4.31 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const client_common_1 = require("@neo-one/client-common");
4const client_full_common_1 = require("@neo-one/client-full-common");
5const errors_1 = require("../errors");
6const utils_1 = require("../utils");
7const TransactionBase_1 = require("./TransactionBase");
8const TransactionType_1 = require("./TransactionType");
9class IssueTransaction extends TransactionBase_1.TransactionBase(client_full_common_1.IssueTransactionModel) {
10 constructor(add) {
11 super(add);
12 this.sizeExclusive = utils_1.utils.lazy(() => client_common_1.IOHelper.sizeOfUInt8);
13 const getScriptHashesForVerifying = super.getScriptHashesForVerifying.bind(this);
14 this.issueGetScriptHashesForVerifyingInternal = utils_1.utils.lazyAsync(async (options) => {
15 const { getOutput, getAsset } = options;
16 const [hashes, issuerHashes] = await Promise.all([
17 getScriptHashesForVerifying(options),
18 this.getTransactionResults({ getOutput }).then(async (results) => Promise.all(Object.entries(results)
19 .filter(([_, value]) => value.lt(utils_1.utils.ZERO))
20 .map(async ([assetHash, _]) => {
21 const asset = await getAsset({
22 hash: client_common_1.common.hexToUInt256(assetHash),
23 });
24 return client_common_1.common.uInt160ToHex(asset.issuer);
25 }))),
26 ]);
27 return new Set([...hashes, ...issuerHashes]);
28 });
29 }
30 static deserializeWireBase(options) {
31 const { type, version } = super.deserializeTransactionBaseStartWireBase(options);
32 if (type !== TransactionType_1.TransactionType.Issue) {
33 throw new client_common_1.InvalidFormatError(`Expected transaction type to be ${TransactionType_1.TransactionType.Issue}. Received: ${type}`);
34 }
35 const { attributes, inputs, outputs, scripts } = super.deserializeTransactionBaseEndWireBase(options);
36 return new this({
37 version,
38 attributes,
39 inputs,
40 outputs,
41 scripts,
42 });
43 }
44 async serializeJSON(context) {
45 const transactionBaseJSON = await super.serializeTransactionBaseJSON(context);
46 return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, transactionBaseJSON), { type: 'IssueTransaction' });
47 }
48 getSystemFee(context) {
49 if (this.version >= 1) {
50 return utils_1.utils.ZERO;
51 }
52 const { governingToken, utilityToken } = context;
53 if (this.outputs.every((output) => client_common_1.common.uInt256Equal(output.asset, governingToken.hash) ||
54 client_common_1.common.uInt256Equal(output.asset, utilityToken.hash))) {
55 return utils_1.utils.ZERO;
56 }
57 return super.getSystemFee(context);
58 }
59 async getScriptHashesForVerifying(options) {
60 return this.issueGetScriptHashesForVerifyingInternal(options);
61 }
62 async verify(options) {
63 const [results] = await Promise.all([super.verify(options), this.verifyInternal(options)]);
64 return results;
65 }
66 async verifyInternal(options) {
67 const { getOutput, getAsset, memPool = [] } = options;
68 const results = await this.getTransactionResults({ getOutput });
69 await Promise.all(Object.entries(results).map(async ([assetHex, value]) => {
70 const hash = client_common_1.common.hexToUInt256(assetHex);
71 const asset = await getAsset({ hash });
72 if (asset.amount.lt(utils_1.utils.ZERO)) {
73 return;
74 }
75 const issued = asset.available.add(memPool
76 .filter((transaction) => transaction !== this)
77 .reduce((acc, transaction) => transaction.outputs
78 .filter((output) => client_common_1.common.uInt256Equal(hash, output.asset))
79 .reduce((innerAcc, output) => innerAcc.add(output.value), acc), utils_1.utils.ZERO));
80 if (asset.amount.sub(issued).lt(value.neg())) {
81 throw new errors_1.VerifyError('Invalid issue amount');
82 }
83 }));
84 }
86exports.IssueTransaction = IssueTransaction;
88//# sourceMappingURL=IssueTransaction.js.map