9.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef, ComponentRef, ElementRef, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
2import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
3import { ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms';
4import { NbTimePickerComponent } from './timepicker.component';
5import { NbOverlayRef, NbScrollStrategy } from '../cdk/overlay/mapping';
6import { NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy, NbPositionBuilderService } from '../cdk/overlay/overlay-position';
7import { NbOverlayService } from '../cdk/overlay/overlay-service';
8import { NbTriggerStrategy, NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService } from '../cdk/overlay/overlay-trigger';
9import { NbDateService } from '../calendar-kit/services/date.service';
10import { NbCalendarTimeModelService } from '../calendar-kit/services/calendar-time-model.service';
11import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
13 * The `NbTimePickerDirective` is form control that gives you ability to select a time. The timepicker
14 * is shown when input receives a `focus` event.
15 * ```html
16 * <input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker">
17 * <nb-timepicker #timepicker></nb-timepicker>
18 * ```
19 *
20 * @stacked-example(Showcase, timepicker/timepicker-showcase.component)
21 *
22 * ### Installation
23 *
24 * Import `NbTimepickerModule.forRoot()` to your root module.
25 * ```ts
26 * @NgModule({
27 * imports: [
28 * // ...
29 * NbTimepickerModule.forRoot(),
30 * ],
31 * })
32 * export class AppModule { }
33 * ```
34 * And `NbTimepickerModule` to your feature module.
35 * ```ts
36 * @NgModule({
37 * imports: [
38 * // ...
39 * NbTimepickerModule,
40 * ],
41 * })
42 * export class PageModule { }
43 *
44 * ```
45 * <div id="native-parse-issue" class="note note-warning">
46 * <div class="note-title">Note</div>
47 * <div class="note-body">
48 * Timepicker uses native Date object by default, which doesn't support parsing by custom format.
49 * According to the ECMAScript specification, the only supported format is a format described by ISO 8061 standard.
50 * This standard requires date part to be included in the date string,
51 * meaning you have to type a date+time in the input.
52 * We highly recommend you to use NbDateFnsDateModule or NbMomentDateModule to be able to support time only strings in
53 * the timepicker inputs. These modules use date-fns and moment date libraries, which provide capabilities
54 * to parse time only strings.
55 * See "Formatting Issue" at
56 * <a href="https://akveo.github.io/nebular/docs/components/datepicker/overview#formatting-issue">Date picker docs</a>
57 * for installation instructions.
58 * </div>
59 * </div>
60 * <hr>
61 *
62 * ### Usage
63 *
64 * To show seconds column along with hours and minutes use `withSeconds` input
65 *
66 * ```html
67 * <input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker">
68 * <nb-timepicker #timepicker withSeconds></nb-timepicker>
69 * ```
70 * @stacked-example(Time picker with seconds, timepicker/timepicker-with-seconds.component)
71 *
72 * To force timepicker work in 12 hours format, use `twelveHoursFormat` input.
73 * By default, timepicker choose 12 or 24 formats based on application locale standards
74 *
75 * ```html
76 * <input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker" twelveHoursFormat>
77 * <nb-timepicker #timepicker></nb-timepicker>
78 * ```
79 *
80 * @stacked-example(Twelve hours format showcase, timepicker/timepicker-twelve-hours-format.component)
81 *
82 * A single column picker with options value as time and minute, so users won’t be able to pick
83 * hours and minutes individually.
84 * You can control options minutes offset via `step` input, e.g.: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40...'
85 *
86 * @stacked-example(Single column, timepicker/timepicker-single-column.component)
87 *
88 * Timepicker support forms and reactive forms API so you can provide value using `formControl` and `ngModel` directives
89 * @stacked-example(Form control, timepicker/timepicker-form-control.component)
90 *
91 * <input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker" twelveHoursFormat>
92 * <nb-timepicker #timepicke [formControl]="formControl"></nb-timepicker>
93 *
94 * @stacked-example(NgModel, timepicker/timepicker-ng-model.component)
95 *
96 * <input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker" twelveHoursFormat>
97 * <nb-timepicker #timepicke [ngModel]="date"></nb-timepicker>
98 *
99 * You can provide localized versions of the timepicker text via the `localization` property of the config
100 * object passed to the `forRoot` or `forChild` methods of the `NbTimepickerModule`:
101 * ```ts
102 * @NgModule({
103 * imports: [
104 * // ...
105 * NbTimepickerModule.forRoot({
106 * localization: {
107 * hoursText: 'Hr',
108 * minutesText: 'Min',
109 * secondsText: 'Sec',
110 * ampmText: 'Am/Pm',
111 * }
112 * }),
113 * ],
114 * })
115 * export class AppModule { }
116 * ```
117 *
118 * @styles
119 *
120 * timepicker-cell-text-color:
121 * timepicker-cell-hover-background-color:
122 * timepicker-cell-hover-text-color:
123 * timepicker-cell-focus-background-color:
124 * timepicker-cell-focus-text-color:
125 * timepicker-cell-active-background-color:
126 * timepicker-cell-active-text-color:
127 * timepicker-cell-text-font-size:
128 * timepicker-cell-text-font-family:
129 * timepicker-cell-text-line-height:
130 * timepicker-cell-text-font-weight:
131 * timepicker-cell-height:
132 * timepicker-header-cell-text-color:
133 * timepicker-header-cell-text-font-size:
134 * timepicker-header-cell-text-font-family:
135 * timepicker-header-cell-height:
136 * timepicker-header-cell-text-line-height:
137 * timepicker-header-cell-text-font-weight:
138 * timepicker-border-color:
139 * timepicker-border-style:
140 * timepicker-border-width:
141 * timepicker-scrollbar-color:
142 * timepicker-scrollbar-background-color:
143 * timepicker-scrollbar-width:
144 * timepicker-single-column-width:
145 * timepicker-multiple-column-width:
146 * timepicker-title-height:
147 * timepicker-title-padding:
148 * timepicker-container-width:
149 * timepicker-container-height:
150 * */
151export declare class NbTimePickerDirective<D> implements AfterViewInit, ControlValueAccessor {
152 protected document: any;
153 protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
154 protected hostRef: ElementRef;
155 protected triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService;
156 protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
157 protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
158 protected calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>;
159 protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
160 protected renderer: Renderer2;
161 protected placeholder: string;
162 /**
163 * Provides timepicker component.
164 * */
165 get timepicker(): NbTimePickerComponent<D>;
166 set timepicker(timePicker: NbTimePickerComponent<D>);
167 protected _timePickerComponent: NbTimePickerComponent<D>;
168 protected pickerInputsChangedSubscription: Subscription | undefined;
169 /**
170 * Time picker overlay offset.
171 * */
172 overlayOffset: number;
173 /**
174 * String representation of latest selected date.
175 * Updated when value is updated programmatically (writeValue), via timepicker (subscribeOnApplyClick)
176 * or via input field (handleInputChange)
177 * @docs-private
178 */
179 protected lastInputValue: string;
180 /**
181 * Positioning strategy used by overlay.
182 * @docs-private
183 * */
184 protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
185 protected overlayRef: NbOverlayRef;
186 protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
187 protected onChange: (value: D) => void;
188 protected onTouched: () => void;
189 /**
190 * Trigger strategy used by overlay.
191 * @docs-private
192 * */
193 protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
194 /**
195 * Returns html input element.
196 * @docs-private
197 * */
198 get input(): HTMLInputElement;
199 /**
200 * Determines is timepicker overlay opened.
201 * @docs-private
202 * */
203 get isOpen(): boolean;
204 /**
205 * Determines is timepicker overlay closed.
206 * @docs-private
207 * */
208 get isClosed(): boolean;
209 constructor(document: any, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, hostRef: ElementRef, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, overlay: NbOverlayService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>, dateService: NbDateService<D>, renderer: Renderer2, placeholder: string);
210 /**
211 * Returns host input value.
212 * @docs-private
213 * */
214 get inputValue(): string;
215 set inputValue(value: string);
216 ngAfterViewInit(): void;
217 show(): void;
218 hide(): void;
219 /**
220 * Attaches picker to the timepicker portal.
221 * @docs-private
222 * */
223 protected attachToOverlay(): void;
224 setupTimepicker(): void;
225 protected initOverlay(): void;
226 protected subscribeOnApplyClick(): void;
227 protected createOverlay(): void;
228 protected subscribeOnTriggers(): void;
229 protected createTriggerStrategy(): NbTriggerStrategy;
230 protected createPositionStrategy(): NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
231 protected getContainer(): ComponentRef<any>;
232 protected createScrollStrategy(): NbScrollStrategy;
233 protected subscribeOnInputChange(): void;
234 protected subscribeToBlur(): void;
235 /**
236 * Parses input value and write if it isn't null.
237 * @docs-private
238 * */
239 protected handleInputChange(value: string): void;
240 protected updateValue(value: D): void;
241 writeValue(value: D): void;
242 registerOnChange(fn: (value: any) => {}): void;
243 registerOnTouched(fn: any): void;
244 setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void;
245 protected parseNativeDateString(value: string): string;
246 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTimePickerDirective<any>, [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, { attribute: "placeholder"; }]>;
247 static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<NbTimePickerDirective<any>, "input[nbTimepicker]", never, { "timepicker": { "alias": "nbTimepicker"; "required": false; }; "overlayOffset": { "alias": "overlayOffset"; "required": false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;