1 | import { ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef, NgZone, Type } from '@angular/core';
2 | import { Subject, BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
3 | import { NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy, NbPosition } from '../overlay-position';
4 | import { NbRenderableContainer } from '../overlay-container';
5 | import { NbOverlayContent, NbOverlayService } from '../overlay-service';
6 | import { NbOverlayRef, NbOverlayContainer, NbOverlayConfig } from '../mapping';
7 | import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
8 | export interface NbDynamicOverlayController {
9 | show(): any;
10 | hide(): any;
11 | toggle(): any;
12 | rebuild(): any;
13 | }
14 | export declare class NbDynamicOverlay {
15 | protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
16 | protected componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver;
17 | protected zone: NgZone;
18 | protected overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainer;
19 | protected ref: NbOverlayRef;
20 | protected container: ComponentRef<NbRenderableContainer>;
21 | protected componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>;
22 | protected context: Object;
23 | protected content: NbOverlayContent;
24 | protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
25 | protected overlayConfig: NbOverlayConfig;
26 | protected lastAppliedPosition: NbPosition;
27 | protected disabled: boolean;
28 | protected positionStrategyChange$: Subject<void>;
29 | protected isShown$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
30 | protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
31 | protected overlayDestroy$: Subject<import("@angular/cdk/overlay").OverlayRef>;
32 | get isAttached(): boolean;
33 | get isShown(): Observable<boolean>;
34 | constructor(overlay: NbOverlayService, componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, zone: NgZone, overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainer);
35 | create(componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>, content: NbOverlayContent, context: Object, positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy, overlayConfig?: NbOverlayConfig, disabled?: boolean): this;
36 | setContent(content: NbOverlayContent): void;
37 | setContext(context: Object): void;
38 | setContentAndContext(content: NbOverlayContent, context: Object): void;
39 | setComponent(componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>): void;
40 | setPositionStrategy(positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy): void;
41 | setOverlayConfig(overlayConfig: NbOverlayConfig): void;
42 | setDisabled(disabled: boolean): void;
43 | show(): any;
44 | hide(): void;
45 | toggle(): void;
46 | dispose(): void;
47 | getContainer(): ComponentRef<NbRenderableContainer>;
48 | protected createOverlay(): void;
49 | protected renderContainer(): void;
50 | protected updateContext(): void;
51 | protected createContainerContext(): Object;
52 | /**
53 | * Dimensions of the container may change after content update. So we listen to zone.stable event to
54 | * reposition the container.
55 | */
56 | protected updatePositionWhenStable(overlay: NbOverlayRef): void;
57 | protected updatePosition(): void;
58 | protected hasOverlayInContainer(): boolean;
59 | protected disposeOverlayRef(): void;
60 | static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDynamicOverlay, never>;
61 | static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbDynamicOverlay>;
62 | }