5.86 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5 */
6import { EventEmitter, QueryList, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
7import { NbBooleanInput } from '../helpers';
8import { NbStepComponent } from './step.component';
9import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
10export type NbStepperOrientation = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
11export interface NbStepChangeEvent {
12 index: number;
13 step: NbStepComponent;
14 previouslySelectedIndex: number;
15 previouslySelectedStep: NbStepComponent;
18 * Stepper component
19 *
20 * @stacked-example(Showcase, stepper/stepper-showcase.component)
21 *
22 * ### Installation
23 *
24 * Import `NbStepperModule` to your feature module.
25 * ```ts
26 * @NgModule({
27 * imports: [
28 * // ...
29 * NbStepperModule,
30 * ],
31 * })
32 * export class PageModule { }
33 * ```
34 * ### Usage
35 *
36 * If step label is string you can pass it as `label` attribute. Otherwise ng-template should be used:
37 * ```html
38 * // ...
39 * <nb-stepper orientation="horizontal">
40 * <nb-step label="step number one">
41 * // ... step content here
42 * </nb-step>
43 * <nb-step label="stepLabel">
44 * <ng-template #stepLabel>
45 * <div>
46 * step number two
47 * </div>
48 * </ng-template>
49 * // ... step content here
50 * </nb-step>
51 * </nb-stepper>
52 * ```
53 *
54 * When linear mode enabled user can't move forward unless current step is complete.
55 * @stacked-example(Linear, stepper/stepper-linear.component)
56 *
57 * Specify `[stepControl]="form"` and stepper allow go to the next step only if form is valid.
58 * You can disable it via `linear` mode setting.
59 * ```html
60 * // ...
61 * <nb-stepper orientation="horizontal">
62 * <nb-step label="step number one" [stepControl]="form">
63 * <form [formGroup]="form">
64 * // ...
65 * </form>
66 * </nb-step>
67 * // ...
68 * </nb-stepper>
69 * ```
70 *
71 * @stacked-example(Validation, stepper/stepper-validation.component)
72 *
73 * Stepper component has two layout options - `vertical` & `horizontal`
74 * @stacked-example(Vertical, stepper/stepper-vertical.component)
75 *
76 * `disableStepNavigation` disables navigation by clicking on steps, so user can navigate only using
77 * 'nbStepperPrevious' and 'nbStepperNext' buttons.
78 * @stacked-example(Disabled steps navigation, stepper/stepper-disabled-step-nav.component)
79 *
80 * Use `stepChange` output to listening to step change event. This event emits `NbStepChangeEvent` object.
81 * @stacked-example(Step change event, stepper/stepper-step-change-event.component)
82 *
83 * @styles
84 *
85 * stepper-step-text-color:
86 * stepper-step-text-font-family:
87 * stepper-step-text-font-size:
88 * stepper-step-text-font-weight:
89 * stepper-step-text-line-height:
90 * stepper-step-active-text-color:
91 * stepper-step-completed-text-color:
92 * stepper-step-index-border-color:
93 * stepper-step-index-border-style:
94 * stepper-step-index-border-width:
95 * stepper-step-index-border-radius:
96 * stepper-step-index-width:
97 * stepper-step-index-active-border-color:
98 * stepper-step-index-completed-background-color:
99 * stepper-step-index-completed-border-color:
100 * stepper-step-index-completed-text-color:
101 * stepper-connector-background-color:
102 * stepper-connector-completed-background-color:
103 * stepper-horizontal-connector-margin:
104 * stepper-vertical-connector-margin:
105 * stepper-step-content-padding:
106 */
107export declare class NbStepperComponent {
108 /**
109 * Selected step index
110 */
111 get selectedIndex(): number;
112 set selectedIndex(index: number);
113 protected _selectedIndex: number;
114 /**
115 * Disables navigation by clicking on steps. False by default
116 * @param {boolean} value
117 */
118 set disableStepNavigation(value: boolean);
119 get disableStepNavigation(): boolean;
120 protected _disableStepNavigation: boolean;
121 static ngAcceptInputType_disableStepNavigation: NbBooleanInput;
122 /**
123 * Selected step component
124 */
125 get selected(): NbStepComponent;
126 set selected(step: NbStepComponent);
127 /**
128 * Stepper orientation - `horizontal`|`vertical`
129 */
130 orientation: NbStepperOrientation;
131 /**
132 * Allow moving forward only if the current step is complete
133 * @default true
134 */
135 set linear(value: boolean);
136 get linear(): boolean;
137 protected _linear: boolean;
138 static ngAcceptInputType_linear: NbBooleanInput;
139 /**
140 * Emits when step changed
141 * @type {EventEmitter<NbStepChangeEvent>}
142 */
143 stepChange: EventEmitter<NbStepChangeEvent>;
144 get vertical(): boolean;
145 get horizontal(): boolean;
146 steps: QueryList<NbStepComponent>;
147 /**
148 * Navigate to next step
149 * */
150 next(): void;
151 /**
152 * Navigate to previous step
153 * */
154 previous(): void;
155 /**
156 * Select step if navigation is not disabled
157 * @param { NbStepComponent } step
158 */
159 changeStep(step: NbStepComponent): void;
160 /**
161 * Reset stepper and stepControls to initial state
162 * */
163 reset(): void;
164 isStepSelected(step: NbStepComponent): boolean;
165 getStepTemplate(step: NbStepComponent): TemplateRef<any> | null;
166 protected isStepValid(index: number): boolean;
167 protected canBeSelected(indexToCheck: number): boolean;
168 protected markCurrentStepInteracted(): void;
169 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStepperComponent, never>;
170 static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NbStepperComponent, "nb-stepper", never, { "selectedIndex": { "alias": "selectedIndex"; "required": false; }; "disableStepNavigation": { "alias": "disableStepNavigation"; "required": false; }; "selected": { "alias": "selected"; "required": false; }; "orientation": { "alias": "orientation"; "required": false; }; "linear": { "alias": "linear"; "required": false; }; }, { "stepChange": "stepChange"; }, ["steps"], ["nb-step"], false, never>;