6.78 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5 */
6import { AfterViewInit, ComponentRef, ElementRef, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
7import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
8import { NbDynamicOverlayController } from '../cdk/overlay/dynamic/dynamic-overlay';
9import { NbDynamicOverlayHandler } from '../cdk/overlay/dynamic/dynamic-overlay-handler';
10import { NbOverlayConfig, NbOverlayRef } from '../cdk/overlay/mapping';
11import { NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy, NbAdjustment, NbPosition } from '../cdk/overlay/overlay-position';
12import { NbTrigger, NbTriggerValues } from '../cdk/overlay/overlay-trigger';
13import { NbMenuItem, NbMenuService } from '../menu/menu.service';
14import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
15export interface NbContextMenuContext {
16 items: NbMenuItem[];
17 tag: string;
18 position: NbPosition;
21 * Full featured context menu directive.
22 *
23 * @stacked-example(Showcase, context-menu/context-menu-showcase.component)
24 *
25 * Just pass menu items array:
26 *
27 * ```html
28 * <button [nbContextMenu]="items"></button>
29 * ...
30 * items = [{ title: 'Profile' }, { title: 'Log out' }];
31 * ```
32 * ### Installation
33 *
34 * Import `NbContextMenuModule` to your feature module.
35 * ```ts
36 * @NgModule({
37 * imports: [
38 * // ...
39 * NbContextMenuModule,
40 * ],
41 * })
42 * export class PageModule { }
43 * ```
44 * Also make sure `NbMenuModule` is imported to your `app.module`.
45 * ```ts
46 * @NgModule({
47 * imports: [
48 * // ...
49 * NbMenuModule.forRoot(),
50 * ],
51 * })
52 * export class AppModule { }
53 * ```
54 *
55 * ### Usage
56 *
57 * If you want to handle context menu clicks you have to pass `nbContextMenuTag`
58 * param and register to events using NbMenuService.
59 * `NbContextMenu` renders plain `NbMenu` inside, so
60 * you have to work with it just like with `NbMenu` component:
61 *
62 * @stacked-example(Menu item click, context-menu/context-menu-click.component)
63 *
64 * Context menu has different placements, such as: top, bottom, left and right
65 * which can be used as following:
66 *
67 * ```html
68 * <button [nbContextMenu]="items" nbContextMenuPlacement="right"></button>
69 * ```
70 *
71 * ```ts
72 * items = [{ title: 'Profile' }, { title: 'Log out' }];
73 * ```
74 *
75 * By default context menu will try to adjust itself to maximally fit viewport
76 * and provide the best user experience. It will try to change position of the context menu.
77 * If you wanna disable this behaviour just set it falsy value.
78 *
79 * ```html
80 * <button [nbContextMenu]="items" nbContextMenuAdjustment="counterclockwise"></button>
81 * ```
82 *
83 * ```ts
84 * items = [{ title: 'Profile' }, { title: 'Log out' }];
85 * ```
86 * Context menu has a number of triggers which provides an ability to show and hide the component in different ways:
87 *
88 * - Click mode shows the component when a user clicks on the host element and hides when the user clicks
89 * somewhere on the document outside the component.
90 * - Hint provides capability to show the component when the user hovers over the host element
91 * and hide when the user hovers out of the host.
92 * - Hover works like hint mode with one exception - when the user moves mouse from host element to
93 * the container element the component remains open, so that it is possible to interact with it content.
94 * - Focus mode is applied when user focuses the element.
95 * - Noop mode - the component won't react to the user interaction.
96 *
97 * @stacked-example(Available Triggers, context-menu/context-menu-modes.component.html)
98 *
99 * Noop mode is especially useful when you need to control Popover programmatically, for example show/hide
100 * as a result of some third-party action, like HTTP request or validation check:
101 *
102 * @stacked-example(Manual Control, context-menu/context-menu-noop.component)
103 *
104 * @stacked-example(Manual Control, context-menu/context-menu-right-click.component)
105 * */
106export declare class NbContextMenuDirective implements NbDynamicOverlayController, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, OnInit {
107 private hostRef;
108 private menuService;
109 private dynamicOverlayHandler;
110 contextMenuHost: boolean;
111 /**
112 * Position will be calculated relatively host element based on the position.
113 * Can be top, right, bottom and left.
114 * */
115 get position(): NbPosition;
116 set position(value: NbPosition);
117 _position: NbPosition;
118 /**
119 * Container position will be changes automatically based on this strategy if container can't fit view port.
120 * Set this property to any falsy value if you want to disable automatically adjustment.
121 * Available values: clockwise, counterclockwise.
122 * */
123 adjustment: NbAdjustment;
124 /**
125 * Set NbMenu tag, which helps identify menu when working with NbMenuService.
126 * */
127 get tag(): string;
128 set tag(value: string);
129 _tag: string;
130 /**
131 * Basic menu items, will be passed to the internal NbMenuComponent.
132 * */
133 get items(): NbMenuItem[];
134 set items(items: NbMenuItem[]);
135 /**
136 * Describes when the container will be shown.
137 * Available options: `click`, `hover`, `hint`, `focus` and `noop`
138 * */
139 trigger: NbTrigger;
140 static ngAcceptInputType_trigger: NbTriggerValues;
141 get contextMenuClass(): string;
142 set contextMenuClass(value: string);
143 _contextMenuClass: string;
144 protected ref: NbOverlayRef;
145 protected container: ComponentRef<any>;
146 protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
147 protected overlayConfig: NbOverlayConfig;
148 protected overlayContext: NbContextMenuContext;
149 protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
150 private _items;
151 private dynamicOverlay;
152 constructor(hostRef: ElementRef, menuService: NbMenuService, dynamicOverlayHandler: NbDynamicOverlayHandler);
153 ngOnInit(): void;
154 ngOnChanges(): void;
155 ngAfterViewInit(): void;
156 rebuild(): void;
157 show(): void;
158 hide(): void;
159 toggle(): void;
160 ngOnDestroy(): void;
161 protected configureDynamicOverlay(): NbDynamicOverlayHandler;
162 private validateItems;
163 private subscribeOnItemClick;
164 protected updateOverlayContext(): void;
165 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbContextMenuDirective, never>;
166 static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<NbContextMenuDirective, "[nbContextMenu]", never, { "position": { "alias": "nbContextMenuPlacement"; "required": false; }; "adjustment": { "alias": "nbContextMenuAdjustment"; "required": false; }; "tag": { "alias": "nbContextMenuTag"; "required": false; }; "items": { "alias": "nbContextMenu"; "required": false; }; "trigger": { "alias": "nbContextMenuTrigger"; "required": false; }; "contextMenuClass": { "alias": "nbContextMenuClass"; "required": false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;