6.19 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { InjectionToken } from '@nestjs/common';
2import { Controller, Injectable, Type } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces';
3import { ContextId, InstancePerContext, InstanceWrapper, PropertyMetadata } from './instance-wrapper';
4import { Module } from './module';
5import { SettlementSignal } from './settlement-signal';
7 * The type of an injectable dependency
8 */
9export type InjectorDependency = InjectionToken;
11 * The property-based dependency
12 */
13export interface PropertyDependency {
14 key: symbol | string;
15 name: InjectorDependency;
16 isOptional?: boolean;
17 instance?: any;
20 * Context of a dependency which gets injected by
21 * the injector
22 */
23export interface InjectorDependencyContext {
24 /**
25 * The name of the property key (property-based injection)
26 */
27 key?: string | symbol;
28 /**
29 * The function itself, the name of the function, or injection token.
30 */
31 name?: Function | string | symbol;
32 /**
33 * The index of the dependency which gets injected
34 * from the dependencies array
35 */
36 index?: number;
37 /**
38 * The dependency array which gets injected
39 */
40 dependencies?: InjectorDependency[];
42export declare class Injector {
43 private readonly options?;
44 private logger;
45 constructor(options?: {
46 preview: boolean;
47 });
48 loadPrototype<T>({ token }: InstanceWrapper<T>, collection: Map<InjectionToken, InstanceWrapper<T>>, contextId?: ContextId): void;
49 loadInstance<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, collection: Map<InjectionToken, InstanceWrapper>, moduleRef: Module, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<void>;
50 loadMiddleware(wrapper: InstanceWrapper, collection: Map<InjectionToken, InstanceWrapper>, moduleRef: Module, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<void>;
51 loadController(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<Controller>, moduleRef: Module, contextId?: ContextId): Promise<void>;
52 loadInjectable<T = any>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, moduleRef: Module, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<void>;
53 loadProvider(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<Injectable>, moduleRef: Module, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<void>;
54 applySettlementSignal<T>(instancePerContext: InstancePerContext<T>, host: InstanceWrapper<T>): SettlementSignal;
55 resolveConstructorParams<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, moduleRef: Module, inject: InjectorDependency[], callback: (args: unknown[]) => void | Promise<void>, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, parentInquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<void>;
56 getClassDependencies<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>): [InjectorDependency[], number[]];
57 getFactoryProviderDependencies<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>): [InjectorDependency[], number[]];
58 reflectConstructorParams<T>(type: Type<T>): any[];
59 reflectOptionalParams<T>(type: Type<T>): any[];
60 reflectSelfParams<T>(type: Type<T>): any[];
61 resolveSingleParam<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, param: Type<any> | string | symbol | any, dependencyContext: InjectorDependencyContext, moduleRef: Module, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, keyOrIndex?: symbol | string | number): Promise<InstanceWrapper<any>>;
62 resolveParamToken<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, param: Type<any> | string | symbol | any): any;
63 resolveComponentInstance<T>(moduleRef: Module, token: InjectionToken, dependencyContext: InjectorDependencyContext, wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, keyOrIndex?: symbol | string | number): Promise<InstanceWrapper>;
64 resolveComponentHost<T>(moduleRef: Module, instanceWrapper: InstanceWrapper<T | Promise<T>>, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<InstanceWrapper>;
65 lookupComponent<T = any>(providers: Map<Function | string | symbol, InstanceWrapper>, moduleRef: Module, dependencyContext: InjectorDependencyContext, wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, keyOrIndex?: symbol | string | number): Promise<InstanceWrapper<T>>;
66 lookupComponentInParentModules<T = any>(dependencyContext: InjectorDependencyContext, moduleRef: Module, wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, keyOrIndex?: symbol | string | number): Promise<any>;
67 lookupComponentInImports(moduleRef: Module, name: InjectionToken, wrapper: InstanceWrapper, moduleRegistry?: any[], contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, keyOrIndex?: symbol | string | number, isTraversing?: boolean): Promise<any>;
68 resolveProperties<T>(wrapper: InstanceWrapper<T>, moduleRef: Module, inject?: InjectorDependency[], contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, parentInquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<PropertyDependency[]>;
69 reflectProperties<T>(type: Type<T>): PropertyDependency[];
70 applyProperties<T = any>(instance: T, properties: PropertyDependency[]): void;
71 instantiateClass<T = any>(instances: any[], wrapper: InstanceWrapper, targetMetatype: InstanceWrapper, contextId?: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<T>;
72 loadPerContext<T = any>(instance: T, moduleRef: Module, collection: Map<InjectionToken, InstanceWrapper>, ctx: ContextId, wrapper?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<T>;
73 loadEnhancersPerContext(wrapper: InstanceWrapper, ctx: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<void>;
74 loadCtorMetadata(metadata: InstanceWrapper<any>[], contextId: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper, parentInquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<any[]>;
75 loadPropertiesMetadata(metadata: PropertyMetadata[], contextId: ContextId, inquirer?: InstanceWrapper): Promise<PropertyDependency[]>;
76 private getInquirerId;
77 private resolveScopedComponentHost;
78 private isInquirerRequest;
79 private isInquirer;
80 protected addDependencyMetadata(keyOrIndex: symbol | string | number, hostWrapper: InstanceWrapper, instanceWrapper: InstanceWrapper): void;
81 private getTokenName;
82 private printResolvingDependenciesLog;
83 private printLookingForProviderLog;
84 private printFoundInModuleLog;
85 private isDebugMode;
86 private getContextId;
87 private getNowTimestamp;