2.43 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.MESSAGES = void 0;
4const chalk = require("chalk");
5const emojis_1 = require("./emojis");
6exports.MESSAGES = {
7 PROJECT_SELECTION_QUESTION: 'Which project would you like to generate to?',
8 LIBRARY_PROJECT_SELECTION_QUESTION: 'Which project would you like to add the library to?',
9 DRY_RUN_MODE: 'Command has been executed in dry run mode, nothing changed!',
10 PROJECT_INFORMATION_START: `${emojis_1.EMOJIS.ZAP} We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..`,
11 RUNNER_EXECUTION_ERROR: (command) => `\nFailed to execute command: ${command}`,
12 PACKAGE_MANAGER_QUESTION: `Which package manager would you ${emojis_1.EMOJIS.HEART} to use?`,
13 PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS: `Installation in progress... ${emojis_1.EMOJIS.COFFEE}`,
14 PACKAGE_MANAGER_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: `Installation in progress... ${emojis_1.EMOJIS.COFFEE}`,
15 PACKAGE_MANAGER_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS: `Installation in progress... ${emojis_1.EMOJIS.COFFEE}`,
16 PACKAGE_MANAGER_PRODUCTION_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS: `Package installation in progress... ${emojis_1.EMOJIS.COFFEE}`,
17 GIT_INITIALIZATION_ERROR: 'Git repository has not been initialized',
19 ? `${emojis_1.EMOJIS.ROCKET} Successfully created project ${chalk.green(name)}`
20 : `${emojis_1.EMOJIS.ROCKET} Successfully created a new project`,
21 GET_STARTED_INFORMATION: `${emojis_1.EMOJIS.POINT_RIGHT} Get started with the following commands:`,
22 CHANGE_DIR_COMMAND: (name) => `$ cd ${name}`,
23 START_COMMAND: (name) => `$ ${name} run start`,
24 PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALLATION_FAILED: (commandToRunManually) => `${emojis_1.EMOJIS.SCREAM} Packages installation failed!\nIn case you don't see any errors above, consider manually running the failed command ${commandToRunManually} to see more details on why it errored out.`,
25 // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
26 NEST_INFORMATION_PACKAGE_MANAGER_FAILED: `${emojis_1.EMOJIS.SMIRK} cannot read your project package.json file, are you inside your project directory?`,
27 LIBRARY_INSTALLATION_FAILED_BAD_PACKAGE: (name) => `Unable to install library ${name} because package did not install. Please check package name.`,
29 LIBRARY_INSTALLATION_STARTS: 'Starting library setup...',