1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.GraphInspector = void 0;
4 | const unknown_dependencies_exception_1 = require("../errors/exceptions/unknown-dependencies.exception");
5 | const deterministic_uuid_registry_1 = require("./deterministic-uuid-registry");
6 | const partial_graph_host_1 = require("./partial-graph.host");
7 | class GraphInspector {
8 | constructor(container) {
9 | this.container = container;
10 | this.enhancersMetadataCache = new Array();
11 | this.graph = container.serializedGraph;
12 | }
13 | inspectModules(modules = this.container.getModules()) {
14 | for (const moduleRef of modules.values()) {
15 | this.insertModuleNode(moduleRef);
16 | this.insertClassNodes(moduleRef);
17 | this.insertModuleToModuleEdges(moduleRef);
18 | }
19 | this.enhancersMetadataCache.forEach(entry => this.insertEnhancerEdge(entry));
20 | deterministic_uuid_registry_1.DeterministicUuidRegistry.clear();
21 | }
22 | registerPartial(error) {
23 | this.graph.status = 'partial';
24 | if (error instanceof unknown_dependencies_exception_1.UnknownDependenciesException) {
25 | this.graph.metadata = {
26 | cause: {
27 | type: 'unknown-dependencies',
28 | context: error.context,
29 | moduleId: error.moduleRef?.id,
30 | nodeId: error.metadata?.id,
31 | },
32 | };
33 | }
34 | else {
35 | this.graph.metadata = {
36 | cause: {
37 | type: 'unknown',
38 | error,
39 | },
40 | };
41 | }
42 | partial_graph_host_1.PartialGraphHost.register(this.graph);
43 | }
44 | inspectInstanceWrapper(source, moduleRef) {
45 | const ctorMetadata = source.getCtorMetadata();
46 | ctorMetadata?.forEach((target, index) => this.insertClassToClassEdge(source, target, moduleRef, index, 'constructor'));
47 | const propertiesMetadata = source.getPropertiesMetadata();
48 | propertiesMetadata?.forEach(({ key, wrapper: target }) => this.insertClassToClassEdge(source, target, moduleRef, key, 'property'));
49 | }
50 | insertEnhancerMetadataCache(entry) {
51 | this.enhancersMetadataCache.push(entry);
52 | }
53 | insertOrphanedEnhancer(entry) {
54 | this.graph.insertOrphanedEnhancer({
55 | ...entry,
56 | ref: entry.ref?.constructor?.name ?? 'Object',
57 | });
58 | }
59 | insertAttachedEnhancer(wrapper) {
60 | const existingNode = this.graph.getNodeById(wrapper.id);
61 | existingNode.metadata.global = true;
62 | this.graph.insertAttachedEnhancer(existingNode.id);
63 | }
64 | insertEntrypointDefinition(definition, parentId) {
65 | definition = {
66 | ...definition,
67 | id: `${definition.classNodeId}_${definition.methodName}`,
68 | };
69 | this.graph.insertEntrypoint(definition, parentId);
70 | }
71 | insertClassNode(moduleRef, wrapper, type) {
72 | this.graph.insertNode({
73 | id: wrapper.id,
74 | label: wrapper.name,
75 | parent: moduleRef.id,
76 | metadata: {
77 | type,
78 | internal: wrapper.metatype === moduleRef.metatype,
79 | sourceModuleName: moduleRef.name,
80 | durable: wrapper.isDependencyTreeDurable(),
81 | static: wrapper.isDependencyTreeStatic(),
82 | scope: wrapper.scope,
83 | transient: wrapper.isTransient,
84 | exported: moduleRef.exports.has(wrapper.token),
85 | token: wrapper.token,
86 | subtype: wrapper.subtype,
87 | initTime: wrapper.initTime,
88 | },
89 | });
90 | }
91 | insertModuleNode(moduleRef) {
92 | const dynamicMetadata = this.container.getDynamicMetadataByToken(moduleRef.token);
93 | const node = {
94 | id: moduleRef.id,
95 | label: moduleRef.name,
96 | metadata: {
97 | type: 'module',
98 | global: moduleRef.isGlobal,
99 | dynamic: !!dynamicMetadata,
100 | internal: moduleRef.name === 'InternalCoreModule',
101 | },
102 | };
103 | this.graph.insertNode(node);
104 | }
105 | insertModuleToModuleEdges(moduleRef) {
106 | for (const targetModuleRef of moduleRef.imports) {
107 | this.graph.insertEdge({
108 | source: moduleRef.id,
109 | target: targetModuleRef.id,
110 | metadata: {
111 | type: 'module-to-module',
112 | sourceModuleName: moduleRef.name,
113 | targetModuleName: targetModuleRef.name,
114 | },
115 | });
116 | }
117 | }
118 | insertEnhancerEdge(entry) {
119 | const moduleRef = this.container.getModuleByKey(entry.moduleToken);
120 | const sourceInstanceWrapper = moduleRef.controllers.get(entry.classRef) ??
121 | moduleRef.providers.get(entry.classRef);
122 | const existingSourceNode = this.graph.getNodeById(sourceInstanceWrapper.id);
123 | const enhancers = existingSourceNode.metadata.enhancers ?? [];
124 | if (entry.enhancerInstanceWrapper) {
125 | this.insertClassToClassEdge(sourceInstanceWrapper, entry.enhancerInstanceWrapper, moduleRef, undefined, 'decorator');
126 | enhancers.push({
127 | id: entry.enhancerInstanceWrapper.id,
128 | methodKey: entry.methodKey,
129 | subtype: entry.subtype,
130 | });
131 | }
132 | else {
133 | const name = entry.enhancerRef.constructor?.name ??
134 | entry.enhancerRef.name;
135 | enhancers.push({
136 | name,
137 | methodKey: entry.methodKey,
138 | subtype: entry.subtype,
139 | });
140 | }
141 | existingSourceNode.metadata.enhancers = enhancers;
142 | }
143 | insertClassToClassEdge(source, target, moduleRef, keyOrIndex, injectionType) {
144 | this.graph.insertEdge({
145 | source: source.id,
146 | target: target.id,
147 | metadata: {
148 | type: 'class-to-class',
149 | sourceModuleName: moduleRef.name,
150 | sourceClassName: source.name,
151 | targetClassName: target.name,
152 | sourceClassToken: source.token,
153 | targetClassToken: target.token,
154 | targetModuleName: target.host?.name,
155 | keyOrIndex,
156 | injectionType,
157 | },
158 | });
159 | }
160 | insertClassNodes(moduleRef) {
161 | moduleRef.providers.forEach(value => this.insertClassNode(moduleRef, value, 'provider'));
162 | moduleRef.injectables.forEach(value => this.insertClassNode(moduleRef, value, 'injectable'));
163 | moduleRef.controllers.forEach(value => this.insertClassNode(moduleRef, value, 'controller'));
164 | }
165 | }
166 | exports.GraphInspector = GraphInspector;