11.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.NestApplication = void 0;
4const common_1 = require("@nestjs/common");
5const logger_service_1 = require("@nestjs/common/services/logger.service");
6const load_package_util_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/load-package.util");
7const shared_utils_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils");
8const iterare_1 = require("iterare");
9const os_1 = require("os");
10const pathToRegexp = require("path-to-regexp");
11const application_config_1 = require("./application-config");
12const constants_1 = require("./constants");
13const optional_require_1 = require("./helpers/optional-require");
14const container_1 = require("./middleware/container");
15const middleware_module_1 = require("./middleware/middleware-module");
16const nest_application_context_1 = require("./nest-application-context");
17const routes_resolver_1 = require("./router/routes-resolver");
18const { SocketModule } = optional_require_1.optionalRequire('@nestjs/websockets/socket-module', () => require('@nestjs/websockets/socket-module'));
19const { MicroservicesModule } = optional_require_1.optionalRequire('@nestjs/microservices/microservices-module', () => require('@nestjs/microservices/microservices-module'));
21 * @publicApi
22 */
23class NestApplication extends nest_application_context_1.NestApplicationContext {
24 constructor(container, httpAdapter, config, appOptions = {}) {
25 super(container);
26 this.httpAdapter = httpAdapter;
27 this.config = config;
28 this.appOptions = appOptions;
29 this.logger = new logger_service_1.Logger(NestApplication.name, {
30 timestamp: true,
31 });
32 this.middlewareModule = new middleware_module_1.MiddlewareModule();
33 this.middlewareContainer = new container_1.MiddlewareContainer(this.container);
34 this.microservicesModule = MicroservicesModule && new MicroservicesModule();
35 this.socketModule = SocketModule && new SocketModule();
36 this.microservices = [];
37 this.isListening = false;
38 this.selectContextModule();
39 this.registerHttpServer();
40 this.routesResolver = new routes_resolver_1.RoutesResolver(this.container, this.config, this.injector);
41 }
42 async dispose() {
43 this.socketModule && (await this.socketModule.close());
44 this.microservicesModule && (await this.microservicesModule.close());
45 this.httpAdapter && (await this.httpAdapter.close());
46 await Promise.all(iterare_1.iterate(this.microservices).map(async (microservice) => {
47 microservice.setIsTerminated(true);
48 await microservice.close();
49 }));
50 }
51 getHttpAdapter() {
52 return this.httpAdapter;
53 }
54 registerHttpServer() {
55 this.httpServer = this.createServer();
56 }
57 getUnderlyingHttpServer() {
58 return this.httpAdapter.getHttpServer();
59 }
60 applyOptions() {
61 if (!this.appOptions || !this.appOptions.cors) {
62 return undefined;
63 }
64 const passCustomOptions = shared_utils_1.isObject(this.appOptions.cors) ||
65 typeof this.appOptions.cors === 'function';
66 if (!passCustomOptions) {
67 return this.enableCors();
68 }
69 return this.enableCors(this.appOptions.cors);
70 }
71 createServer() {
72 this.httpAdapter.initHttpServer(this.appOptions);
73 return this.httpAdapter.getHttpServer();
74 }
75 async registerModules() {
76 this.registerWsModule();
77 if (this.microservicesModule) {
78 this.microservicesModule.register(this.container, this.config);
79 this.microservicesModule.setupClients(this.container);
80 }
81 await this.middlewareModule.register(this.middlewareContainer, this.container, this.config, this.injector, this.httpAdapter);
82 }
83 registerWsModule() {
84 if (!this.socketModule) {
85 return;
86 }
87 this.socketModule.register(this.container, this.config, this.httpServer);
88 }
89 async init() {
90 var _a;
91 this.applyOptions();
92 await ((_a = this.httpAdapter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.init());
93 const useBodyParser = this.appOptions && this.appOptions.bodyParser !== false;
94 useBodyParser && this.registerParserMiddleware();
95 await this.registerModules();
96 await this.registerRouter();
97 await this.callInitHook();
98 await this.registerRouterHooks();
99 await this.callBootstrapHook();
100 this.isInitialized = true;
101 this.logger.log(constants_1.MESSAGES.APPLICATION_READY);
102 return this;
103 }
104 registerParserMiddleware() {
105 this.httpAdapter.registerParserMiddleware();
106 }
107 async registerRouter() {
108 await this.registerMiddleware(this.httpAdapter);
109 const prefix = this.config.getGlobalPrefix();
110 const basePath = shared_utils_1.addLeadingSlash(prefix);
111 this.routesResolver.resolve(this.httpAdapter, basePath);
112 }
113 async registerRouterHooks() {
114 this.routesResolver.registerNotFoundHandler();
115 this.routesResolver.registerExceptionHandler();
116 }
117 connectMicroservice(microserviceOptions, hybridAppOptions = {}) {
118 const { NestMicroservice } = load_package_util_1.loadPackage('@nestjs/microservices', 'NestFactory', () => require('@nestjs/microservices'));
119 const { inheritAppConfig } = hybridAppOptions;
120 const applicationConfig = inheritAppConfig
121 ? this.config
122 : new application_config_1.ApplicationConfig();
123 const instance = new NestMicroservice(this.container, microserviceOptions, applicationConfig);
124 instance.registerListeners();
125 instance.setIsInitialized(true);
126 instance.setIsInitHookCalled(true);
127 this.microservices.push(instance);
128 return instance;
129 }
130 getMicroservices() {
131 return this.microservices;
132 }
133 getHttpServer() {
134 return this.httpServer;
135 }
136 async startAllMicroservices() {
137 await Promise.all(this.microservices.map(msvc => msvc.listen()));
138 return this;
139 }
140 startAllMicroservicesAsync() {
141 this.logger.warn('DEPRECATED! "startAllMicroservicesAsync" method is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please, use "startAllMicroservices" instead.');
142 return this.startAllMicroservices();
143 }
144 use(...args) {
145 this.httpAdapter.use(...args);
146 return this;
147 }
148 enableCors(options) {
149 this.httpAdapter.enableCors(options);
150 }
151 enableVersioning(options = { type: common_1.VersioningType.URI }) {
152 this.config.enableVersioning(options);
153 return this;
154 }
155 async listen(port, ...args) {
156 !this.isInitialized && (await this.init());
157 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
158 const errorHandler = (e) => {
159 var _a;
160 this.logger.error((_a = e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.toString) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(e));
161 reject(e);
162 };
163 this.httpServer.once('error', errorHandler);
164 const isCallbackInOriginalArgs = shared_utils_1.isFunction(args[args.length - 1]);
165 const listenFnArgs = isCallbackInOriginalArgs
166 ? args.slice(0, args.length - 1)
167 : args;
168 this.httpAdapter.listen(port, ...listenFnArgs, (...originalCallbackArgs) => {
169 var _a, _b;
170 if ((_b = (_a = this.appOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.autoFlushLogs) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true) {
171 this.flushLogs();
172 }
173 const address = this.httpServer.address();
174 if (address) {
175 this.httpServer.removeListener('error', errorHandler);
176 this.isListening = true;
177 resolve(this.httpServer);
178 }
179 if (isCallbackInOriginalArgs) {
180 args[args.length - 1](...originalCallbackArgs);
181 }
182 });
183 });
184 }
185 listenAsync(port, ...args) {
186 this.logger.warn('DEPRECATED! "listenAsync" method is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please, use "listen" instead.');
187 return this.listen(port, ...args);
188 }
189 async getUrl() {
190 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
191 if (!this.isListening) {
192 this.logger.error(constants_1.MESSAGES.CALL_LISTEN_FIRST);
193 reject(constants_1.MESSAGES.CALL_LISTEN_FIRST);
194 }
195 const address = this.httpServer.address();
196 resolve(this.formatAddress(address));
197 });
198 }
199 formatAddress(address) {
200 if (typeof address === 'string') {
201 if (os_1.platform() === 'win32') {
202 return address;
203 }
204 const basePath = encodeURIComponent(address);
205 return `${this.getProtocol()}+unix://${basePath}`;
206 }
207 let host = this.host();
208 if (address && address.family === 'IPv6') {
209 if (host === '::') {
210 host = '[::1]';
211 }
212 else {
213 host = `[${host}]`;
214 }
215 }
216 else if (host === '') {
217 host = '';
218 }
219 return `${this.getProtocol()}://${host}:${address.port}`;
220 }
221 setGlobalPrefix(prefix, options) {
222 this.config.setGlobalPrefix(prefix);
223 if (options) {
224 const exclude = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.exclude.map((route) => {
225 if (shared_utils_1.isString(route)) {
226 return {
227 requestMethod: common_1.RequestMethod.ALL,
228 pathRegex: pathToRegexp(shared_utils_1.addLeadingSlash(route)),
229 };
230 }
231 return {
232 requestMethod: route.method,
233 pathRegex: pathToRegexp(shared_utils_1.addLeadingSlash(route.path)),
234 };
235 });
236 this.config.setGlobalPrefixOptions(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { exclude }));
237 }
238 return this;
239 }
240 useWebSocketAdapter(adapter) {
241 this.config.setIoAdapter(adapter);
242 return this;
243 }
244 useGlobalFilters(...filters) {
245 this.config.useGlobalFilters(...filters);
246 return this;
247 }
248 useGlobalPipes(...pipes) {
249 this.config.useGlobalPipes(...pipes);
250 return this;
251 }
252 useGlobalInterceptors(...interceptors) {
253 this.config.useGlobalInterceptors(...interceptors);
254 return this;
255 }
256 useGlobalGuards(...guards) {
257 this.config.useGlobalGuards(...guards);
258 return this;
259 }
260 useStaticAssets(pathOrOptions, options) {
261 this.httpAdapter.useStaticAssets &&
262 this.httpAdapter.useStaticAssets(pathOrOptions, options);
263 return this;
264 }
265 setBaseViewsDir(path) {
266 this.httpAdapter.setBaseViewsDir && this.httpAdapter.setBaseViewsDir(path);
267 return this;
268 }
269 setViewEngine(engineOrOptions) {
270 this.httpAdapter.setViewEngine &&
271 this.httpAdapter.setViewEngine(engineOrOptions);
272 return this;
273 }
274 host() {
275 const address = this.httpServer.address();
276 if (typeof address === 'string') {
277 return undefined;
278 }
279 return address && address.address;
280 }
281 getProtocol() {
282 return this.appOptions && this.appOptions.httpsOptions ? 'https' : 'http';
283 }
284 async registerMiddleware(instance) {
285 await this.middlewareModule.registerMiddleware(this.middlewareContainer, instance);
286 }
288exports.NestApplication = NestApplication;