4.89 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { CorsOptions, CorsOptionsDelegate } from './external/cors-options.interface';
2import { CanActivate } from './features/can-activate.interface';
3import { NestInterceptor } from './features/nest-interceptor.interface';
4import { GlobalPrefixOptions } from './global-prefix-options.interface';
5import { HttpServer } from './http/http-server.interface';
6import { ExceptionFilter, INestMicroservice, NestHybridApplicationOptions, PipeTransform } from './index';
7import { INestApplicationContext } from './nest-application-context.interface';
8import { VersioningOptions } from './version-options.interface';
9import { WebSocketAdapter } from './websockets/web-socket-adapter.interface';
11 * Interface defining the core NestApplication object.
12 *
13 * @publicApi
14 */
15export interface INestApplication<TServer = any> extends INestApplicationContext {
16 /**
17 * A wrapper function around HTTP adapter method: `adapter.use()`.
18 * Example `app.use(cors())`
19 *
20 * @returns {this}
21 */
22 use(...args: any[]): this;
23 /**
24 * Enables CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
25 *
26 * @returns {void}
27 */
28 enableCors(options?: CorsOptions | CorsOptionsDelegate<any>): void;
29 /**
30 * Enables Versioning for the application.
31 * By default, URI-based versioning is used.
32 *
33 * @param {VersioningOptions} options
34 * @returns {this}
35 */
36 enableVersioning(options?: VersioningOptions): this;
37 /**
38 * Starts the application.
39 *
40 * @param {number|string} port
41 * @param {string} [hostname]
42 * @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback
43 * @returns {Promise} A Promise that, when resolved, is a reference to the underlying HttpServer.
44 */
45 listen(port: number | string, callback?: () => void): Promise<any>;
46 listen(port: number | string, hostname: string, callback?: () => void): Promise<any>;
47 /**
48 * Returns the url the application is listening at, based on OS and IP version. Returns as an IP value either in IPv6 or IPv4
49 *
50 * @returns {Promise<string>} The IP where the server is listening
51 */
52 getUrl(): Promise<string>;
53 /**
54 * Registers a prefix for every HTTP route path.
55 *
56 * @param {string} prefix The prefix for every HTTP route path (for example `/v1/api`)
57 * @param {GlobalPrefixOptions} options Global prefix options object
58 * @returns {this}
59 */
60 setGlobalPrefix(prefix: string, options?: GlobalPrefixOptions): this;
61 /**
62 * Register Ws Adapter which will be used inside Gateways.
63 * Use when you want to override default `socket.io` library.
64 *
65 * @param {WebSocketAdapter} adapter
66 * @returns {this}
67 */
68 useWebSocketAdapter(adapter: WebSocketAdapter): this;
69 /**
70 * Connects microservice to the NestApplication instance. Transforms application
71 * to a hybrid instance.
72 *
73 * @template {object} T
74 * @param {T} options Microservice options object
75 * @param {NestHybridApplicationOptions} hybridOptions Hybrid options object
76 * @returns {INestMicroservice}
77 */
78 connectMicroservice<T extends object = any>(options: T, hybridOptions?: NestHybridApplicationOptions): INestMicroservice;
79 /**
80 * Returns array of the microservices connected to the NestApplication.
81 *
82 * @returns {INestMicroservice[]}
83 */
84 getMicroservices(): INestMicroservice[];
85 /**
86 * Returns the underlying native HTTP server.
87 *
88 * @returns {TServer}
89 */
90 getHttpServer(): TServer;
91 /**
92 * Returns the underlying HTTP adapter.
93 *
94 * @returns {HttpServer}
95 */
96 getHttpAdapter(): HttpServer;
97 /**
98 * Starts all connected microservices asynchronously.
99 *
100 * @returns {Promise}
101 */
102 startAllMicroservices(): Promise<this>;
103 /**
104 * Registers exception filters as global filters (will be used within
105 * every HTTP route handler)
106 *
107 * @param {...ExceptionFilter} filters
108 */
109 useGlobalFilters(...filters: ExceptionFilter[]): this;
110 /**
111 * Registers pipes as global pipes (will be used within every HTTP route handler)
112 *
113 * @param {...PipeTransform} pipes
114 */
115 useGlobalPipes(...pipes: PipeTransform<any>[]): this;
116 /**
117 * Registers interceptors as global interceptors (will be used within
118 * every HTTP route handler)
119 *
120 * @param {...NestInterceptor} interceptors
121 */
122 useGlobalInterceptors(...interceptors: NestInterceptor[]): this;
123 /**
124 * Registers guards as global guards (will be used within every HTTP route handler)
125 *
126 * @param {...CanActivate} guards
127 */
128 useGlobalGuards(...guards: CanActivate[]): this;
129 /**
130 * Terminates the application (including NestApplication, Gateways, and each connected
131 * microservice)
132 *
133 * @returns {Promise<void>}
134 */
135 close(): Promise<void>;