5.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.NestMicroservice = void 0;
4const logger_service_1 = require("@nestjs/common/services/logger.service");
5const constants_1 = require("@nestjs/core/constants");
6const optional_require_1 = require("@nestjs/core/helpers/optional-require");
7const nest_application_context_1 = require("@nestjs/core/nest-application-context");
8const transport_enum_1 = require("./enums/transport.enum");
9const microservices_module_1 = require("./microservices-module");
10const server_factory_1 = require("./server/server-factory");
11const { SocketModule } = optional_require_1.optionalRequire('@nestjs/websockets/socket-module', () => require('@nestjs/websockets/socket-module'));
12class NestMicroservice extends nest_application_context_1.NestApplicationContext {
13 constructor(container, config = {}, applicationConfig) {
14 super(container);
15 this.applicationConfig = applicationConfig;
16 this.logger = new logger_service_1.Logger(NestMicroservice.name, {
17 timestamp: true,
18 });
19 this.microservicesModule = new microservices_module_1.MicroservicesModule();
20 this.socketModule = SocketModule ? new SocketModule() : null;
21 this.isTerminated = false;
22 this.isInitHookCalled = false;
23 this.microservicesModule.register(container, this.applicationConfig);
24 this.createServer(config);
25 this.selectContextModule();
26 }
27 createServer(config) {
28 try {
29 this.microserviceConfig = Object.assign({ transport: transport_enum_1.Transport.TCP }, config);
30 const { strategy } = config;
31 this.server = strategy
32 ? strategy
33 : server_factory_1.ServerFactory.create(this.microserviceConfig);
34 }
35 catch (e) {
36 this.logger.error(e);
37 throw e;
38 }
39 }
40 async registerModules() {
41 this.socketModule &&
42 this.socketModule.register(this.container, this.applicationConfig);
43 this.microservicesModule.setupClients(this.container);
44 this.registerListeners();
45 this.setIsInitialized(true);
46 if (!this.isInitHookCalled) {
47 await this.callInitHook();
48 await this.callBootstrapHook();
49 }
50 }
51 registerListeners() {
52 this.microservicesModule.setupListeners(this.container, this.server);
53 }
54 useWebSocketAdapter(adapter) {
55 this.applicationConfig.setIoAdapter(adapter);
56 return this;
57 }
58 useGlobalFilters(...filters) {
59 this.applicationConfig.useGlobalFilters(...filters);
60 return this;
61 }
62 useGlobalPipes(...pipes) {
63 this.applicationConfig.useGlobalPipes(...pipes);
64 return this;
65 }
66 useGlobalInterceptors(...interceptors) {
67 this.applicationConfig.useGlobalInterceptors(...interceptors);
68 return this;
69 }
70 useGlobalGuards(...guards) {
71 this.applicationConfig.useGlobalGuards(...guards);
72 return this;
73 }
74 async init() {
75 if (this.isInitialized) {
76 return this;
77 }
78 await super.init();
79 await this.registerModules();
80 return this;
81 }
82 async listen() {
83 !this.isInitialized && (await this.registerModules());
84 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
85 this.server.listen((err, info) => {
86 var _a, _b;
87 if ((_b = (_a = this.microserviceConfig) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.autoFlushLogs) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true) {
88 this.flushLogs();
89 }
90 if (err) {
91 return reject(err);
92 }
93 this.logger.log(constants_1.MESSAGES.MICROSERVICE_READY);
94 resolve(info);
95 });
96 });
97 }
98 async listenAsync() {
99 this.logger.warn('DEPRECATED! "listenAsync" method is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please, use "listen" instead.');
100 return this.listen();
101 }
102 async close() {
103 await this.server.close();
104 if (this.isTerminated) {
105 return;
106 }
107 this.setIsTerminated(true);
108 await this.closeApplication();
109 }
110 setIsInitialized(isInitialized) {
111 this.isInitialized = isInitialized;
112 }
113 setIsTerminated(isTerminated) {
114 this.isTerminated = isTerminated;
115 }
116 setIsInitHookCalled(isInitHookCalled) {
117 this.isInitHookCalled = isInitHookCalled;
118 }
119 async closeApplication() {
120 this.socketModule && (await this.socketModule.close());
121 this.microservicesModule && (await this.microservicesModule.close());
122 await super.close();
123 this.setIsTerminated(true);
124 }
125 async dispose() {
126 await this.server.close();
127 if (this.isTerminated) {
128 return;
129 }
130 this.socketModule && (await this.socketModule.close());
131 this.microservicesModule && (await this.microservicesModule.close());
132 }
134exports.NestMicroservice = NestMicroservice;