8.97 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.NestContainer = void 0;
4const constants_1 = require("@nestjs/common/constants");
5const discoverable_meta_host_collection_1 = require("../discovery/discoverable-meta-host-collection");
6const exceptions_1 = require("../errors/exceptions");
7const initialize_on_preview_allowlist_1 = require("../inspector/initialize-on-preview.allowlist");
8const serialized_graph_1 = require("../inspector/serialized-graph");
9const request_constants_1 = require("../router/request/request-constants");
10const compiler_1 = require("./compiler");
11const internal_core_module_1 = require("./internal-core-module/internal-core-module");
12const internal_providers_storage_1 = require("./internal-providers-storage");
13const module_1 = require("./module");
14const module_token_factory_1 = require("./module-token-factory");
15const modules_container_1 = require("./modules-container");
16class NestContainer {
17 constructor(_applicationConfig = undefined) {
18 this._applicationConfig = _applicationConfig;
19 this.globalModules = new Set();
20 this.moduleTokenFactory = new module_token_factory_1.ModuleTokenFactory();
21 this.moduleCompiler = new compiler_1.ModuleCompiler(this.moduleTokenFactory);
22 this.modules = new modules_container_1.ModulesContainer();
23 this.dynamicModulesMetadata = new Map();
24 this.internalProvidersStorage = new internal_providers_storage_1.InternalProvidersStorage();
25 this._serializedGraph = new serialized_graph_1.SerializedGraph();
26 }
27 get serializedGraph() {
28 return this._serializedGraph;
29 }
30 get applicationConfig() {
31 return this._applicationConfig;
32 }
33 setHttpAdapter(httpAdapter) {
34 this.internalProvidersStorage.httpAdapter = httpAdapter;
35 if (!this.internalProvidersStorage.httpAdapterHost) {
36 return;
37 }
38 const host = this.internalProvidersStorage.httpAdapterHost;
39 host.httpAdapter = httpAdapter;
40 }
41 getHttpAdapterRef() {
42 return this.internalProvidersStorage.httpAdapter;
43 }
44 getHttpAdapterHostRef() {
45 return this.internalProvidersStorage.httpAdapterHost;
46 }
47 async addModule(metatype, scope) {
48 // In DependenciesScanner#scanForModules we already check for undefined or invalid modules
49 // We still need to catch the edge-case of `forwardRef(() => undefined)`
50 if (!metatype) {
51 throw new exceptions_1.UndefinedForwardRefException(scope);
52 }
53 const { type, dynamicMetadata, token } = await this.moduleCompiler.compile(metatype);
54 if (this.modules.has(token)) {
55 return {
56 moduleRef: this.modules.get(token),
57 inserted: true,
58 };
59 }
60 return {
61 moduleRef: await this.setModule({
62 token,
63 type,
64 dynamicMetadata,
65 }, scope),
66 inserted: true,
67 };
68 }
69 async replaceModule(metatypeToReplace, newMetatype, scope) {
70 // In DependenciesScanner#scanForModules we already check for undefined or invalid modules
71 // We still need to catch the edge-case of `forwardRef(() => undefined)`
72 if (!metatypeToReplace || !newMetatype) {
73 throw new exceptions_1.UndefinedForwardRefException(scope);
74 }
75 const { token } = await this.moduleCompiler.compile(metatypeToReplace);
76 const { type, dynamicMetadata } = await this.moduleCompiler.compile(newMetatype);
77 return {
78 moduleRef: await this.setModule({
79 token,
80 type,
81 dynamicMetadata,
82 }, scope),
83 inserted: false,
84 };
85 }
86 async setModule({ token, dynamicMetadata, type }, scope) {
87 const moduleRef = new module_1.Module(type, this);
88 moduleRef.token = token;
89 moduleRef.initOnPreview = this.shouldInitOnPreview(type);
90 this.modules.set(token, moduleRef);
91 const updatedScope = [].concat(scope, type);
92 await this.addDynamicMetadata(token, dynamicMetadata, updatedScope);
93 if (this.isGlobalModule(type, dynamicMetadata)) {
94 moduleRef.isGlobal = true;
95 this.addGlobalModule(moduleRef);
96 }
97 return moduleRef;
98 }
99 async addDynamicMetadata(token, dynamicModuleMetadata, scope) {
100 if (!dynamicModuleMetadata) {
101 return;
102 }
103 this.dynamicModulesMetadata.set(token, dynamicModuleMetadata);
104 const { imports } = dynamicModuleMetadata;
105 await this.addDynamicModules(imports, scope);
106 }
107 async addDynamicModules(modules, scope) {
108 if (!modules) {
109 return;
110 }
111 await Promise.all(modules.map(module => this.addModule(module, scope)));
112 }
113 isGlobalModule(metatype, dynamicMetadata) {
114 if (dynamicMetadata && dynamicMetadata.global) {
115 return true;
116 }
117 return !!Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.GLOBAL_MODULE_METADATA, metatype);
118 }
119 addGlobalModule(module) {
120 this.globalModules.add(module);
121 }
122 getModules() {
123 return this.modules;
124 }
125 getModuleCompiler() {
126 return this.moduleCompiler;
127 }
128 getModuleByKey(moduleKey) {
129 return this.modules.get(moduleKey);
130 }
131 getInternalCoreModuleRef() {
132 return this.internalCoreModule;
133 }
134 async addImport(relatedModule, token) {
135 if (!this.modules.has(token)) {
136 return;
137 }
138 const moduleRef = this.modules.get(token);
139 const { token: relatedModuleToken } = await this.moduleCompiler.compile(relatedModule);
140 const related = this.modules.get(relatedModuleToken);
141 moduleRef.addImport(related);
142 }
143 addProvider(provider, token, enhancerSubtype) {
144 const moduleRef = this.modules.get(token);
145 if (!provider) {
146 throw new exceptions_1.CircularDependencyException(moduleRef?.metatype.name);
147 }
148 if (!moduleRef) {
149 throw new exceptions_1.UnknownModuleException();
150 }
151 const providerKey = moduleRef.addProvider(provider, enhancerSubtype);
152 const providerRef = moduleRef.getProviderByKey(providerKey);
153 discoverable_meta_host_collection_1.DiscoverableMetaHostCollection.inspectProvider(this.modules, providerRef);
154 return providerKey;
155 }
156 addInjectable(injectable, token, enhancerSubtype, host) {
157 if (!this.modules.has(token)) {
158 throw new exceptions_1.UnknownModuleException();
159 }
160 const moduleRef = this.modules.get(token);
161 return moduleRef.addInjectable(injectable, enhancerSubtype, host);
162 }
163 addExportedProvider(provider, token) {
164 if (!this.modules.has(token)) {
165 throw new exceptions_1.UnknownModuleException();
166 }
167 const moduleRef = this.modules.get(token);
168 moduleRef.addExportedProvider(provider);
169 }
170 addController(controller, token) {
171 if (!this.modules.has(token)) {
172 throw new exceptions_1.UnknownModuleException();
173 }
174 const moduleRef = this.modules.get(token);
175 moduleRef.addController(controller);
176 const controllerRef = moduleRef.controllers.get(controller);
177 discoverable_meta_host_collection_1.DiscoverableMetaHostCollection.inspectController(this.modules, controllerRef);
178 }
179 clear() {
180 this.modules.clear();
181 }
182 replace(toReplace, options) {
183 this.modules.forEach(moduleRef => moduleRef.replace(toReplace, options));
184 }
185 bindGlobalScope() {
186 this.modules.forEach(moduleRef => this.bindGlobalsToImports(moduleRef));
187 }
188 bindGlobalsToImports(moduleRef) {
189 this.globalModules.forEach(globalModule => this.bindGlobalModuleToModule(moduleRef, globalModule));
190 }
191 bindGlobalModuleToModule(target, globalModule) {
192 if (target === globalModule || target === this.internalCoreModule) {
193 return;
194 }
195 target.addImport(globalModule);
196 }
197 getDynamicMetadataByToken(token, metadataKey) {
198 const metadata = this.dynamicModulesMetadata.get(token);
199 return metadataKey ? metadata?.[metadataKey] ?? [] : metadata;
200 }
201 registerCoreModuleRef(moduleRef) {
202 this.internalCoreModule = moduleRef;
203 this.modules[internal_core_module_1.InternalCoreModule.name] = moduleRef;
204 }
205 getModuleTokenFactory() {
206 return this.moduleTokenFactory;
207 }
208 registerRequestProvider(request, contextId) {
209 const wrapper = this.internalCoreModule.getProviderByKey(request_constants_1.REQUEST);
210 wrapper.setInstanceByContextId(contextId, {
211 instance: request,
212 isResolved: true,
213 });
214 }
215 shouldInitOnPreview(type) {
216 return initialize_on_preview_allowlist_1.InitializeOnPreviewAllowlist.has(type);
217 }
219exports.NestContainer = NestContainer;