1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.DependenciesScanner = void 0;
4 | const constants_1 = require("@nestjs/common/constants");
5 | const interfaces_1 = require("@nestjs/common/interfaces");
6 | const shared_utils_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils");
7 | const iterare_1 = require("iterare");
8 | const application_config_1 = require("./application-config");
9 | const constants_2 = require("./constants");
10 | const circular_dependency_exception_1 = require("./errors/exceptions/circular-dependency.exception");
11 | const invalid_class_module_exception_1 = require("./errors/exceptions/invalid-class-module.exception");
12 | const invalid_module_exception_1 = require("./errors/exceptions/invalid-module.exception");
13 | const undefined_module_exception_1 = require("./errors/exceptions/undefined-module.exception");
14 | const get_class_scope_1 = require("./helpers/get-class-scope");
15 | const internal_core_module_factory_1 = require("./injector/internal-core-module/internal-core-module-factory");
16 | const uuid_factory_1 = require("./inspector/uuid-factory");
17 | class DependenciesScanner {
18 | constructor(container, metadataScanner, graphInspector, applicationConfig = new application_config_1.ApplicationConfig()) {
19 | this.container = container;
20 | this.metadataScanner = metadataScanner;
21 | this.graphInspector = graphInspector;
22 | this.applicationConfig = applicationConfig;
23 | this.applicationProvidersApplyMap = [];
24 | }
25 | async scan(module, options) {
26 | await this.registerCoreModule(options?.overrides);
27 | await this.scanForModules({
28 | moduleDefinition: module,
29 | overrides: options?.overrides,
30 | });
31 | await this.scanModulesForDependencies();
32 | this.calculateModulesDistance();
33 | this.addScopedEnhancersMetadata();
34 | this.container.bindGlobalScope();
35 | }
36 | async scanForModules({ moduleDefinition, lazy, scope = [], ctxRegistry = [], overrides = [], }) {
37 | const { moduleRef: moduleInstance, inserted: moduleInserted } = (await this.insertOrOverrideModule(moduleDefinition, overrides, scope)) ??
38 | {};
39 | moduleDefinition =
40 | this.getOverrideModuleByModule(moduleDefinition, overrides)?.newModule ??
41 | moduleDefinition;
42 | moduleDefinition =
43 | moduleDefinition instanceof Promise
44 | ? await moduleDefinition
45 | : moduleDefinition;
46 | ctxRegistry.push(moduleDefinition);
47 | if (this.isForwardReference(moduleDefinition)) {
48 | moduleDefinition = moduleDefinition.forwardRef();
49 | }
50 | const modules = !this.isDynamicModule(moduleDefinition)
51 | ? this.reflectMetadata(constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.IMPORTS, moduleDefinition)
52 | : [
53 | ...this.reflectMetadata(constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.IMPORTS, moduleDefinition.module),
54 | ...(moduleDefinition.imports || []),
55 | ];
56 | let registeredModuleRefs = [];
57 | for (const [index, innerModule] of modules.entries()) {
58 |
59 | if (innerModule === undefined) {
60 | throw new undefined_module_exception_1.UndefinedModuleException(moduleDefinition, index, scope);
61 | }
62 | if (!innerModule) {
63 | throw new invalid_module_exception_1.InvalidModuleException(moduleDefinition, index, scope);
64 | }
65 | if (ctxRegistry.includes(innerModule)) {
66 | continue;
67 | }
68 | const moduleRefs = await this.scanForModules({
69 | moduleDefinition: innerModule,
70 | scope: [].concat(scope, moduleDefinition),
71 | ctxRegistry,
72 | overrides,
73 | lazy,
74 | });
75 | registeredModuleRefs = registeredModuleRefs.concat(moduleRefs);
76 | }
77 | if (!moduleInstance) {
78 | return registeredModuleRefs;
79 | }
80 | if (lazy && moduleInserted) {
81 | this.container.bindGlobalsToImports(moduleInstance);
82 | }
83 | return [moduleInstance].concat(registeredModuleRefs);
84 | }
85 | async insertModule(moduleDefinition, scope) {
86 | const moduleToAdd = this.isForwardReference(moduleDefinition)
87 | ? moduleDefinition.forwardRef()
88 | : moduleDefinition;
89 | if (this.isInjectable(moduleToAdd) ||
90 | this.isController(moduleToAdd) ||
91 | this.isExceptionFilter(moduleToAdd)) {
92 | throw new invalid_class_module_exception_1.InvalidClassModuleException(moduleDefinition, scope);
93 | }
94 | return this.container.addModule(moduleToAdd, scope);
95 | }
96 | async scanModulesForDependencies(modules = this.container.getModules()) {
97 | for (const [token, { metatype }] of modules) {
98 | await this.reflectImports(metatype, token, metatype.name);
99 | this.reflectProviders(metatype, token);
100 | this.reflectControllers(metatype, token);
101 | this.reflectExports(metatype, token);
102 | }
103 | }
104 | async reflectImports(module, token, context) {
105 | const modules = [
106 | ...this.reflectMetadata(constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.IMPORTS, module),
107 | ...this.container.getDynamicMetadataByToken(token, constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.IMPORTS),
108 | ];
109 | for (const related of modules) {
110 | await this.insertImport(related, token, context);
111 | }
112 | }
113 | reflectProviders(module, token) {
114 | const providers = [
115 | ...this.reflectMetadata(constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.PROVIDERS, module),
116 | ...this.container.getDynamicMetadataByToken(token, constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.PROVIDERS),
117 | ];
118 | providers.forEach(provider => {
119 | this.insertProvider(provider, token);
120 | this.reflectDynamicMetadata(provider, token);
121 | });
122 | }
123 | reflectControllers(module, token) {
124 | const controllers = [
125 | ...this.reflectMetadata(constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.CONTROLLERS, module),
126 | ...this.container.getDynamicMetadataByToken(token, constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.CONTROLLERS),
127 | ];
128 | controllers.forEach(item => {
129 | this.insertController(item, token);
130 | this.reflectDynamicMetadata(item, token);
131 | });
132 | }
133 | reflectDynamicMetadata(cls, token) {
134 | if (!cls || !cls.prototype) {
135 | return;
136 | }
137 | this.reflectInjectables(cls, token, constants_1.GUARDS_METADATA);
138 | this.reflectInjectables(cls, token, constants_1.INTERCEPTORS_METADATA);
139 | this.reflectInjectables(cls, token, constants_1.EXCEPTION_FILTERS_METADATA);
140 | this.reflectInjectables(cls, token, constants_1.PIPES_METADATA);
141 | this.reflectParamInjectables(cls, token, constants_1.ROUTE_ARGS_METADATA);
142 | }
143 | reflectExports(module, token) {
144 | const exports = [
145 | ...this.reflectMetadata(constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.EXPORTS, module),
146 | ...this.container.getDynamicMetadataByToken(token, constants_1.MODULE_METADATA.EXPORTS),
147 | ];
148 | exports.forEach(exportedProvider => this.insertExportedProvider(exportedProvider, token));
149 | }
150 | reflectInjectables(component, token, metadataKey) {
151 | const controllerInjectables = this.reflectMetadata(metadataKey, component);
152 | const methodInjectables = this.metadataScanner
153 | .getAllMethodNames(component.prototype)
154 | .reduce((acc, method) => {
155 | const methodInjectable = this.reflectKeyMetadata(component, metadataKey, method);
156 | if (methodInjectable) {
157 | acc.push(methodInjectable);
158 | }
159 | return acc;
160 | }, []);
161 | controllerInjectables.forEach(injectable => this.insertInjectable(injectable, token, component, constants_1.ENHANCER_KEY_TO_SUBTYPE_MAP[metadataKey]));
162 | methodInjectables.forEach(methodInjectable => {
163 | methodInjectable.metadata.forEach(injectable => this.insertInjectable(injectable, token, component, constants_1.ENHANCER_KEY_TO_SUBTYPE_MAP[metadataKey], methodInjectable.methodKey));
164 | });
165 | }
166 | reflectParamInjectables(component, token, metadataKey) {
167 | const paramsMethods = this.metadataScanner.getAllMethodNames(component.prototype);
168 | paramsMethods.forEach(methodKey => {
169 | const metadata = Reflect.getMetadata(metadataKey, component, methodKey);
170 | if (!metadata) {
171 | return;
172 | }
173 | const params = Object.values(metadata);
174 | params
175 | .map(item => item.pipes)
176 | .flat(1)
177 | .forEach(injectable => this.insertInjectable(injectable, token, component, 'pipe', methodKey));
178 | });
179 | }
180 | reflectKeyMetadata(component, key, methodKey) {
181 | let prototype = component.prototype;
182 | do {
183 | const descriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, methodKey);
184 | if (!descriptor) {
185 | continue;
186 | }
187 | const metadata = Reflect.getMetadata(key, descriptor.value);
188 | if (!metadata) {
189 | return;
190 | }
191 | return { methodKey, metadata };
192 | } while ((prototype = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(prototype)) &&
193 | prototype !== Object.prototype &&
194 | prototype);
195 | return undefined;
196 | }
197 | calculateModulesDistance() {
198 | const modulesGenerator = this.container.getModules().values();
199 |
200 | modulesGenerator.next();
201 | const modulesStack = [];
202 | const calculateDistance = (moduleRef, distance = 1) => {
203 | if (!moduleRef || modulesStack.includes(moduleRef)) {
204 | return;
205 | }
206 | modulesStack.push(moduleRef);
207 | const moduleImports = moduleRef.imports;
208 | moduleImports.forEach(importedModuleRef => {
209 | if (importedModuleRef) {
210 | if (distance > importedModuleRef.distance) {
211 | importedModuleRef.distance = distance;
212 | }
213 | calculateDistance(importedModuleRef, distance + 1);
214 | }
215 | });
216 | };
217 | const rootModule = modulesGenerator.next().value;
218 | calculateDistance(rootModule);
219 | }
220 | async insertImport(related, token, context) {
221 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isUndefined)(related)) {
222 | throw new circular_dependency_exception_1.CircularDependencyException(context);
223 | }
224 | if (this.isForwardReference(related)) {
225 | return this.container.addImport(related.forwardRef(), token);
226 | }
227 | await this.container.addImport(related, token);
228 | }
229 | isCustomProvider(provider) {
230 | return provider && !(0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(provider.provide);
231 | }
232 | insertProvider(provider, token) {
233 | const isCustomProvider = this.isCustomProvider(provider);
234 | if (!isCustomProvider) {
235 | return this.container.addProvider(provider, token);
236 | }
237 | const applyProvidersMap = this.getApplyProvidersMap();
238 | const providersKeys = Object.keys(applyProvidersMap);
239 | const type = provider.provide;
240 | if (!providersKeys.includes(type)) {
241 | return this.container.addProvider(provider, token);
242 | }
243 | const uuid = uuid_factory_1.UuidFactory.get(type.toString());
244 | const providerToken = `${type} (UUID: ${uuid})`;
245 | let scope = provider.scope;
246 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isNil)(scope) && provider.useClass) {
247 | scope = (0, get_class_scope_1.getClassScope)(provider.useClass);
248 | }
249 | this.applicationProvidersApplyMap.push({
250 | type,
251 | moduleKey: token,
252 | providerKey: providerToken,
253 | scope,
254 | });
255 | const newProvider = {
256 | ...provider,
257 | provide: providerToken,
258 | scope,
259 | };
260 | const enhancerSubtype = constants_2.ENHANCER_TOKEN_TO_SUBTYPE_MAP[type];
261 | const factoryOrClassProvider = newProvider;
262 | if (this.isRequestOrTransient(factoryOrClassProvider.scope)) {
263 | return this.container.addInjectable(newProvider, token, enhancerSubtype);
264 | }
265 | this.container.addProvider(newProvider, token, enhancerSubtype);
266 | }
267 | insertInjectable(injectable, token, host, subtype, methodKey) {
268 | if ((0, shared_utils_1.isFunction)(injectable)) {
269 | const instanceWrapper = this.container.addInjectable(injectable, token, subtype, host);
270 | this.graphInspector.insertEnhancerMetadataCache({
271 | moduleToken: token,
272 | classRef: host,
273 | enhancerInstanceWrapper: instanceWrapper,
274 | targetNodeId: instanceWrapper.id,
275 | subtype,
276 | methodKey,
277 | });
278 | return instanceWrapper;
279 | }
280 | else {
281 | this.graphInspector.insertEnhancerMetadataCache({
282 | moduleToken: token,
283 | classRef: host,
284 | enhancerRef: injectable,
285 | methodKey,
286 | subtype,
287 | });
288 | }
289 | }
290 | insertExportedProvider(exportedProvider, token) {
291 | this.container.addExportedProvider(exportedProvider, token);
292 | }
293 | insertController(controller, token) {
294 | this.container.addController(controller, token);
295 | }
296 | insertOrOverrideModule(moduleDefinition, overrides, scope) {
297 | const overrideModule = this.getOverrideModuleByModule(moduleDefinition, overrides);
298 | if (overrideModule !== undefined) {
299 | return this.overrideModule(moduleDefinition, overrideModule.newModule, scope);
300 | }
301 | return this.insertModule(moduleDefinition, scope);
302 | }
303 | getOverrideModuleByModule(module, overrides) {
304 | if (this.isForwardReference(module)) {
305 | return overrides.find(moduleToOverride => {
306 | return (moduleToOverride.moduleToReplace === module.forwardRef() ||
307 | moduleToOverride.moduleToReplace.forwardRef?.() === module.forwardRef());
308 | });
309 | }
310 | return overrides.find(moduleToOverride => moduleToOverride.moduleToReplace === module);
311 | }
312 | async overrideModule(moduleToOverride, newModule, scope) {
313 | return this.container.replaceModule(this.isForwardReference(moduleToOverride)
314 | ? moduleToOverride.forwardRef()
315 | : moduleToOverride, this.isForwardReference(newModule) ? newModule.forwardRef() : newModule, scope);
316 | }
317 | reflectMetadata(metadataKey, metatype) {
318 | return Reflect.getMetadata(metadataKey, metatype) || [];
319 | }
320 | async registerCoreModule(overrides) {
321 | const moduleDefinition = internal_core_module_factory_1.InternalCoreModuleFactory.create(this.container, this, this.container.getModuleCompiler(), this.container.getHttpAdapterHostRef(), this.graphInspector, overrides);
322 | const [instance] = await this.scanForModules({
323 | moduleDefinition,
324 | overrides,
325 | });
326 | this.container.registerCoreModuleRef(instance);
327 | }
328 | |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 | addScopedEnhancersMetadata() {
333 | (0, iterare_1.iterate)(this.applicationProvidersApplyMap)
334 | .filter(wrapper => this.isRequestOrTransient(wrapper.scope))
335 | .forEach(({ moduleKey, providerKey }) => {
336 | const modulesContainer = this.container.getModules();
337 | const { injectables } = modulesContainer.get(moduleKey);
338 | const instanceWrapper = injectables.get(providerKey);
339 | const iterableIterator = modulesContainer.values();
340 | (0, iterare_1.iterate)(iterableIterator)
341 | .map(moduleRef => Array.from(moduleRef.controllers.values()).concat(moduleRef.entryProviders))
342 | .flatten()
343 | .forEach(controllerOrEntryProvider => controllerOrEntryProvider.addEnhancerMetadata(instanceWrapper));
344 | });
345 | }
346 | applyApplicationProviders() {
347 | const applyProvidersMap = this.getApplyProvidersMap();
348 | const applyRequestProvidersMap = this.getApplyRequestProvidersMap();
349 | const getInstanceWrapper = (moduleKey, providerKey, collectionKey) => {
350 | const modules = this.container.getModules();
351 | const collection = modules.get(moduleKey)[collectionKey];
352 | return collection.get(providerKey);
353 | };
354 |
355 | this.applicationProvidersApplyMap.forEach(({ moduleKey, providerKey, type, scope }) => {
356 | let instanceWrapper;
357 | if (this.isRequestOrTransient(scope)) {
358 | instanceWrapper = getInstanceWrapper(moduleKey, providerKey, 'injectables');
359 | this.graphInspector.insertAttachedEnhancer(instanceWrapper);
360 | return applyRequestProvidersMap[type](instanceWrapper);
361 | }
362 | instanceWrapper = getInstanceWrapper(moduleKey, providerKey, 'providers');
363 | this.graphInspector.insertAttachedEnhancer(instanceWrapper);
364 | applyProvidersMap[type](instanceWrapper.instance);
365 | });
366 | }
367 | getApplyProvidersMap() {
368 | return {
369 | [constants_2.APP_INTERCEPTOR]: (interceptor) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalInterceptor(interceptor),
370 | [constants_2.APP_PIPE]: (pipe) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalPipe(pipe),
371 | [constants_2.APP_GUARD]: (guard) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalGuard(guard),
372 | [constants_2.APP_FILTER]: (filter) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalFilter(filter),
373 | };
374 | }
375 | getApplyRequestProvidersMap() {
376 | return {
377 | [constants_2.APP_INTERCEPTOR]: (interceptor) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalRequestInterceptor(interceptor),
378 | [constants_2.APP_PIPE]: (pipe) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalRequestPipe(pipe),
379 | [constants_2.APP_GUARD]: (guard) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalRequestGuard(guard),
380 | [constants_2.APP_FILTER]: (filter) => this.applicationConfig.addGlobalRequestFilter(filter),
381 | };
382 | }
383 | isDynamicModule(module) {
384 | return module && !!module.module;
385 | }
386 | |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 | isInjectable(metatype) {
391 | return !!Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.INJECTABLE_WATERMARK, metatype);
392 | }
393 | |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 | isController(metatype) {
398 | return !!Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.CONTROLLER_WATERMARK, metatype);
399 | }
400 | |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 | isExceptionFilter(metatype) {
405 | return !!Reflect.getMetadata(constants_1.CATCH_WATERMARK, metatype);
406 | }
407 | isForwardReference(module) {
408 | return module && !!module.forwardRef;
409 | }
410 | isRequestOrTransient(scope) {
411 | return scope === interfaces_1.Scope.REQUEST || scope === interfaces_1.Scope.TRANSIENT;
412 | }
413 | }
414 | exports.DependenciesScanner = DependenciesScanner;