11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, InjectionToken, OnDestroy, Type } from '@angular/core';
2import { ControlValueAccessor, ValidationErrors, Validator, ValidatorFn } from '@angular/forms';
3import { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
4import { NbDateService } from '../calendar-kit/services/date.service';
5import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
7 * The `NbDatepickerAdapter` instances provide way how to parse, format and validate
8 * different date types.
9 * */
10export declare abstract class NbDatepickerAdapter<D> {
11 /**
12 * Picker component class.
13 * */
14 abstract picker: Type<any>;
15 /**
16 * Parse date string according to the format.
17 * */
18 abstract parse(value: string, format: string): D;
19 /**
20 * Format date according to the format.
21 * */
22 abstract format(value: D, format: string): string;
23 /**
24 * Validates date string according to the passed format.
25 * */
26 abstract isValid(value: string, format: string): boolean;
29 * Validators config that will be used by form control to perform proper validation.
30 * */
31export interface NbPickerValidatorConfig<D> {
32 /**
33 * Minimum date available in picker.
34 * */
35 min: D;
36 /**
37 * Maximum date available in picker.
38 * */
39 max: D;
40 /**
41 * Predicate that determines is value available for picking.
42 * */
43 filter: (D: any) => boolean;
46 * Datepicker is an control that can pick any values anyway.
47 * It has to be bound to the datepicker directive through nbDatepicker input.
48 * */
49export declare abstract class NbDatepicker<T, D = T> {
50 /**
51 * HTML input element date format.
52 * */
53 abstract format: string;
54 abstract get value(): T;
55 abstract set value(value: T);
56 abstract get valueChange(): Observable<T>;
57 abstract get init(): Observable<void>;
58 /**
59 * Attaches datepicker to the native input element.
60 * */
61 abstract attach(hostRef: ElementRef): any;
62 /**
63 * Returns validator configuration based on the input properties.
64 * */
65 abstract getValidatorConfig(): NbPickerValidatorConfig<D>;
66 abstract show(): any;
67 abstract hide(): any;
68 abstract shouldHide(): boolean;
69 abstract get isShown(): boolean;
70 abstract get blur(): Observable<void>;
71 abstract get formatChanged$(): Observable<void>;
73export declare const NB_DATE_ADAPTER: InjectionToken<NbDatepickerAdapter<any>>;
74export declare const NB_DATE_SERVICE_OPTIONS: InjectionToken<unknown>;
76 * The `NbDatepickerDirective` is form control that gives you ability to select dates and ranges. The datepicker
77 * is shown when input receives a `focus` event.
78 *
79 * ```html
80 * <input [nbDatepicker]="datepicker">
81 * <nb-datepicker #datepicker></nb-datepicker>
82 * ```
83 *
84 * @stacked-example(Showcase, datepicker/datepicker-showcase.component)
85 *
86 * ### Installation
87 *
88 * Import `NbDatepickerModule.forRoot()` to your root module.
89 * ```ts
90 * @NgModule({
91 * imports: [
92 * // ...
93 * NbDatepickerModule.forRoot(),
94 * ],
95 * })
96 * export class AppModule { }
97 * ```
98 * And `NbDatepickerModule` to your feature module.
99 * ```ts
100 * @NgModule({
101 * imports: [
102 * // ...
103 * NbDatepickerModule,
104 * ],
105 * })
106 *
107 * export class PageModule { }
108 * ```
109 * ### Usage
110 *
111 * If you want to use range selection, you have to use `NbRangepickerComponent` instead:
112 *
113 * ```html
114 * <input [nbDatepicker]="rangepicker">
115 * <nb-rangepicker #rangepicker></nb-rangepicker>
116 * ```
117 *
118 * Both range and date pickers support all parameters as calendar, so, check `NbCalendarComponent` for additional
119 * info.
120 *
121 * @stacked-example(Range showcase, datepicker/rangepicker-showcase.component)
122 *
123 * Datepicker is the form control so it can be bound with angular forms through ngModel and form controls.
124 *
125 * @stacked-example(Forms, datepicker/datepicker-forms.component)
126 *
127 * `NbDatepickerDirective` may be validated using `min` and `max` dates passed to the datepicker.
128 *
129 * @stacked-example(Validation, datepicker/datepicker-validation.component)
130 *
131 * Also `NbDatepickerDirective` may be filtered using `filter` predicate
132 * that receives date object and has to return a boolean value.
133 *
134 * @stacked-example(Filter, datepicker/datepicker-filter.component)
135 *
136 * If you need to pick a time along with the date, you can use nb-date-timepicker
137 *
138 * ```html
139 * <input nbInput placeholder="Pick Date" [nbDatepicker]="dateTimePicker">
140 * <nb-date-timepicker withSeconds #dateTimePicker></nb-date-timepicker>
141 * ```
142 * @stacked-example(Date timepicker, datepicker/date-timepicker-showcase.component)
143 *
144 * A single column picker with options value as time and minute, so users won’t be able to pick
145 * hours and minutes individually.
146 *
147 * @stacked-example(Date timepicker single column, datepicker/date-timepicker-single-column.component)
149 * The `NbDatepickerComponent` supports date formatting:
150 *
151 * ```html
152 * <input [nbDatepicker]="datepicker">
153 * <nb-datepicker #datepicker format="MM\dd\yyyy"></nb-datepicker>
154 * ```
155 * <span id="formatting-issue"></span>
156 * ## Formatting Issue
157 *
158 * By default, datepicker uses angulars `LOCALE_ID` token for localization and `DatePipe` for dates formatting.
159 * And native `Date.parse(...)` for dates parsing. But native `Date.parse` function doesn't support formats.
160 * To provide custom formatting you have to use one of the following packages:
161 *
162 * - `@nebular/moment` - provides moment date adapter that uses moment for date objects. This means datepicker than
163 * will operate only moment date objects. If you want to use it you have to install it: `npm i @nebular/moment`, and
164 * import `NbMomentDateModule` from this package.
165 *
166 * - `@nebular/date-fns` - adapter for popular date-fns library. This way is preferred if you need only date formatting.
167 * Because date-fns is treeshakable, tiny and operates native date objects. If you want to use it you have to
168 * install it: `npm i @nebular/date-fns`, and import `NbDateFnsDateModule` from this package.
169 *
170 * ### NbDateFnsDateModule
171 *
172 * Format is required when using `NbDateFnsDateModule`. You can set it via `format` input on datepicker component:
173 * ```html
174 * <nb-datepicker format="dd.MM.yyyy"></nb-datepicker>
175 * ```
176 * Also format can be set globally with `NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot({ format: 'dd.MM.yyyy' })` and
177 * `NbDateFnsDateModule.forChild({ format: 'dd.MM.yyyy' })` methods.
178 *
179 * Please note to use some of the formatting tokens you also need to pass
180 * `{ useAdditionalWeekYearTokens: true, useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens: true }` to date-fns parse and format functions.
181 * You can configure options passed this functions by setting `formatOptions` and
182 * `parseOptions` of options object passed to `NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot` and `NbDateFnsDateModule.forChild` methods.
183 * ```ts
184 * NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot({
185 * parseOptions: { useAdditionalWeekYearTokens: true, useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens: true },
186 * formatOptions: { useAdditionalWeekYearTokens: true, useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens: true },
187 * })
188 * ```
189 * Further info on `date-fns` formatting tokens could be found at
190 * [date-fns docs](https://date-fns.org/v2.0.0-alpha.27/docs/Unicode-Tokens).
191 *
192 * You can also use `parseOptions` and `formatOptions` to provide locale.
193 * ```ts
194 * import { eo } from 'date-fns/locale';
195 *
196 * @NgModule({
197 * imports: [
198 * NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot({
199 * parseOptions: { locale: eo },
200 * formatOptions: { locale: eo },
201 * }),
202 * ],
203 * })
204 * ```
205 *
206 * @styles
207 *
208 * datepicker-background-color:
209 * datepicker-border-color:
210 * datepicker-border-style:
211 * datepicker-border-width:
212 * datepicker-border-radius:
213 * datepicker-shadow:
214 * */
215export declare class NbDatepickerDirective<D> implements OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor, Validator {
216 protected document: any;
217 protected datepickerAdapters: NbDatepickerAdapter<D>[];
218 protected hostRef: ElementRef;
219 protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
220 protected changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef;
221 /**
222 * Provides datepicker component.
223 * */
224 set setPicker(picker: NbDatepicker<D>);
225 protected pickerInputsChangedSubscription: Subscription | undefined;
226 /**
227 * Datepicker adapter.
228 * */
229 protected datepickerAdapter: NbDatepickerAdapter<D>;
230 /**
231 * Datepicker instance.
232 * */
233 protected picker: NbDatepicker<D>;
234 protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
235 protected isDatepickerReady: boolean;
236 protected queue: D | undefined;
237 protected onChange: (D: any) => void;
238 protected onTouched: () => void;
239 /**
240 * Form control validators will be called in validators context, so, we need to bind them.
241 * */
242 protected validator: ValidatorFn;
243 constructor(document: any, datepickerAdapters: NbDatepickerAdapter<D>[], hostRef: ElementRef, dateService: NbDateService<D>, changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef);
244 /**
245 * Returns html input element.
246 * */
247 get input(): HTMLInputElement;
248 /**
249 * Returns host input value.
250 * */
251 get inputValue(): string;
252 ngOnDestroy(): void;
253 /**
254 * Writes value in picker and html input element.
255 * */
256 writeValue(value: D): void;
257 registerOnChange(fn: any): void;
258 registerOnTouched(fn: any): void;
259 setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void;
260 /**
261 * Form control validation based on picker validator config.
262 * */
263 validate(): ValidationErrors | null;
264 /**
265 * Hides picker, focuses the input
266 */
267 protected hidePicker(): void;
268 /**
269 * Validates that we can parse value correctly.
270 * */
271 protected parseValidator(): ValidationErrors | null;
272 /**
273 * Validates passed value is greater than min.
274 * */
275 protected minValidator(): ValidationErrors | null;
276 /**
277 * Validates passed value is smaller than max.
278 * */
279 protected maxValidator(): ValidationErrors | null;
280 /**
281 * Validates passed value satisfy the filter.
282 * */
283 protected filterValidator(): ValidationErrors | null;
284 /**
285 * Chooses datepicker adapter based on passed picker component.
286 * */
287 protected chooseDatepickerAdapter(): void;
288 /**
289 * Attaches picker to the host input element and subscribes on value changes.
290 * */
291 protected setupPicker(): void;
292 protected writePicker(value: D): void;
293 protected writeInput(value: D): void;
294 /**
295 * Validates if no datepicker adapter provided.
296 * */
297 protected noDatepickerAdapterProvided(): boolean;
298 protected subscribeOnInputChange(): void;
299 /**
300 * Parses input value and write if it isn't null.
301 * */
302 protected handleInputChange(value: string): void;
303 protected parseInputValue(value: any): D | null;
304 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDatepickerDirective<any>, never>;
305 static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<NbDatepickerDirective<any>, "input[nbDatepicker]", never, { "setPicker": { "alias": "nbDatepicker"; "required": false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;