1 | import { RequestMethod, VersioningOptions } from '@nestjs/common';
2 | import { VersionValue } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces';
3 | import { CorsOptions, CorsOptionsDelegate } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/external/cors-options.interface';
4 | import { AbstractHttpAdapter } from '@nestjs/core/adapters/http-adapter';
5 | import { FastifyBaseLogger, FastifyBodyParser, FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginAsync, FastifyPluginCallback, FastifyRegister, FastifyReply, FastifyRequest, FastifyServerOptions, RawReplyDefaultExpression, RawRequestDefaultExpression, RawServerBase, RawServerDefault, RequestGenericInterface } from 'fastify';
6 | import * as http2 from 'http2';
7 | import * as https from 'https';
8 | import * as http from 'http';
9 | import { InjectOptions, Chain as LightMyRequestChain, Response as LightMyRequestResponse } from 'light-my-request';
10 | import { NestFastifyBodyParserOptions } from '../interfaces';
11 | import { FastifyStaticOptions, FastifyViewOptions } from '../interfaces/external';
12 | type FastifyAdapterBaseOptions<Server extends RawServerBase = RawServerDefault, Logger extends FastifyBaseLogger = FastifyBaseLogger> = FastifyServerOptions<Server, Logger> & {
13 | skipMiddie?: boolean;
14 | };
15 | type FastifyHttp2SecureOptions<Server extends http2.Http2SecureServer, Logger extends FastifyBaseLogger = FastifyBaseLogger> = FastifyAdapterBaseOptions<Server, Logger> & {
16 | http2: true;
17 | https: http2.SecureServerOptions;
18 | };
19 | type FastifyHttp2Options<Server extends http2.Http2Server, Logger extends FastifyBaseLogger = FastifyBaseLogger> = FastifyAdapterBaseOptions<Server, Logger> & {
20 | http2: true;
21 | http2SessionTimeout?: number;
22 | };
23 | type FastifyHttpsOptions<Server extends https.Server, Logger extends FastifyBaseLogger = FastifyBaseLogger> = FastifyAdapterBaseOptions<Server, Logger> & {
24 | https: https.ServerOptions;
25 | };
26 | type FastifyHttpOptions<Server extends http.Server, Logger extends FastifyBaseLogger = FastifyBaseLogger> = FastifyAdapterBaseOptions<Server, Logger> & {
27 | http: http.ServerOptions;
28 | };
29 | type VersionedRoute<TRequest, TResponse> = ((req: TRequest, res: TResponse, next: Function) => Function) & {
30 | version: VersionValue;
31 | versioningOptions: VersioningOptions;
32 | };
33 | /**
34 | * The following type assertion is valid as we enforce "middie" plugin registration
35 | * which enhances the FastifyRequest.RawRequest with the "originalUrl" property.
36 | * ref https://github.com/fastify/middie/pull/16
37 | * ref https://github.com/fastify/fastify/pull/559
38 | */
39 | type FastifyRawRequest<TServer extends RawServerBase> = RawRequestDefaultExpression<TServer> & {
40 | originalUrl?: string;
41 | };
42 | /**
43 | * @publicApi
44 | */
45 | export declare class FastifyAdapter<TServer extends RawServerBase = RawServerDefault, TRawRequest extends FastifyRawRequest<TServer> = FastifyRawRequest<TServer>, TRawResponse extends RawReplyDefaultExpression<TServer> = RawReplyDefaultExpression<TServer>, TRequest extends FastifyRequest<RequestGenericInterface, TServer, TRawRequest> = FastifyRequest<RequestGenericInterface, TServer, TRawRequest>, TReply extends FastifyReply<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse> = FastifyReply<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse>, TInstance extends FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse> = FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse>> extends AbstractHttpAdapter<TServer, TRequest, TReply> {
46 | protected readonly instance: TInstance;
47 | private _isParserRegistered;
48 | private isMiddieRegistered;
49 | private versioningOptions?;
50 | private readonly versionConstraint;
51 | get isParserRegistered(): boolean;
52 | constructor(instanceOrOptions?: TInstance | FastifyHttp2Options<any> | FastifyHttp2SecureOptions<any> | FastifyHttpsOptions<any> | FastifyHttpOptions<any> | FastifyAdapterBaseOptions<TServer>);
53 | init(): Promise<void>;
54 | listen(port: string | number, callback?: () => void): void;
55 | listen(port: string | number, hostname: string, callback?: () => void): void;
56 | get(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
57 | post(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
58 | head(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
59 | delete(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
60 | put(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
61 | patch(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
62 | options(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
63 | search(...args: any[]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
64 | applyVersionFilter(handler: Function, version: VersionValue, versioningOptions: VersioningOptions): VersionedRoute<TRequest, TReply>;
65 | reply(response: TRawResponse | TReply, body: any, statusCode?: number): FastifyReply<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, import("fastify").RouteGenericInterface, unknown, import("fastify").FastifySchema, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault, unknown>;
66 | status(response: TRawResponse | TReply, statusCode: number): TRawResponse | FastifyReply<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, import("fastify").RouteGenericInterface, unknown, import("fastify").FastifySchema, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault, unknown>;
67 | end(response: TReply, message?: string): void;
68 | render(response: TReply & {
69 | view: Function;
70 | }, view: string, options: any): any;
71 | redirect(response: TReply, statusCode: number, url: string): FastifyReply<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, import("fastify").RouteGenericInterface, unknown, import("fastify").FastifySchema, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault, unknown>;
72 | setErrorHandler(handler: Parameters<TInstance['setErrorHandler']>[0]): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProvider>;
73 | setNotFoundHandler(handler: Function): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault>;
74 | getHttpServer<T = TServer>(): T;
75 | getInstance<T = TInstance>(): T;
76 | register<TRegister extends Parameters<FastifyRegister<TInstance>>>(plugin: TRegister['0'], opts?: TRegister['1']): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault> & PromiseLike<undefined>;
77 | inject(): LightMyRequestChain;
78 | inject(opts: InjectOptions | string): Promise<LightMyRequestResponse>;
79 | close(): Promise<undefined>;
80 | initHttpServer(): void;
81 | useStaticAssets(options: FastifyStaticOptions): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault> & PromiseLike<undefined>;
82 | setViewEngine(options: FastifyViewOptions | string): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault> & PromiseLike<undefined>;
83 | isHeadersSent(response: TReply): boolean;
84 | getHeader?(response: any, name: string): any;
85 | setHeader(response: TReply, name: string, value: string): FastifyReply<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, import("fastify").RouteGenericInterface, unknown, import("fastify").FastifySchema, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault, unknown>;
86 | appendHeader?(response: any, name: string, value: string): void;
87 | getRequestHostname(request: TRequest): string;
88 | getRequestMethod(request: TRequest): string;
89 | getRequestUrl(request: TRequest): string;
90 | getRequestUrl(request: TRawRequest): string;
91 | enableCors(options: CorsOptions | CorsOptionsDelegate<TRequest>): void;
92 | registerParserMiddleware(prefix?: string, rawBody?: boolean): void;
93 | useBodyParser(type: string | string[] | RegExp, rawBody: boolean, options?: NestFastifyBodyParserOptions, parser?: FastifyBodyParser<Buffer, TServer>): void;
94 | createMiddlewareFactory(requestMethod: RequestMethod): Promise<(path: string, callback: Function) => any>;
95 | getType(): string;
96 | protected registerWithPrefix(factory: FastifyPluginCallback<any> | FastifyPluginAsync<any> | Promise<{
97 | default: FastifyPluginCallback<any>;
98 | }> | Promise<{
99 | default: FastifyPluginAsync<any>;
100 | }>, prefix?: string): FastifyInstance<TServer, TRawRequest, TRawResponse, FastifyBaseLogger, import("fastify").FastifyTypeProviderDefault> & PromiseLike<undefined>;
101 | private isNativeResponse;
102 | private registerJsonContentParser;
103 | private registerUrlencodedContentParser;
104 | private registerMiddie;
105 | private getRequestOriginalUrl;
106 | private injectRouteOptions;
107 | }
108 | export {};