1.41 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { InjectorDependencyContext } from '../injector/injector';
2import { Module } from '../injector/module';
3export declare const UNKNOWN_DEPENDENCIES_MESSAGE: (type: string | symbol, unknownDependencyContext: InjectorDependencyContext, module: Module) => string;
4export declare const INVALID_MIDDLEWARE_MESSAGE: (text: TemplateStringsArray, name: string) => string;
5export declare const INVALID_MODULE_MESSAGE: (text: TemplateStringsArray, scope: string) => string;
6export declare const UNKNOWN_EXPORT_MESSAGE: (token: string, module: string) => string;
7export declare const INVALID_CLASS_MESSAGE: (text: TemplateStringsArray, value: any) => string;
8export declare const INVALID_CLASS_SCOPE_MESSAGE: (text: TemplateStringsArray, name: string) => string;
9export declare const INVALID_MIDDLEWARE_CONFIGURATION = "An invalid middleware configuration has been passed inside the module 'configure()' method.";
10export declare const UNKNOWN_REQUEST_MAPPING = "An invalid controller has been detected. Perhaps, one of your controllers is missing @Controller() decorator.";
11export declare const UNHANDLED_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION = "Unhandled Runtime Exception.";
12export declare const INVALID_EXCEPTION_FILTER = "Invalid exception filters (@UseFilters()).";
13export declare const MICROSERVICES_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION = "Unable to load @nestjs/microservices package. (Please make sure that it's already installed.)";