cell-hover-background-color:
104 * calendar-cell-hover-border-color:
105 * calendar-cell-hover-text-color:
106 * calendar-cell-hover-text-font-size:
107 * calendar-cell-hover-text-font-weight:
108 * calendar-cell-hover-text-line-height:
109 * calendar-cell-active-background-color:
110 * calendar-cell-active-border-color:
111 * calendar-cell-active-text-color:
112 * calendar-cell-active-text-font-size:
113 * calendar-cell-active-text-font-weight:
114 * calendar-cell-active-text-line-height:
115 * calendar-cell-today-background-color:
116 * calendar-cell-today-border-color:
117 * calendar-cell-today-text-color:
118 * calendar-cell-today-text-font-size:
119 * calendar-cell-today-text-font-weight:
120 * calendar-cell-today-text-line-height:
121 * calendar-cell-today-hover-background-color:
122 * calendar-cell-today-hover-border-color:
123 * calendar-cell-today-active-background-color:
124 * calendar-cell-today-active-border-color:
125 * calendar-cell-today-disabled-border-color:
126 * calendar-cell-today-selected-background-color:
127 * calendar-cell-today-selected-border-color:
128 * calendar-cell-today-selected-text-color:
129 * calendar-cell-today-selected-hover-background-color:
130 * calendar-cell-today-selected-hover-border-color:
131 * calendar-cell-today-selected-active-background-color:
132 * calendar-cell-today-selected-active-border-color:
133 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-background-color:
134 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-border-color:
135 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-text-color:
136 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-hover-background-color:
137 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-hover-border-color:
138 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-active-background-color:
139 * calendar-cell-today-in-range-active-border-color:
140 * calendar-cell-selected-background-color:
141 * calendar-cell-selected-border-color:
142 * calendar-cell-selected-text-color:
143 * calendar-cell-selected-text-font-size:
144 * calendar-cell-selected-text-font-weight:
145 * calendar-cell-selected-text-line-height:
146 * calendar-cell-selected-hover-background-color:
147 * calendar-cell-selected-hover-border-color:
148 * calendar-cell-selected-active-background-color:
149 * calendar-cell-selected-active-border-color:
150 * calendar-day-cell-width:
151 * calendar-day-cell-height:
152 * calendar-month-cell-width:
153 * calendar-month-cell-height:
154 * calendar-year-cell-width:
155 * calendar-year-cell-height:
156 * calendar-weekday-background:
157 * calendar-weekday-divider-color:
158 * calendar-weekday-divider-width:
159 * calendar-weekday-text-color:
160 * calendar-weekday-text-font-size:
161 * calendar-weekday-text-font-weight:
162 * calendar-weekday-text-line-height:
163 * calendar-weekday-holiday-text-color:
164 * calendar-weekday-height:
165 * calendar-weekday-width:
166 * calendar-weeknumber-background:
167 * calendar-weeknumber-divider-color:
168 * calendar-weeknumber-divider-width:
169 * calendar-weeknumber-text-color:
170 * calendar-weeknumber-text-font-size:
171 * calendar-weeknumber-text-font-weight:
172 * calendar-weeknumber-text-line-height:
173 * calendar-weeknumber-height:
174 * calendar-weeknumber-width:
175 * calendar-large-width:
176 * calendar-day-cell-large-width:
177 * calendar-day-cell-large-height:
178 * calendar-weekday-large-height:
179 * calendar-weekday-large-width:
180 * calendar-weeknumber-large-height:
181 * calendar-weeknumber-large-width:
182 * calendar-month-cell-large-width:
183 * calendar-month-cell-large-height:
184 * calendar-year-cell-large-width:
185 * calendar-year-cell-large-height:
186 * */
187export declare class NbCalendarComponent<D> {
188 /**
189 * Defines if we should render previous and next months
190 * in the current month view.
191 * */
192 boundingMonth: boolean;
193 /**
194 * Defines starting view for calendar.
195 * */
196 startView: NbCalendarViewMode;
197 static ngAcceptInputType_startView: NbCalendarViewModeValues;
198 /**
199 * Minimum available date for selection.
200 * */
201 min: D;
202 /**
203 * Maximum available date for selection.
204 * */
205 max: D;
206 /**
207 * Predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
208 * */
209 filter: (D: any) => boolean;
210 /**
211 * Custom day cell component. Have to implement `NbCalendarCell` interface.
212 * */
213 dayCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
214 /**
215 * Custom month cell component. Have to implement `NbCalendarCell` interface.
216 * */
217 monthCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
218 /**
219 * Custom year cell component. Have to implement `NbCalendarCell` interface.
220 * */
221 yearCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
222 /**
223 * Size of the calendar and entire components.
224 * Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
225 * */
226 size: NbCalendarSize;
227 static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
228 visibleDate: D;
229 /**
230 * Determines should we show calendars navigation or not.
231 * */
232 showNavigation: boolean;
233 /**
234 * Date which will be rendered as selected.
235 * */
236 date: D;
237 /**
238 * Determines should we show week numbers column.
239 * False by default.
240 * */
241 get showWeekNumber(): boolean;
242 set showWeekNumber(value: boolean);
243 protected _showWeekNumber: boolean;
244 static ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber: NbBooleanInput;
245 /**
246 * Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
247 * */
248 weekNumberSymbol: string;
249 /**
250 * Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
251 * `undefined` means that default locale setting will be used.
252 * */
253 firstDayOfWeek: number | undefined;
254 /**
255 * Emits date when selected.
256 * */
257 dateChange: EventEmitter<D>;
258 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarComponent<any>, never>;
259 static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NbCalendarComponent<any>, "nb-calendar", never, { "boundingMonth": { "alias": "boundingMonth"; "required": false; }; "startView": { "alias": "startView"; "required": false; }; "min": { "alias": "min"; "required": false; }; "max": { "alias": "max"; "required": false; }; "filter": { "alias": "filter"; "required": false; }; "dayCellComponent": { "alias": "dayCellComponent"; "required": false; }; "monthCellComponent": { "alias": "monthCellComponent"; "required": false; }; "yearCellComponent": { "alias": "yearCellComponent"; "required": false; }; "size": { "alias": "size"; "required": false; }; "visibleDate": { "alias": "visibleDate"; "required": false; }; "showNavigation": { "alias": "showNavigation"; "required": false; }; "date": { "alias": "date"; "required": false; }; "showWeekNumber": { "alias": "showWeekNumber"; "required": false; }; "weekNumberSymbol": { "alias": "weekNumberSymbol"; "required": false; }; "firstDayOfWeek": { "alias": "firstDayOfWeek"; "required": false; }; }, { "dateChange": "dateChange"; }, never, never, false, never>;