4.67 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { NoInferType, Path, PathValue } from './types';
3 * `ExcludeUndefinedIf<ExcludeUndefined, T>
4 *
5 * If `ExcludeUndefined` is `true`, remove `undefined` from `T`.
6 * Otherwise, constructs the type `T` with `undefined`.
7 */
8declare type ExcludeUndefinedIf<ExcludeUndefined extends boolean, T> = ExcludeUndefined extends true ? Exclude<T, undefined> : T | undefined;
9export interface ConfigGetOptions {
10 /**
11 * If present, "get" method will try to automatically
12 * infer a type of property based on the type argument
13 * specified at the "ConfigService" class-level (example: ConfigService<Configuration>).
14 */
15 infer: true;
17declare type KeyOf<T> = keyof T extends never ? string : keyof T;
18export declare class ConfigService<K = Record<string, unknown>, WasValidated extends boolean = false> {
19 private readonly internalConfig;
20 private set isCacheEnabled(value);
21 private get isCacheEnabled();
22 private readonly cache;
23 private _isCacheEnabled;
24 constructor(internalConfig?: Record<string, any>);
25 /**
26 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
27 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
28 * @param propertyPath
29 */
30 get<T = any>(propertyPath: KeyOf<K>): ExcludeUndefinedIf<WasValidated, T>;
31 /**
32 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
33 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
34 * @param propertyPath
35 * @param options
36 */
37 get<T = K, P extends Path<T> = any, R = PathValue<T, P>>(propertyPath: P, options: ConfigGetOptions): ExcludeUndefinedIf<WasValidated, R>;
38 /**
39 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
40 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
41 * It returns a default value if the key does not exist.
42 * @param propertyPath
43 * @param defaultValue
44 */
45 get<T = any>(propertyPath: KeyOf<K>, defaultValue: NoInferType<T>): T;
46 /**
47 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
48 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
49 * It returns a default value if the key does not exist.
50 * @param propertyPath
51 * @param defaultValue
52 * @param options
53 */
54 get<T = K, P extends Path<T> = any, R = PathValue<T, P>>(propertyPath: P, defaultValue: NoInferType<R>, options: ConfigGetOptions): R;
55 /**
56 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
57 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
58 * @param propertyPath
59 */
60 getOrThrow<T = any>(propertyPath: KeyOf<K>): Exclude<T, undefined>;
61 /**
62 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
63 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
64 * @param propertyPath
65 * @param options
66 */
67 getOrThrow<T = K, P extends Path<T> = any>(propertyPath: P, options: ConfigGetOptions): Exclude<T, undefined>;
68 /**
69 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
70 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
71 * It returns a default value if the key does not exist.
72 * If the default value is undefined an exception will be thrown.
73 * @param propertyPath
74 * @param defaultValue
75 */
76 getOrThrow<T = any>(propertyPath: KeyOf<K>, defaultValue: NoInferType<T>): Exclude<T, undefined>;
77 /**
78 * Get a configuration value (either custom configuration or process environment variable)
79 * based on property path (you can use dot notation to traverse nested object, e.g. "database.host").
80 * It returns a default value if the key does not exist.
81 * If the default value is undefined an exception will be thrown.
82 * @param propertyPath
83 * @param defaultValue
84 * @param options
85 */
86 getOrThrow<T = K, P extends Path<T> = any, R = PathValue<T, P>>(propertyPath: P, defaultValue: NoInferType<R>, options: ConfigGetOptions): Exclude<R, undefined>;
87 private getFromCache;
88 private getFromValidatedEnv;
89 private getFromProcessEnv;
90 private getFromInternalConfig;
91 private setInCacheIfDefined;
92 private isGetOptionsObject;
94export {};