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1import { LoggerService, LogLevel } from './logger.service';
2export interface ConsoleLoggerOptions {
3 /**
4 * Enabled log levels.
5 */
6 logLevels?: LogLevel[];
7 /**
8 * If enabled, will print timestamp (time difference) between current and previous log message.
9 */
10 timestamp?: boolean;
12export declare class ConsoleLogger implements LoggerService {
13 protected context?: string;
14 protected options: ConsoleLoggerOptions;
15 private static lastTimestampAt?;
16 private originalContext?;
17 constructor();
18 constructor(context: string);
19 constructor(context: string, options: ConsoleLoggerOptions);
20 /**
21 * Write a 'log' level log, if the configured level allows for it.
22 * Prints to `stdout` with newline.
23 */
24 log(message: any, context?: string): void;
25 log(message: any, ...optionalParams: [...any, string?]): void;
26 /**
27 * Write an 'error' level log, if the configured level allows for it.
28 * Prints to `stderr` with newline.
29 */
30 error(message: any, stackOrContext?: string): void;
31 error(message: any, stack?: string, context?: string): void;
32 error(message: any, ...optionalParams: [...any, string?, string?]): void;
33 /**
34 * Write a 'warn' level log, if the configured level allows for it.
35 * Prints to `stdout` with newline.
36 */
37 warn(message: any, context?: string): void;
38 warn(message: any, ...optionalParams: [...any, string?]): void;
39 /**
40 * Write a 'debug' level log, if the configured level allows for it.
41 * Prints to `stdout` with newline.
42 */
43 debug(message: any, context?: string): void;
44 debug(message: any, ...optionalParams: [...any, string?]): void;
45 /**
46 * Write a 'verbose' level log, if the configured level allows for it.
47 * Prints to `stdout` with newline.
48 */
49 verbose(message: any, context?: string): void;
50 verbose(message: any, ...optionalParams: [...any, string?]): void;
51 /**
52 * Write a 'fatal' level log, if the configured level allows for it.
53 * Prints to `stdout` with newline.
54 */
55 fatal(message: any, context?: string): void;
56 fatal(message: any, ...optionalParams: [...any, string?]): void;
57 /**
58 * Set log levels
59 * @param levels log levels
60 */
61 setLogLevels(levels: LogLevel[]): void;
62 /**
63 * Set logger context
64 * @param context context
65 */
66 setContext(context: string): void;
67 /**
68 * Resets the logger context to the value that was passed in the constructor.
69 */
70 resetContext(): void;
71 isLevelEnabled(level: LogLevel): boolean;
72 protected getTimestamp(): string;
73 protected printMessages(messages: unknown[], context?: string, logLevel?: LogLevel, writeStreamType?: 'stdout' | 'stderr'): void;
74 protected formatPid(pid: number): string;
75 protected formatContext(context: string): string;
76 protected formatMessage(logLevel: LogLevel, message: unknown, pidMessage: string, formattedLogLevel: string, contextMessage: string, timestampDiff: string): string;
77 protected stringifyMessage(message: unknown, logLevel: LogLevel): any;
78 protected colorize(message: string, logLevel: LogLevel): string;
79 protected printStackTrace(stack: string): void;
80 protected updateAndGetTimestampDiff(): string;
81 protected formatTimestampDiff(timestampDiff: number): string;
82 private getContextAndMessagesToPrint;
83 private getContextAndStackAndMessagesToPrint;
84 private isStackFormat;
85 private getColorByLogLevel;