1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.Injector = void 0;
4 | const common_1 = require("@nestjs/common");
5 | const constants_1 = require("@nestjs/common/constants");
6 | const cli_colors_util_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/cli-colors.util");
7 | const shared_utils_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils");
8 | const iterare_1 = require("iterare");
9 | const perf_hooks_1 = require("perf_hooks");
10 | const exceptions_1 = require("../errors/exceptions");
11 | const runtime_exception_1 = require("../errors/exceptions/runtime.exception");
12 | const undefined_dependency_exception_1 = require("../errors/exceptions/undefined-dependency.exception");
13 | const unknown_dependencies_exception_1 = require("../errors/exceptions/unknown-dependencies.exception");
14 | const constants_2 = require("./constants");
15 | const inquirer_1 = require("./inquirer");
16 | const instance_wrapper_1 = require("./instance-wrapper");
17 | const settlement_signal_1 = require("./settlement-signal");
18 | class Injector {
19 | constructor(options) {
20 | this.options = options;
21 | this.logger = new common_1.Logger('InjectorLogger');
22 | }
23 | loadPrototype({ token }, collection, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT) {
24 | if (!collection) {
25 | return;
26 | }
27 | const target = collection.get(token);
28 | const instance = target.createPrototype(contextId);
29 | if (instance) {
30 | const wrapper = new instance_wrapper_1.InstanceWrapper({
31 | ...target,
32 | instance,
33 | });
34 | collection.set(token, wrapper);
35 | }
36 | }
37 | async loadInstance(wrapper, collection, moduleRef, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer) {
38 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
39 | const instanceHost = wrapper.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, wrapper), inquirerId);
40 | if (instanceHost.isPending) {
41 | const settlementSignal = wrapper.settlementSignal;
42 | if (inquirer && settlementSignal?.isCycle(inquirer.id)) {
43 | throw new exceptions_1.CircularDependencyException(`"${wrapper.name}"`);
44 | }
45 | return instanceHost.donePromise.then((err) => {
46 | if (err) {
47 | throw err;
48 | }
49 | });
50 | }
51 | const settlementSignal = this.applySettlementSignal(instanceHost, wrapper);
52 | const token = wrapper.token || wrapper.name;
53 | const { inject } = wrapper;
54 | const targetWrapper = collection.get(token);
55 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isUndefined)(targetWrapper)) {
56 | throw new runtime_exception_1.RuntimeException();
57 | }
58 | if (instanceHost.isResolved) {
59 | return settlementSignal.complete();
60 | }
61 | try {
62 | const t0 = this.getNowTimestamp();
63 | const callback = async (instances) => {
64 | const properties = await this.resolveProperties(wrapper, moduleRef, inject, contextId, wrapper, inquirer);
65 | const instance = await this.instantiateClass(instances, wrapper, targetWrapper, contextId, inquirer);
66 | this.applyProperties(instance, properties);
67 | wrapper.initTime = this.getNowTimestamp() - t0;
68 | settlementSignal.complete();
69 | };
70 | await this.resolveConstructorParams(wrapper, moduleRef, inject, callback, contextId, wrapper, inquirer);
71 | }
72 | catch (err) {
73 | settlementSignal.error(err);
74 | throw err;
75 | }
76 | }
77 | async loadMiddleware(wrapper, collection, moduleRef, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer) {
78 | const { metatype, token } = wrapper;
79 | const targetWrapper = collection.get(token);
80 | if (!(0, shared_utils_1.isUndefined)(targetWrapper.instance)) {
81 | return;
82 | }
83 | targetWrapper.instance = Object.create(metatype.prototype);
84 | await this.loadInstance(wrapper, collection, moduleRef, contextId, inquirer || wrapper);
85 | }
86 | async loadController(wrapper, moduleRef, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT) {
87 | const controllers = moduleRef.controllers;
88 | await this.loadInstance(wrapper, controllers, moduleRef, contextId, wrapper);
89 | await this.loadEnhancersPerContext(wrapper, contextId, wrapper);
90 | }
91 | async loadInjectable(wrapper, moduleRef, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer) {
92 | const injectables = moduleRef.injectables;
93 | await this.loadInstance(wrapper, injectables, moduleRef, contextId, inquirer);
94 | }
95 | async loadProvider(wrapper, moduleRef, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer) {
96 | const providers = moduleRef.providers;
97 | await this.loadInstance(wrapper, providers, moduleRef, contextId, inquirer);
98 | await this.loadEnhancersPerContext(wrapper, contextId, wrapper);
99 | }
100 | applySettlementSignal(instancePerContext, host) {
101 | const settlementSignal = new settlement_signal_1.SettlementSignal();
102 | instancePerContext.donePromise = settlementSignal.asPromise();
103 | instancePerContext.isPending = true;
104 | host.settlementSignal = settlementSignal;
105 | return settlementSignal;
106 | }
107 | async resolveConstructorParams(wrapper, moduleRef, inject, callback, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, parentInquirer) {
108 | let inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
109 | const metadata = wrapper.getCtorMetadata();
110 | if (metadata && contextId !== constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT) {
111 | const deps = await this.loadCtorMetadata(metadata, contextId, inquirer, parentInquirer);
112 | return callback(deps);
113 | }
114 | const isFactoryProvider = !(0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(inject);
115 | const [dependencies, optionalDependenciesIds] = isFactoryProvider
116 | ? this.getFactoryProviderDependencies(wrapper)
117 | : this.getClassDependencies(wrapper);
118 | let isResolved = true;
119 | const resolveParam = async (param, index) => {
120 | try {
121 | if (this.isInquirer(param, parentInquirer)) {
122 | return parentInquirer && parentInquirer.instance;
123 | }
124 | if (inquirer?.isTransient && parentInquirer) {
125 | inquirer = parentInquirer;
126 | inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(parentInquirer);
127 | }
128 | const paramWrapper = await this.resolveSingleParam(wrapper, param, { index, dependencies }, moduleRef, contextId, inquirer, index);
129 | const instanceHost = paramWrapper.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, paramWrapper), inquirerId);
130 | if (!instanceHost.isResolved && !paramWrapper.forwardRef) {
131 | isResolved = false;
132 | }
133 | return instanceHost?.instance;
134 | }
135 | catch (err) {
136 | const isOptional = optionalDependenciesIds.includes(index);
137 | if (!isOptional) {
138 | throw err;
139 | }
140 | return undefined;
141 | }
142 | };
143 | const instances = await Promise.all(dependencies.map(resolveParam));
144 | isResolved && (await callback(instances));
145 | }
146 | getClassDependencies(wrapper) {
147 | const ctorRef = wrapper.metatype;
148 | return [
149 | this.reflectConstructorParams(ctorRef),
150 | this.reflectOptionalParams(ctorRef),
151 | ];
152 | }
153 | getFactoryProviderDependencies(wrapper) {
154 | const optionalDependenciesIds = [];
155 | const isOptionalFactoryDep = (item) => !(0, shared_utils_1.isUndefined)(item.token) &&
156 | !(0, shared_utils_1.isUndefined)(item.optional);
157 | const mapFactoryProviderInjectArray = (item, index) => {
158 | if (typeof item !== 'object') {
159 | return item;
160 | }
161 | if (isOptionalFactoryDep(item)) {
162 | if (item.optional) {
163 | optionalDependenciesIds.push(index);
164 | }
165 | return item?.token;
166 | }
167 | return item;
168 | };
169 | return [
170 | wrapper.inject?.map?.(mapFactoryProviderInjectArray),
171 | optionalDependenciesIds,
172 | ];
173 | }
174 | reflectConstructorParams(type) {
175 | const paramtypes = [
176 | ...(Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.PARAMTYPES_METADATA, type) || []),
177 | ];
178 | const selfParams = this.reflectSelfParams(type);
179 | selfParams.forEach(({ index, param }) => (paramtypes[index] = param));
180 | return paramtypes;
181 | }
182 | reflectOptionalParams(type) {
183 | return Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.OPTIONAL_DEPS_METADATA, type) || [];
184 | }
185 | reflectSelfParams(type) {
186 | return Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.SELF_DECLARED_DEPS_METADATA, type) || [];
187 | }
188 | async resolveSingleParam(wrapper, param, dependencyContext, moduleRef, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, keyOrIndex) {
189 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isUndefined)(param)) {
190 | this.logger.log('Nest encountered an undefined dependency. This may be due to a circular import or a missing dependency declaration.');
191 | throw new undefined_dependency_exception_1.UndefinedDependencyException(wrapper.name, dependencyContext, moduleRef);
192 | }
193 | const token = this.resolveParamToken(wrapper, param);
194 | return this.resolveComponentInstance(moduleRef, token, dependencyContext, wrapper, contextId, inquirer, keyOrIndex);
195 | }
196 | resolveParamToken(wrapper, param) {
197 | if (!param.forwardRef) {
198 | return param;
199 | }
200 | wrapper.forwardRef = true;
201 | return param.forwardRef();
202 | }
203 | async resolveComponentInstance(moduleRef, token, dependencyContext, wrapper, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, keyOrIndex) {
204 | this.printResolvingDependenciesLog(token, inquirer);
205 | this.printLookingForProviderLog(token, moduleRef);
206 | const providers = moduleRef.providers;
207 | const instanceWrapper = await this.lookupComponent(providers, moduleRef, { ...dependencyContext, name: token }, wrapper, contextId, inquirer, keyOrIndex);
208 | return this.resolveComponentHost(moduleRef, instanceWrapper, contextId, inquirer);
209 | }
210 | async resolveComponentHost(moduleRef, instanceWrapper, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer) {
211 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
212 | const instanceHost = instanceWrapper.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, instanceWrapper), inquirerId);
213 | if (!instanceHost.isResolved && !instanceWrapper.forwardRef) {
214 | inquirer?.settlementSignal?.insertRef(instanceWrapper.id);
215 | await this.loadProvider(instanceWrapper, instanceWrapper.host ?? moduleRef, contextId, inquirer);
216 | }
217 | else if (!instanceHost.isResolved &&
218 | instanceWrapper.forwardRef &&
219 | (contextId !== constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT || !!inquirerId)) {
220 | |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 | instanceHost.donePromise &&
228 | instanceHost.donePromise.then(() => this.loadProvider(instanceWrapper, moduleRef, contextId, inquirer));
229 | }
230 | if (instanceWrapper.async) {
231 | const host = instanceWrapper.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, instanceWrapper), inquirerId);
232 | host.instance = await host.instance;
233 | instanceWrapper.setInstanceByContextId(contextId, host, inquirerId);
234 | }
235 | return instanceWrapper;
236 | }
237 | async lookupComponent(providers, moduleRef, dependencyContext, wrapper, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, keyOrIndex) {
238 | const token = wrapper.token || wrapper.name;
239 | const { name } = dependencyContext;
240 | if (wrapper && token === name) {
241 | throw new unknown_dependencies_exception_1.UnknownDependenciesException(wrapper.name, dependencyContext, moduleRef, { id: wrapper.id });
242 | }
243 | if (providers.has(name)) {
244 | const instanceWrapper = providers.get(name);
245 | this.printFoundInModuleLog(name, moduleRef);
246 | this.addDependencyMetadata(keyOrIndex, wrapper, instanceWrapper);
247 | return instanceWrapper;
248 | }
249 | return this.lookupComponentInParentModules(dependencyContext, moduleRef, wrapper, contextId, inquirer, keyOrIndex);
250 | }
251 | async lookupComponentInParentModules(dependencyContext, moduleRef, wrapper, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, keyOrIndex) {
252 | const instanceWrapper = await this.lookupComponentInImports(moduleRef, dependencyContext.name, wrapper, [], contextId, inquirer, keyOrIndex);
253 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(instanceWrapper)) {
254 | throw new unknown_dependencies_exception_1.UnknownDependenciesException(wrapper.name, dependencyContext, moduleRef, { id: wrapper.id });
255 | }
256 | return instanceWrapper;
257 | }
258 | async lookupComponentInImports(moduleRef, name, wrapper, moduleRegistry = [], contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, keyOrIndex, isTraversing) {
259 | let instanceWrapperRef = null;
260 | const imports = moduleRef.imports || new Set();
261 | const identity = (item) => item;
262 | let children = [...imports.values()].filter(identity);
263 | if (isTraversing) {
264 | const contextModuleExports = moduleRef.exports;
265 | children = children.filter(child => contextModuleExports.has(child.metatype));
266 | }
267 | for (const relatedModule of children) {
268 | if (moduleRegistry.includes(relatedModule.id)) {
269 | continue;
270 | }
271 | this.printLookingForProviderLog(name, relatedModule);
272 | moduleRegistry.push(relatedModule.id);
273 | const { providers, exports } = relatedModule;
274 | if (!exports.has(name) || !providers.has(name)) {
275 | const instanceRef = await this.lookupComponentInImports(relatedModule, name, wrapper, moduleRegistry, contextId, inquirer, keyOrIndex, true);
276 | if (instanceRef) {
277 | this.addDependencyMetadata(keyOrIndex, wrapper, instanceRef);
278 | return instanceRef;
279 | }
280 | continue;
281 | }
282 | this.printFoundInModuleLog(name, relatedModule);
283 | instanceWrapperRef = providers.get(name);
284 | this.addDependencyMetadata(keyOrIndex, wrapper, instanceWrapperRef);
285 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
286 | const instanceHost = instanceWrapperRef.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, instanceWrapperRef), inquirerId);
287 | if (!instanceHost.isResolved && !instanceWrapperRef.forwardRef) {
288 | wrapper.settlementSignal?.insertRef(instanceWrapperRef.id);
289 | await this.loadProvider(instanceWrapperRef, relatedModule, contextId, wrapper);
290 | break;
291 | }
292 | }
293 | return instanceWrapperRef;
294 | }
295 | async resolveProperties(wrapper, moduleRef, inject, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer, parentInquirer) {
296 | if (!(0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(inject)) {
297 | return [];
298 | }
299 | const metadata = wrapper.getPropertiesMetadata();
300 | if (metadata && contextId !== constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT) {
301 | return this.loadPropertiesMetadata(metadata, contextId, inquirer);
302 | }
303 | const properties = this.reflectProperties(wrapper.metatype);
304 | const instances = await Promise.all(properties.map(async (item) => {
305 | try {
306 | const dependencyContext = {
307 | key: item.key,
308 | name: item.name,
309 | };
310 | if (this.isInquirer(item.name, parentInquirer)) {
311 | return parentInquirer && parentInquirer.instance;
312 | }
313 | const paramWrapper = await this.resolveSingleParam(wrapper, item.name, dependencyContext, moduleRef, contextId, inquirer, item.key);
314 | if (!paramWrapper) {
315 | return undefined;
316 | }
317 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
318 | const instanceHost = paramWrapper.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, paramWrapper), inquirerId);
319 | return instanceHost.instance;
320 | }
321 | catch (err) {
322 | if (!item.isOptional) {
323 | throw err;
324 | }
325 | return undefined;
326 | }
327 | }));
328 | return properties.map((item, index) => ({
329 | ...item,
330 | instance: instances[index],
331 | }));
332 | }
333 | reflectProperties(type) {
334 | const properties = Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.PROPERTY_DEPS_METADATA, type) || [];
335 | const optionalKeys = Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.OPTIONAL_PROPERTY_DEPS_METADATA, type) || [];
336 | return properties.map((item) => ({
337 | ...item,
338 | name: item.type,
339 | isOptional: optionalKeys.includes(item.key),
340 | }));
341 | }
342 | applyProperties(instance, properties) {
343 | if (!(0, shared_utils_1.isObject)(instance)) {
344 | return undefined;
345 | }
346 | (0, iterare_1.iterate)(properties)
347 | .filter(item => !(0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(item.instance))
348 | .forEach(item => (instance[item.key] = item.instance));
349 | }
350 | async instantiateClass(instances, wrapper, targetMetatype, contextId = constants_2.STATIC_CONTEXT, inquirer) {
351 | const { metatype, inject } = wrapper;
352 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
353 | const instanceHost = targetMetatype.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, targetMetatype), inquirerId);
354 | const isInContext = wrapper.isStatic(contextId, inquirer) ||
355 | wrapper.isInRequestScope(contextId, inquirer) ||
356 | wrapper.isLazyTransient(contextId, inquirer) ||
357 | wrapper.isExplicitlyRequested(contextId, inquirer);
358 | if (this.options?.preview && !wrapper.host?.initOnPreview) {
359 | instanceHost.isResolved = true;
360 | return instanceHost.instance;
361 | }
362 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(inject) && isInContext) {
363 | instanceHost.instance = wrapper.forwardRef
364 | ? Object.assign(instanceHost.instance, new metatype(...instances))
365 | : new metatype(...instances);
366 | }
367 | else if (isInContext) {
368 | const factoryReturnValue = targetMetatype.metatype(...instances);
369 | instanceHost.instance = await factoryReturnValue;
370 | }
371 | instanceHost.isResolved = true;
372 | return instanceHost.instance;
373 | }
374 | async loadPerContext(instance, moduleRef, collection, ctx, wrapper) {
375 | if (!wrapper) {
376 | const injectionToken = instance.constructor;
377 | wrapper = collection.get(injectionToken);
378 | }
379 | await this.loadInstance(wrapper, collection, moduleRef, ctx, wrapper);
380 | await this.loadEnhancersPerContext(wrapper, ctx, wrapper);
381 | const host = wrapper.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(ctx, wrapper), wrapper.id);
382 | return host && host.instance;
383 | }
384 | async loadEnhancersPerContext(wrapper, ctx, inquirer) {
385 | const enhancers = wrapper.getEnhancersMetadata() || [];
386 | const loadEnhancer = (item) => {
387 | const hostModule = item.host;
388 | return this.loadInstance(item, hostModule.injectables, hostModule, ctx, inquirer);
389 | };
390 | await Promise.all(enhancers.map(loadEnhancer));
391 | }
392 | async loadCtorMetadata(metadata, contextId, inquirer, parentInquirer) {
393 | const hosts = await Promise.all(metadata.map(async (item) => this.resolveScopedComponentHost(item, contextId, inquirer, parentInquirer)));
394 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
395 | return hosts.map(item => item?.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, item), inquirerId).instance);
396 | }
397 | async loadPropertiesMetadata(metadata, contextId, inquirer) {
398 | const dependenciesHosts = await Promise.all(metadata.map(async ({ wrapper: item, key }) => ({
399 | key,
400 | host: await this.resolveComponentHost(item.host, item, contextId, inquirer),
401 | })));
402 | const inquirerId = this.getInquirerId(inquirer);
403 | return dependenciesHosts.map(({ key, host }) => ({
404 | key,
405 | name: key,
406 | instance: host.getInstanceByContextId(this.getContextId(contextId, host), inquirerId).instance,
407 | }));
408 | }
409 | getInquirerId(inquirer) {
410 | return inquirer && inquirer.id;
411 | }
412 | resolveScopedComponentHost(item, contextId, inquirer, parentInquirer) {
413 | return this.isInquirerRequest(item, parentInquirer)
414 | ? parentInquirer
415 | : this.resolveComponentHost(item.host, item, contextId, inquirer);
416 | }
417 | isInquirerRequest(item, parentInquirer) {
418 | return item.isTransient && item.name === inquirer_1.INQUIRER && parentInquirer;
419 | }
420 | isInquirer(param, parentInquirer) {
421 | return param === inquirer_1.INQUIRER && parentInquirer;
422 | }
423 | addDependencyMetadata(keyOrIndex, hostWrapper, instanceWrapper) {
424 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isSymbol)(keyOrIndex) || (0, shared_utils_1.isString)(keyOrIndex)) {
425 | hostWrapper.addPropertiesMetadata(keyOrIndex, instanceWrapper);
426 | }
427 | else {
428 | hostWrapper.addCtorMetadata(keyOrIndex, instanceWrapper);
429 | }
430 | }
431 | getTokenName(token) {
432 | return (0, shared_utils_1.isFunction)(token) ? token.name : token.toString();
433 | }
434 | printResolvingDependenciesLog(token, inquirer) {
435 | if (!this.isDebugMode()) {
436 | return;
437 | }
438 | const tokenName = this.getTokenName(token);
439 | const dependentName = (inquirer?.name && inquirer.name.toString?.()) ?? 'unknown';
440 | const isAlias = dependentName === tokenName;
441 | const messageToPrint = `Resolving dependency ${cli_colors_util_1.clc.cyanBright(tokenName)}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.green(' in the ')}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.yellow(dependentName)}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.green(` provider ${isAlias ? '(alias)' : ''}`)}`;
442 | this.logger.log(messageToPrint);
443 | }
444 | printLookingForProviderLog(token, moduleRef) {
445 | if (!this.isDebugMode()) {
446 | return;
447 | }
448 | const tokenName = this.getTokenName(token);
449 | const moduleRefName = moduleRef?.metatype?.name ?? 'unknown';
450 | this.logger.log(`Looking for ${cli_colors_util_1.clc.cyanBright(tokenName)}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.green(' in ')}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.magentaBright(moduleRefName)}`);
451 | }
452 | printFoundInModuleLog(token, moduleRef) {
453 | if (!this.isDebugMode()) {
454 | return;
455 | }
456 | const tokenName = this.getTokenName(token);
457 | const moduleRefName = moduleRef?.metatype?.name ?? 'unknown';
458 | this.logger.log(`Found ${cli_colors_util_1.clc.cyanBright(tokenName)}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.green(' in ')}${cli_colors_util_1.clc.magentaBright(moduleRefName)}`);
459 | }
460 | isDebugMode() {
461 | return !!process.env.NEST_DEBUG;
462 | }
463 | getContextId(contextId, instanceWrapper) {
464 | return contextId.getParent
465 | ? contextId.getParent({
466 | token: instanceWrapper.token,
467 | isTreeDurable: instanceWrapper.isDependencyTreeDurable(),
468 | })
469 | : contextId;
470 | }
471 | getNowTimestamp() {
472 | return perf_hooks_1.performance.now();
473 | }
474 | }
475 | exports.Injector = Injector;