1 | ;
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.Res = exports.Req = exports.HostParam = exports.Param = exports.RawBody = exports.Body = exports.Query = exports.Headers = exports.UploadedFiles = exports.UploadedFile = exports.Session = exports.Ip = exports.Next = exports.Response = exports.Request = exports.assignMetadata = void 0;
4 | const constants_1 = require("../../constants");
5 | const route_paramtypes_enum_1 = require("../../enums/route-paramtypes.enum");
6 | const shared_utils_1 = require("../../utils/shared.utils");
7 | function assignMetadata(args, paramtype, index, data, ...pipes) {
8 | return {
9 | ...args,
10 | [`${paramtype}:${index}`]: {
11 | index,
12 | data,
13 | pipes,
14 | },
15 | };
16 | }
17 | exports.assignMetadata = assignMetadata;
18 | function createRouteParamDecorator(paramtype) {
19 | return (data) => (target, key, index) => {
20 | const args = Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.ROUTE_ARGS_METADATA, target.constructor, key) || {};
21 | Reflect.defineMetadata(constants_1.ROUTE_ARGS_METADATA, assignMetadata(args, paramtype, index, data), target.constructor, key);
22 | };
23 | }
24 | const createPipesRouteParamDecorator = (paramtype) => (data, ...pipes) => (target, key, index) => {
25 | const args = Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.ROUTE_ARGS_METADATA, target.constructor, key) || {};
26 | const hasParamData = (0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(data) || (0, shared_utils_1.isString)(data);
27 | const paramData = hasParamData ? data : undefined;
28 | const paramPipes = hasParamData ? pipes : [data, ...pipes];
29 | Reflect.defineMetadata(constants_1.ROUTE_ARGS_METADATA, assignMetadata(args, paramtype, index, paramData, ...paramPipes), target.constructor, key);
30 | };
31 | /**
32 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `Request`
33 | * object from the underlying platform and populates the decorated
34 | * parameter with the value of `Request`.
35 | *
36 | * Example: `logout(@Request() req)`
37 | *
38 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
39 | *
40 | * @publicApi
41 | */
42 | exports.Request = createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.REQUEST);
43 | /**
44 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `Response`
45 | * object from the underlying platform and populates the decorated
46 | * parameter with the value of `Response`.
47 | *
48 | * Example: `logout(@Response() res)`
49 | *
50 | * @publicApi
51 | */
52 | const Response = (options) => (target, key, index) => {
53 | if (options?.passthrough) {
54 | Reflect.defineMetadata(constants_1.RESPONSE_PASSTHROUGH_METADATA, options?.passthrough, target.constructor, key);
55 | }
56 | return createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.RESPONSE)()(target, key, index);
57 | };
58 | exports.Response = Response;
59 | /**
60 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts reference to the `Next` function
61 | * from the underlying platform and populates the decorated
62 | * parameter with the value of `Next`.
63 | *
64 | * @publicApi
65 | */
66 | exports.Next = createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.NEXT);
67 | /**
68 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `Ip` property
69 | * from the `req` object and populates the decorated
70 | * parameter with the value of `ip`.
71 | *
72 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
73 | *
74 | * @publicApi
75 | */
76 | exports.Ip = createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.IP);
77 | /**
78 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `Session` object
79 | * from the underlying platform and populates the decorated
80 | * parameter with the value of `Session`.
81 | *
82 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
83 | *
84 | * @publicApi
85 | */
86 | exports.Session = createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.SESSION);
87 | /**
88 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `file` object
89 | * and populates the decorated parameter with the value of `file`.
90 | * Used in conjunction with
91 | * [multer middleware](https://github.com/expressjs/multer) for Express-based applications.
92 | *
93 | * For example:
94 | * ```typescript
95 | * uploadFile(@UploadedFile() file) {
96 | * console.log(file);
97 | * }
98 | * ```
99 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/file-upload)
100 | *
101 | * @publicApi
102 | */
103 | function UploadedFile(fileKey, ...pipes) {
104 | return createPipesRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.FILE)(fileKey, ...pipes);
105 | }
106 | exports.UploadedFile = UploadedFile;
107 | /**
108 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `files` object
109 | * and populates the decorated parameter with the value of `files`.
110 | * Used in conjunction with
111 | * [multer middleware](https://github.com/expressjs/multer) for Express-based applications.
112 | *
113 | * For example:
114 | * ```typescript
115 | * uploadFile(@UploadedFiles() files) {
116 | * console.log(files);
117 | * }
118 | * ```
119 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/file-upload)
120 | *
121 | * @publicApi
122 | */
123 | function UploadedFiles(...pipes) {
124 | return createPipesRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.FILES)(undefined, ...pipes);
125 | }
126 | exports.UploadedFiles = UploadedFiles;
127 | /**
128 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `headers`
129 | * property from the `req` object and populates the decorated
130 | * parameter with the value of `headers`.
131 | *
132 | * For example: `async update(@Headers('Cache-Control') cacheControl: string)`
133 | *
134 | * @param property name of single header property to extract.
135 | *
136 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
137 | *
138 | * @publicApi
139 | */
140 | exports.Headers = createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.HEADERS);
141 | /**
142 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `query`
143 | * property from the `req` object and populates the decorated
144 | * parameter with the value of `query`. May also apply pipes to the bound
145 | * query parameter.
146 | *
147 | * For example:
148 | * ```typescript
149 | * async find(@Query('user') user: string)
150 | * ```
151 | *
152 | * @param property name of single property to extract from the `query` object
153 | * @param pipes one or more pipes to apply to the bound query parameter
154 | *
155 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
156 | *
157 | * @publicApi
158 | */
159 | function Query(property, ...pipes) {
160 | return createPipesRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.QUERY)(property, ...pipes);
161 | }
162 | exports.Query = Query;
163 | /**
164 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the entire `body` object
165 | * property, or optionally a named property of the `body` object, from
166 | * the `req` object and populates the decorated parameter with that value.
167 | * Also applies pipes to the bound body parameter.
168 | *
169 | * For example:
170 | * ```typescript
171 | * async create(@Body('role', new ValidationPipe()) role: string)
172 | * ```
173 | *
174 | * @param property name of single property to extract from the `body` object
175 | * @param pipes one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to
176 | * the bound body parameter.
177 | *
178 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
179 | * @see [Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
180 | *
181 | * @publicApi
182 | */
183 | function Body(property, ...pipes) {
184 | return createPipesRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.BODY)(property, ...pipes);
185 | }
186 | exports.Body = Body;
187 | /**
188 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `rawBody` Buffer
189 | * property from the `req` object and populates the decorated parameter with that value.
190 | * Also applies pipes to the bound rawBody parameter.
191 | *
192 | * For example:
193 | * ```typescript
194 | * async create(@RawBody(new ValidationPipe()) rawBody: Buffer)
195 | * ```
196 | *
197 | * @param pipes one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to
198 | * the bound body parameter.
199 | *
200 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
201 | * @see [Raw body](https://docs.nestjs.com/faq/raw-body)
202 | * @see [Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
203 | *
204 | * @publicApi
205 | */
206 | function RawBody(...pipes) {
207 | return createPipesRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.RAW_BODY)(undefined, ...pipes);
208 | }
209 | exports.RawBody = RawBody;
210 | /**
211 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `params`
212 | * property from the `req` object and populates the decorated
213 | * parameter with the value of `params`. May also apply pipes to the bound
214 | * parameter.
215 | *
216 | * For example, extracting all params:
217 | * ```typescript
218 | * findOne(@Param() params: string[])
219 | * ```
220 | *
221 | * For example, extracting a single param:
222 | * ```typescript
223 | * findOne(@Param('id') id: string)
224 | * ```
225 | * @param property name of single property to extract from the `req` object
226 | * @param pipes one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to
227 | * the bound parameter.
228 | *
229 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
230 | * @see [Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
231 | *
232 | * @publicApi
233 | */
234 | function Param(property, ...pipes) {
235 | return createPipesRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.PARAM)(property, ...pipes);
236 | }
237 | exports.Param = Param;
238 | /**
239 | * Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the `hosts`
240 | * property from the `req` object and populates the decorated
241 | * parameter with the value of `params`. May also apply pipes to the bound
242 | * parameter.
243 | *
244 | * For example, extracting all params:
245 | * ```typescript
246 | * findOne(@HostParam() params: string[])
247 | * ```
248 | *
249 | * For example, extracting a single param:
250 | * ```typescript
251 | * findOne(@HostParam('id') id: string)
252 | * ```
253 | * @param property name of single property to extract from the `req` object
254 | *
255 | * @see [Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
256 | *
257 | * @publicApi
258 | */
259 | function HostParam(property) {
260 | return createRouteParamDecorator(route_paramtypes_enum_1.RouteParamtypes.HOST)(property);
261 | }
262 | exports.HostParam = HostParam;
263 | exports.Req = exports.Request;
264 | exports.Res = exports.Response;