3.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { CorsOptions } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/external/cors-options.interface';
3 * External interface
4 * @see https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/blob/master/lib/index.ts
5 * @publicApi
6 */
7export interface GatewayMetadata {
8 /**
9 * The name of a namespace
10 */
11 namespace?: string | RegExp;
12 /**
13 * Name of the path to capture
14 * @default "/socket.io"
15 */
16 path?: string;
17 /**
18 * Whether to serve the client files
19 * @default true
20 */
21 serveClient?: boolean;
22 /**
23 * The adapter to use
24 * @default the in-memory adapter (https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-adapter)
25 */
26 adapter?: any;
27 /**
28 * The parser to use
29 * @default the default parser (https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-parser)
30 */
31 parser?: any;
32 /**
33 * How many ms before a client without namespace is closed
34 * @default 45_000
35 */
36 connectTimeout?: number;
37 /**
38 * How many ms without a pong packet to consider the connection closed
39 * @default 20_000
40 */
41 pingTimeout?: number;
42 /**
43 * How many ms before sending a new ping packet
44 * @default 25_000
45 */
46 pingInterval?: number;
47 /**
48 * How many ms before an uncompleted transport upgrade is cancelled
49 * @default 10_000
50 */
51 upgradeTimeout?: number;
52 /**
53 * How many bytes or characters a message can be, before closing the session (to avoid DoS).
54 * @default 1e6 (1 MB)
55 */
56 maxHttpBufferSize?: number;
57 /**
58 * A function that receives a given handshake or upgrade request as its first parameter,
59 * and can decide whether to continue or not. The second argument is a function that needs
60 * to be called with the decided information: fn(err, success), where success is a boolean
61 * value where false means that the request is rejected, and err is an error code.
62 */
63 allowRequest?: (req: any, fn: (err: string | null | undefined, success: boolean) => void) => void;
64 /**
65 * The low-level transports that are enabled
66 * @default ["polling", "websocket"]
67 */
68 transports?: Array<'polling' | 'websocket'>;
69 /**
70 * Whether to allow transport upgrades
71 * @default true
72 */
73 allowUpgrades?: boolean;
74 /**
75 * Parameters of the WebSocket permessage-deflate extension (see ws module api docs). Set to false to disable.
76 * @default false
77 */
78 perMessageDeflate?: boolean | object;
79 /**
80 * Parameters of the http compression for the polling transports (see zlib api docs). Set to false to disable.
81 * @default true
82 */
83 httpCompression?: boolean | object;
84 /**
85 * What WebSocket server implementation to use. Specified module must
86 * conform to the ws interface (see ws module api docs). Default value is ws.
87 * An alternative c++ addon is also available by installing uws module.
88 */
89 wsEngine?: string;
90 /**
91 * An optional packet which will be concatenated to the handshake packet emitted by Engine.IO.
92 */
93 initialPacket?: any;
94 /**
95 * Configuration of the cookie that contains the client sid to send as part of handshake response headers. This cookie
96 * might be used for sticky-session. Defaults to not sending any cookie.
97 * @default false
98 */
99 cookie?: any | boolean;
100 /**
101 * The options that will be forwarded to the cors module
102 */
103 cors?: CorsOptions;
104 /**
105 * Whether to enable compatibility with Socket.IO v2 clients
106 * @default false
107 */
108 allowEIO3?: boolean;
109 /**
110 * Destroy unhandled upgrade requests
111 * @default true
112 */
113 destroyUpgrade?: boolean;
114 /**
115 * Milliseconds after which unhandled requests are ended
116 * @default 1_000
117 */
118 destroyUpgradeTimeout?: number;