9.78 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5 */
6import { ElementRef, QueryList, AfterViewInit, SimpleChanges, AfterContentInit, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';
7import { NbStatusService } from '../../services/status.service';
8import { NbComponentSize } from '../component-size';
9import { NbComponentOrCustomStatus } from '../component-status';
10import { NbBooleanInput } from '../helpers';
11import { NbChatFormComponent } from './chat-form.component';
12import { NbChatMessageComponent } from './chat-message.component';
13import { NbChatTitleDirective } from './chat-title.directive';
14import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
16 * Conversational UI collection - a set of components for chat-like UI construction.
17 *
18 * Main features:
19 * - different message types support (text, image, file, file group, map, etc)
20 * - drag & drop for images and files with preview
21 * - different UI styles
22 * - custom action buttons (coming soon)
23 *
24 * Here's a complete example build in a bot-like app. Type `help` to be able to receive different message types.
25 * Enjoy the conversation and the beautiful UI.
26 * @stacked-example(Showcase, chat/chat-showcase.component)
27 *
28 * Basic chat configuration and usage:
29 * ```ts
30 * <nb-chat title="Nebular Conversational UI">
31 * <nb-chat-message *ngFor="let msg of messages"
32 * [type]="msg.type"
33 * [message]="msg.text"
34 * [reply]="msg.reply"
35 * [sender]="msg.user.name"
36 * [date]="msg.date"
37 * [files]="msg.files"
38 * [quote]="msg.quote"
39 * [latitude]="msg.latitude"
40 * [longitude]="msg.longitude"
41 * [avatar]="msg.user.avatar">
42 * </nb-chat-message>
43 *
44 * <nb-chat-form (send)="sendMessage($event)" [dropFiles]="true">
45 * </nb-chat-form>
46 * </nb-chat>
47 * ```
48 * ### Installation
49 *
50 * Import `NbChatModule` to your feature module.
51 * ```ts
52 * @NgModule({
53 * imports: [
54 * // ...
55 * NbChatModule,
56 * ],
57 * })
58 * export class PageModule { }
59 * ```
60 *
61 * If you need to provide an API key for a `map` message type (which is required by Google Maps)
62 * you may use `NbChatModule.forRoot({ ... })` call if this is a global app configuration
63 * or `NbChatModule.forChild({ ... })` for a feature module configuration:
64 *
65 * ```ts
66 * @NgModule({
67 * imports: [
68 * // ...
69 * NbChatModule.forRoot({ messageGoogleMapKey: 'MAP_KEY' }),
70 * ],
71 * })
72 * export class AppModule { }
73 * ```
74 *
75 * ### Usage
76 *
77 * There are three main components:
78 * ```ts
79 * <nb-chat>
80 * </nb-chat> // chat container
81 *
82 * <nb-chat-form>
83 * </nb-chat-form> // chat form with drag&drop files feature
84 *
85 * <nb-chat-message>
86 * </nb-chat-message> // chat message, available multiple types
87 * ```
88 *
89 * You could provide a title template via the `nbChatTitle` directive. It overrides `title` input.
90 * @stacked-example(Custom template as a title, chat/chat-template-title.component)
91 *
92 * Two users conversation showcase:
93 * @stacked-example(Conversation, chat/chat-conversation-showcase.component)
94 *
95 * Chat UI is also available in different colors by specifying a `[status]` input:
96 *
97 * @stacked-example(Colored Chat, chat/chat-colors.component)
98 *
99 * Also it is possible to configure sizes through `[size]` input:
100 *
101 * @stacked-example(Chat Sizes, chat/chat-sizes.component)
102 *
103 * # Custom message types
104 *
105 * Besides built-in message types, you could provide custom ones with their own template to render.
106 * As an example, let's add the `link` message type.
107 * <br>
108 * First, you need to provide a template for the `link` message type:
109 * ```html
110 * <nb-chat>
111 * <a *nbCustomMessage="'link'" href="https://example.com">example.com</a>
112 * </nb-chat>
113 * ```
114 * Then, add the `nb-chat-message` component with the `link` type:
115 * ```html
116 * <nb-chat>
117 * <a *nbCustomMessage="'link'" href="https://example.com">example.com</a>
118 * <nb-chat-message type="link"></nb-chat-message>
119 * </nb-chat>
120 * ```
121 *
122 * <div class="note note-warning">
123 * <div class="note-title">Important!</div>
124 * <div class="note-body">
125 * Custom chat messages must be defined before the `nb-chat-message`.
126 * </div>
127 * </div>
128 *
129 * Custom message templates could have arbitrary data associated with them. Let's extract hardcoded link
130 * href and text. To pass some data to the custom message template, use the `customMessageData` input
131 * of the `nb-chat-message` component:
132 * ```html
133 * ...
134 * <nb-chat-message type="link" [customMessageData]="{ href: 'https://example.com', text: 'example.com' }">
135 * </nb-chat-message>
136 * ...
137 * ```
138 * When `customMessageData` is set, this object would become a template context and you'll be able
139 * to reference it via `let varName` syntax:
140 * ```html
141 * <a *nbCustomMessage="'link'; let data" [href]="data.href">{{ data.text }}</a>
142 * ```
143 *
144 * That's it, full example will look like this:
145 * ```html
146 * <nb-chat title="Nebular Conversational UI">
147 * <a *nbCustomMessage="'link'; let data" [href]="data.href">{{ data.text }}</a>
148 * <nb-chat-message type="link" [customMessageData]="{ href: 'https://example.com', text: 'example.com' }">
149 * </nb-chat-message>
150 * </nb-chat>
151 * ```
152 *
153 * If you want to style your custom template from the ground up you could turn off generic message styling
154 * (such as round borders, color, background, etc.) via the `noStyles` input:
155 * ```html
156 * <div *nbCustomMessage="'my-custom-type'; noStyles: true">...</div>
157 * ```
158 * When you decide to use your own styles, the `isReply` property of the custom message template context
159 * would come in handy. This property allows you to determine whether the message is a reply or not.
160 * For example, to change link text color (as replies have a different background):
161 * ```html
162 * <a *nbCustomMessage="'link'; let data; let isReply=isReply"
163 * [href]="data.href"
164 * [class.link-control]="!isReply">
165 * {{ data.label }}
166 * </a>
167 * ```
168 *
169 * Below, you could find a more complex example with multiple custom message types:
170 * @stacked-example(Custom message, chat/chat-custom-message.component)
171 *
172 * @styles
173 *
174 * chat-background-color:
175 * chat-border:
176 * chat-border-radius:
177 * chat-shadow:
178 * chat-padding:
179 * chat-scrollbar-color:
180 * chat-scrollbar-background-color:
181 * chat-scrollbar-width:
182 * chat-text-color:
183 * chat-text-font-family:
184 * chat-text-font-size:
185 * chat-text-font-weight:
186 * chat-text-line-height:
187 * chat-header-text-font-family:
188 * chat-header-text-font-size:
189 * chat-header-text-font-weight:
190 * chat-header-text-line-height:
191 * chat-tiny-height:
192 * chat-small-height:
193 * chat-medium-height:
194 * chat-large-height:
195 * chat-giant-height:
196 * chat-basic-background-color:
197 * chat-basic-text-color:
198 * chat-primary-background-color:
199 * chat-primary-text-color:
200 * chat-success-background-color:
201 * chat-success-text-color:
202 * chat-info-background-color:
203 * chat-info-text-color:
204 * chat-warning-background-color:
205 * chat-warning-text-color:
206 * chat-danger-background-color:
207 * chat-danger-text-color:
208 * chat-control-background-color:
209 * chat-control-text-color:
210 * chat-divider-color:
211 * chat-divider-style:
212 * chat-divider-width:
213 * chat-message-background:
214 * chat-message-text-color:
215 * chat-message-reply-background-color:
216 * chat-message-reply-text-color:
217 * chat-message-avatar-background-color:
218 * chat-message-sender-text-color:
219 * chat-message-quote-background-color:
220 * chat-message-quote-text-color:
221 * chat-message-file-text-color:
222 * chat-message-file-background-color:
223 */
224export declare class NbChatComponent implements OnChanges, AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit {
225 protected statusService: NbStatusService;
226 title: string;
227 /**
228 * Chat size, available sizes:
229 * `tiny`, `small`, `medium`, `large`, `giant`
230 */
231 size: NbComponentSize;
232 /**
233 * Chat status color (adds specific styles):
234 * `basic` (default), `primary`, `success`, `info`, `warning`, `danger`, `control`.
235 */
236 status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus;
237 noMessagesPlaceholder: string;
238 /**
239 * Scroll chat to the bottom of the list when a new message arrives
240 */
241 get scrollBottom(): boolean;
242 set scrollBottom(value: boolean);
243 protected _scrollBottom: boolean;
244 static ngAcceptInputType_scrollBottom: NbBooleanInput;
245 scrollable: ElementRef;
246 messages: QueryList<NbChatMessageComponent>;
247 chatForm: NbChatFormComponent;
248 titleTemplate: NbChatTitleDirective;
249 constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
250 ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
251 ngAfterContentInit(): void;
252 ngAfterViewInit(): void;
253 updateView(): void;
254 scrollListBottom(): void;
255 protected updateFormStatus(): void;
256 get tiny(): boolean;
257 get small(): boolean;
258 get medium(): boolean;
259 get large(): boolean;
260 get giant(): boolean;
261 get primary(): boolean;
262 get success(): boolean;
263 get info(): boolean;
264 get warning(): boolean;
265 get danger(): boolean;
266 get basic(): boolean;
267 get control(): boolean;
268 get additionalClasses(): string[];
269 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatComponent, never>;
270 static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NbChatComponent, "nb-chat", never, { "title": { "alias": "title"; "required": false; }; "size": { "alias": "size"; "required": false; }; "status": { "alias": "status"; "required": false; }; "noMessagesPlaceholder": { "alias": "noMessagesPlaceholder"; "required": false; }; "scrollBottom": { "alias": "scrollBottom"; "required": false; }; }, {}, ["chatForm", "titleTemplate", "messages"], ["nb-chat-message", "nb-chat-form"], false, never>;