3.78 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.WebpackCompiler = void 0;
4const fs_1 = require("fs");
5const path_1 = require("path");
6const ui_1 = require("../ui");
7const webpack_defaults_1 = require("./defaults/webpack-defaults");
8const get_value_or_default_1 = require("./helpers/get-value-or-default");
9const webpack = require("webpack");
10class WebpackCompiler {
11 constructor(pluginsLoader) {
12 this.pluginsLoader = pluginsLoader;
13 }
14 run(configuration, webpackConfigFactoryOrConfig, tsConfigPath, appName, isDebugEnabled = false, watchMode = false, assetsManager, onSuccess) {
15 const cwd = process.cwd();
16 const configPath = (0, path_1.join)(cwd, tsConfigPath);
17 if (!(0, fs_1.existsSync)(configPath)) {
18 throw new Error(`Could not find TypeScript configuration file "${tsConfigPath}".`);
19 }
20 const pluginsConfig = (0, get_value_or_default_1.getValueOrDefault)(configuration, 'compilerOptions.plugins', appName);
21 const plugins = this.pluginsLoader.load(pluginsConfig);
22 const relativeRootPath = (0, path_1.dirname)((0, path_1.relative)(cwd, configPath));
23 const sourceRoot = (0, get_value_or_default_1.getValueOrDefault)(configuration, 'sourceRoot', appName);
24 const pathToSource = (0, path_1.normalize)(sourceRoot).indexOf((0, path_1.normalize)(relativeRootPath)) >= 0
25 ? (0, path_1.join)(cwd, sourceRoot)
26 : (0, path_1.join)(cwd, relativeRootPath, sourceRoot);
27 const entryFile = (0, get_value_or_default_1.getValueOrDefault)(configuration, 'entryFile', appName);
28 const entryFileRoot = (0, get_value_or_default_1.getValueOrDefault)(configuration, 'root', appName) || '';
29 const defaultOptions = (0, webpack_defaults_1.webpackDefaultsFactory)(pathToSource, entryFileRoot, entryFile, isDebugEnabled, tsConfigPath, plugins);
30 const projectWebpackOptions = typeof webpackConfigFactoryOrConfig !== 'function'
31 ? webpackConfigFactoryOrConfig
32 : webpackConfigFactoryOrConfig(defaultOptions, webpack);
33 const webpackConfiguration = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultOptions), { mode: watchMode ? 'development' : defaultOptions.mode }), projectWebpackOptions);
34 const compiler = webpack(webpackConfiguration);
35 const afterCallback = (err, stats) => {
36 if (err && stats === undefined) {
37 // Could not complete the compilation
38 // The error caught is most likely thrown by underlying tasks
39 console.log(err);
40 return process.exit(1);
41 }
42 const statsOutput = stats.toString({
43 chunks: false,
44 colors: true,
45 modules: false,
46 assets: false,
47 });
48 if (!err && !stats.hasErrors()) {
49 if (!onSuccess) {
50 assetsManager.closeWatchers();
51 }
52 else {
53 onSuccess();
54 }
55 }
56 else if (!watchMode && !webpackConfiguration.watch) {
57 console.log(statsOutput);
58 return process.exit(1);
59 }
60 console.log(statsOutput);
61 };
62 if (watchMode || webpackConfiguration.watch) {
63 compiler.hooks.watchRun.tapAsync('Rebuild info', (params, callback) => {
64 console.log(`\n${ui_1.INFO_PREFIX} Webpack is building your sources...\n`);
65 callback();
66 });
67 compiler.watch(webpackConfiguration.watchOptions || {}, afterCallback);
68 }
69 else {
70 compiler.run(afterCallback);
71 }
72 }
74exports.WebpackCompiler = WebpackCompiler;