1 | "use strict";
2 | var GraphQLModule_1;
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
4 | exports.GraphQLModule = void 0;
5 | const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
6 | const common_1 = require("@nestjs/common");
7 | const core_1 = require("@nestjs/core");
8 | const messages_1 = require("@nestjs/core/helpers/messages");
9 | const inspector_1 = require("@nestjs/core/inspector");
10 | const metadata_scanner_1 = require("@nestjs/core/metadata-scanner");
11 | const abstract_graphql_driver_1 = require("./drivers/abstract-graphql.driver");
12 | const graphql_federation_factory_1 = require("./federation/graphql-federation.factory");
13 | const type_defs_decorator_factory_1 = require("./federation/type-defs-decorator.factory");
14 | const graphql_ast_explorer_1 = require("./graphql-ast.explorer");
15 | const graphql_schema_builder_1 = require("./graphql-schema.builder");
16 | const graphql_schema_host_1 = require("./graphql-schema.host");
17 | const graphql_types_loader_1 = require("./graphql-types.loader");
18 | const graphql_constants_1 = require("./graphql.constants");
19 | const graphql_factory_1 = require("./graphql.factory");
20 | const metadata_loader_1 = require("./plugin/metadata-loader");
21 | const schema_builder_module_1 = require("./schema-builder/schema-builder.module");
22 | const services_1 = require("./services");
23 | const utils_1 = require("./utils");
24 | let GraphQLModule = GraphQLModule_1 = class GraphQLModule {
25 | get graphQlAdapter() {
26 | return this._graphQlAdapter;
27 | }
28 | constructor(httpAdapterHost, options, _graphQlAdapter, graphQlTypesLoader, gqlSchemaHost) {
29 | this.httpAdapterHost = httpAdapterHost;
30 | this.options = options;
31 | this._graphQlAdapter = _graphQlAdapter;
32 | this.graphQlTypesLoader = graphQlTypesLoader;
33 | this.gqlSchemaHost = gqlSchemaHost;
34 | this.metadataLoader = new metadata_loader_1.MetadataLoader();
35 | }
36 | async onModuleDestroy() {
37 | await this._graphQlAdapter.stop();
38 | }
39 | static forRoot(options = {}) {
40 | this.assertDriver(options);
41 | return {
42 | module: GraphQLModule_1,
43 | providers: [
44 | {
45 | provide: graphql_constants_1.GRAPHQL_MODULE_OPTIONS,
46 | useValue: options,
47 | },
48 | {
49 | provide: abstract_graphql_driver_1.AbstractGraphQLDriver,
50 | useClass: options.driver,
51 | },
52 | ],
53 | };
54 | }
55 | static forRootAsync(options) {
56 | this.assertDriver(options);
57 | return {
58 | module: GraphQLModule_1,
59 | imports: options.imports,
60 | providers: [
61 | ...this.createAsyncProviders(options),
62 | {
63 | provide: graphql_constants_1.GRAPHQL_MODULE_ID,
64 | useValue: (0, utils_1.generateString)(),
65 | },
66 | {
67 | provide: abstract_graphql_driver_1.AbstractGraphQLDriver,
68 | useClass: options.driver,
69 | },
70 | ],
71 | };
72 | }
73 | static createAsyncProviders(options) {
74 | if (options.useExisting || options.useFactory) {
75 | return [this.createAsyncOptionsProvider(options)];
76 | }
77 | return [
78 | this.createAsyncOptionsProvider(options),
79 | {
80 | provide: options.useClass,
81 | useClass: options.useClass,
82 | },
83 | ];
84 | }
85 | static createAsyncOptionsProvider(options) {
86 | if (options.useFactory) {
87 | return {
88 | provide: graphql_constants_1.GRAPHQL_MODULE_OPTIONS,
89 | useFactory: async (...args) => await options.useFactory(...args),
90 | inject: options.inject || [],
91 | };
92 | }
93 | return {
94 | provide: graphql_constants_1.GRAPHQL_MODULE_OPTIONS,
95 | useFactory: async (optionsFactory) => await optionsFactory.createGqlOptions(),
96 | inject: [options.useExisting || options.useClass],
97 | };
98 | }
99 | async onModuleInit() {
100 | if (this.options.metadata) {
101 | const metadataFn = this.options.metadata;
102 | const metadata = await metadataFn();
103 | await this.metadataLoader.load(metadata);
104 | }
105 | const options = await this._graphQlAdapter.mergeDefaultOptions(this.options);
106 | const { typePaths } = options;
107 | const typeDefs = (await this.graphQlTypesLoader.mergeTypesByPaths(typePaths)) || [];
108 | const mergedTypeDefs = (0, utils_1.extend)(typeDefs, options.typeDefs);
109 | const gqlSchema = await this._graphQlAdapter.generateSchema({
110 | ...options,
111 | typeDefs: mergedTypeDefs,
112 | });
113 | this.gqlSchemaHost.schema = gqlSchema;
114 | const completeOptions = {
115 | ...options,
116 | schema: gqlSchema,
117 | typeDefs: undefined,
118 | };
119 | const httpAdapter = this.httpAdapterHost?.httpAdapter;
120 | if (!httpAdapter) {
121 | return;
122 | }
123 | await this._graphQlAdapter.start(completeOptions);
124 | if (options.path) {
125 | GraphQLModule_1.logger.log((0, messages_1.ROUTE_MAPPED_MESSAGE)(options.path, common_1.RequestMethod.POST));
126 | }
127 | }
128 | static assertDriver(options) {
129 | if (!options.driver) {
130 | const errorMessage = `Missing "driver" option. In the latest version of "@nestjs/graphql" package (v10) a new required configuration property called "driver" has been introduced. Check out the official documentation for more details on how to migrate (https://docs.nestjs.com/graphql/migration-guide). Example:
131 |
132 | GraphQLModule.forRoot<ApolloDriverConfig>({
133 | driver: ApolloDriver,
134 | })`;
135 | this.logger.error(errorMessage);
136 | throw new Error(errorMessage);
137 | }
138 | }
139 | };
140 | exports.GraphQLModule = GraphQLModule;
141 | GraphQLModule.logger = new common_1.Logger(GraphQLModule_1.name, {
142 | timestamp: true,
143 | });
144 | exports.GraphQLModule = GraphQLModule = GraphQLModule_1 = tslib_1.__decorate([
145 | (0, common_1.Module)({
146 | imports: [schema_builder_module_1.GraphQLSchemaBuilderModule],
147 | providers: [
148 | graphql_factory_1.GraphQLFactory,
149 | metadata_scanner_1.MetadataScanner,
150 | services_1.ResolversExplorerService,
151 | services_1.ScalarsExplorerService,
152 | graphql_ast_explorer_1.GraphQLAstExplorer,
153 | graphql_types_loader_1.GraphQLTypesLoader,
154 | graphql_schema_builder_1.GraphQLSchemaBuilder,
155 | graphql_schema_host_1.GraphQLSchemaHost,
156 | graphql_federation_factory_1.GraphQLFederationFactory,
157 | type_defs_decorator_factory_1.TypeDefsDecoratorFactory,
158 | ],
159 | exports: [
160 | graphql_types_loader_1.GraphQLTypesLoader,
161 | graphql_ast_explorer_1.GraphQLAstExplorer,
162 | graphql_schema_host_1.GraphQLSchemaHost,
163 | graphql_federation_factory_1.GraphQLFederationFactory,
164 | ],
165 | }),
166 | tslib_1.__param(1, (0, common_1.Inject)(graphql_constants_1.GRAPHQL_MODULE_OPTIONS)),
167 | tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [core_1.HttpAdapterHost, Object, abstract_graphql_driver_1.AbstractGraphQLDriver,
168 | graphql_types_loader_1.GraphQLTypesLoader,
169 | graphql_schema_host_1.GraphQLSchemaHost])
170 | ], GraphQLModule);
171 | inspector_1.InitializeOnPreviewAllowlist.add(GraphQLModule);