1 | /**
2 | * @license
3 | * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved.
4 | * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5 | */
6 | import { EventEmitter, OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit, DoCheck } from '@angular/core';
7 | import { Router } from '@angular/router';
8 | import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
9 | import { NbMenuInternalService, NbMenuItem, NbMenuService, NbMenuBadgeConfig } from './menu.service';
10 | import { NbBooleanInput } from '../helpers';
11 | import { NbLayoutDirectionService } from '../../services/direction.service';
12 | import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
13 | export declare enum NbToggleStates {
14 | Expanded = "expanded",
15 | Collapsed = "collapsed"
16 | }
17 | export declare class NbMenuItemComponent implements DoCheck, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
18 | protected menuService: NbMenuService;
19 | protected directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService;
20 | menuItem: NbMenuItem;
21 | badge: NbMenuBadgeConfig;
22 | hoverItem: EventEmitter<any>;
23 | toggleSubMenu: EventEmitter<any>;
24 | selectItem: EventEmitter<any>;
25 | itemClick: EventEmitter<any>;
26 | protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
27 | toggleState: NbToggleStates;
28 | constructor(menuService: NbMenuService, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService);
29 | ngDoCheck(): void;
30 | ngAfterViewInit(): void;
31 | ngOnDestroy(): void;
32 | onToggleSubMenu(item: NbMenuItem): void;
33 | onHoverItem(item: NbMenuItem): void;
34 | onSelectItem(item: NbMenuItem): void;
35 | onItemClick(item: NbMenuItem): void;
36 | getExpandStateIcon(): string;
37 | static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMenuItemComponent, never>;
38 | static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NbMenuItemComponent, "[nbMenuItem]", never, { "menuItem": { "alias": "menuItem"; "required": false; }; "badge": { "alias": "badge"; "required": false; }; }, { "hoverItem": "hoverItem"; "toggleSubMenu": "toggleSubMenu"; "selectItem": "selectItem"; "itemClick": "itemClick"; }, never, never, false, never>;
39 | }
40 | /**
41 | * Vertical menu component.
42 | *
43 | * Accepts a list of menu items and renders them accordingly. Supports multi-level menus.
44 | *
45 | * Basic example
46 | * @stacked-example(Showcase, menu/menu-showcase.component)
47 | *
48 | * ```ts
49 | * // ...
50 | * items: NbMenuItem[] = [
51 | * {
52 | * title: home,
53 | * link: '/'
54 | * },
55 | * {
56 | * title: dashboard,
57 | * link: 'dashboard'
58 | * }
59 | * ];
60 | * // ...
61 | * <nb-menu [items]="items"></nb-menu>
62 | * ```
63 | * ### Installation
64 | *
65 | * Import `NbMenuModule.forRoot()` to your app module.
66 | * ```ts
67 | * @NgModule({
68 | * imports: [
69 | * // ...
70 | * NbMenuModule.forRoot(),
71 | * ],
72 | * })
73 | * export class AppModule { }
74 | * ```
75 | * and `NbMenuModule` to your feature module where the component should be shown:
76 | * ```ts
77 | * @NgModule({
78 | * imports: [
79 | * // ...
80 | * NbMenuModule,
81 | * ],
82 | * })
83 | * export class PageModule { }
84 | * ```
85 | * ### Usage
86 | *
87 | * Two-level menu example
88 | * @stacked-example(Two Levels, menu/menu-children.component)
89 | *
90 | *
91 | * Autocollapse menu example
92 | * @stacked-example(Autocollapse Menu, menu/menu-autocollapse.component)
93 | *
94 | * Menu badge
95 | * @stacked-example(Menu item badge, menu/menu-badge.component)
96 | *
97 | * @styles
98 | *
99 | * menu-background-color:
100 | * menu-text-color:
101 | * menu-text-font-family:
102 | * menu-text-font-size:
103 | * menu-text-font-weight:
104 | * menu-text-line-height:
105 | * menu-group-text-color:
106 | * menu-item-border-radius:
107 | * menu-item-padding:
108 | * menu-item-hover-background-color:
109 | * menu-item-hover-cursor:
110 | * menu-item-hover-text-color:
111 | * menu-item-icon-hover-color:
112 | * menu-item-active-background-color:
113 | * menu-item-active-text-color:
114 | * menu-item-icon-active-color:
115 | * menu-item-icon-color:
116 | * menu-item-icon-margin:
117 | * menu-item-icon-width:
118 | * menu-item-divider-color:
119 | * menu-item-divider-style:
120 | * menu-item-divider-width:
121 | * menu-submenu-background-color:
122 | * menu-submenu-text-color:
123 | * menu-submenu-margin:
124 | * menu-submenu-padding:
125 | * menu-submenu-item-border-color:
126 | * menu-submenu-item-border-style:
127 | * menu-submenu-item-border-width:
128 | * menu-submenu-item-border-radius:
129 | * menu-submenu-item-padding:
130 | * menu-submenu-item-hover-background-color:
131 | * menu-submenu-item-hover-border-color:
132 | * menu-submenu-item-hover-text-color:
133 | * menu-submenu-item-icon-hover-color:
134 | * menu-submenu-item-active-background-color:
135 | * menu-submenu-item-active-border-color:
136 | * menu-submenu-item-active-text-color:
137 | * menu-submenu-item-icon-active-color:
138 | * menu-submenu-item-active-hover-background-color:
139 | * menu-submenu-item-active-hover-border-color:
140 | * menu-submenu-item-active-hover-text-color:
141 | * menu-submenu-item-icon-active-hover-color:
142 | */
143 | export declare class NbMenuComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
144 | protected window: any;
145 | protected platformId: any;
146 | protected menuInternalService: NbMenuInternalService;
147 | protected router: Router;
148 | /**
149 | * Tags a menu with some ID, can be later used in the menu service
150 | * to determine which menu triggered the action, if multiple menus exist on the page.
151 | *
152 | * @type {string}
153 | */
154 | tag: string;
155 | /**
156 | * List of menu items.
157 | * @type List<NbMenuItem> | List<any> | any
158 | */
159 | items: NbMenuItem[];
160 | /**
161 | * Collapse all opened submenus on the toggle event
162 | * Default value is "false"
163 | * @type boolean
164 | */
165 | get autoCollapse(): boolean;
166 | set autoCollapse(value: boolean);
167 | protected _autoCollapse: boolean;
168 | static ngAcceptInputType_autoCollapse: NbBooleanInput;
169 | protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
170 | constructor(window: any, platformId: any, menuInternalService: NbMenuInternalService, router: Router);
171 | ngOnInit(): void;
172 | ngAfterViewInit(): void;
173 | onAddItem(data: {
174 | tag: string;
175 | items: NbMenuItem[];
176 | }): void;
177 | onHoverItem(item: NbMenuItem): void;
178 | onToggleSubMenu(item: NbMenuItem): void;
179 | onSelectItem(item: NbMenuItem): void;
180 | onItemClick(item: NbMenuItem): void;
181 | ngOnDestroy(): void;
182 | protected navigateHome(): void;
183 | protected collapseAll(): void;
184 | protected getHomeItem(items: NbMenuItem[]): NbMenuItem;
185 | protected compareTag(tag: string): boolean;
186 | protected getSelectedItem(items: NbMenuItem[]): NbMenuItem;
187 | static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMenuComponent, never>;
188 | static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NbMenuComponent, "nb-menu", never, { "tag": { "alias": "tag"; "required": false; }; "items": { "alias": "items"; "required": false; }; "autoCollapse": { "alias": "autoCollapse"; "required": false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
189 | }