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1<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">
2 <h1 style="border-bottom: none;">TotalJS Application</h1>
4 <p>Building Scalable Applications with TotalJS Flow</p>
5 <img src="images/ApplicationComponent.png" alt="Application Component" width="163" />
6 <img src="images/ModuleComponent.png" alt="Module Component" width="163" />
10<hr />
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36## Table of contents <!-- omit in toc -->
38- [Description](#description)
39- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
40- [Application Configuration](#application-configuration)
41- [Application Bootstrapping](#application-bootstrapping)
42- [Module Configuration](#module-configuration)
43- [Module Bootstrapping](#module-bootstrapping)
44- [Application Flow Architecture](#application-flow-architecture)
45- [Pre-requisites](#pre-requisites)
46- [Setup](#setup)
47 - [Install](#install)
48 - [Install Application](#install-application)
49 - [Install Module](#install-module)
50- [License](#license)
52## Description
53This project provides a set of components to help build applications using [TotalJS Flow][totaljs-flow-url].
54The two main components are the [Application][application-component-url] and the [Module][module-component-url].
55The Application is responsible for processing requests and managing the modules. The Module is responsible for
56handling all the operational logic.<br /><br />
57The TotalJS Flow project is a great tool for developing applications using flow based programming.
58When building larger applications where inter-module communication, multiphase processing, and
59scaling need to be taken into account it can be difficult to manage. This project provides a
60set of components to facilitate the building of larger applications using TotalJS Flow.<br /><br />
61Both the Application and the Module need to communicate with a redis server. Redis is used
62as the backend for how Application and Module instances communicate with each other.<br /><br />
63The Application component needs to communicate with a MongoDB server. The MongoDB server
64is primarily used to store details about the modules and their status. This is used so that
65the Application instances can be scaled out horizontally and keep in sync when it comes to
66processing.<br /><br />
69## Dependencies
70- TotalJS Flow
71- Redis Server
72- RethinkDB Server
75## Application Configuration
76- Application Name (Required: String)
77- Processing Mode (Required: String)
78 - "Everything" (all) = Both input and API requests are processed
79 - "Input" (input) = Only input requests are processed
80 - "API" (api) = Only API requests are processed
81- Redis Connection (Required: String)
82- RethinkDB Connection (Required: String)
84## Application Bootstrapping
85- Application does sanity checks on the configuration<br />
86 - Check connection to MongoDB and Redis<br />
87- Then application executes the "init" phase.<br />
88 - Initialize the Application Worker<br />
89 - Initialize the Module Manager<br />
90 - Create a new FlowMessage (with config as data) then send it to the "init" output and store message data on 'end' as Application Data (AppData)<br />
91- Then application executes the "boot" phase.<br />
92 - Boot the Application Worker<br />
93 - Boot the Module Manager<br />
94 - Create a new FlowMessage then send it to the "boot" output with AppData and update message data on 'end' as AppData<br />
95- Then application executes the "start" phase.<br />
96 - Start the Application Worker<br />
97 - Start the Module Manager<br />
98 - Create a new FlowMessage then send it to the "start" output with AppData and update message data on 'end' as AppData<br />
99- Then application executes the "ready" phase.<br />
100 - Ready the Application Worker<br />
101 - Ready the Module Manager<br />
102 - Create a new FlowMessage then send it to the "ready" output with AppData and update message data on 'end' as AppData<br />
103 - Start the status monitor which sends status to UI at interval<br />
104- The application is now ready to process requests.<br />
107## Module Configuration
108- Label (Required: String)
109- Name (Required: String)
110- Application (Required: String)
111- Mode (Required: String)
112 - "Everything" (all) = Both input and API requests are processed
113 - "Input" (input) = Only input requests are processed
114 - "API" (api) = Only API requests are processed
115- Redis Connection (Required: String)
117## Module Bootstrapping
118- Module does sanity checks on the configuration<br />
119 - Check connection to Redis<br />
120- Then module connects to the application and registers itself.<br />
121 - Module sends a AppRegisterMessage to the application informing it of its existence.<br />
122 - Application responds with a AppRegisterResponse.<br />
123- If AppRegisterResponse.success is true, then the module is registered.<br />
124 - Module executes the "init" phase.<br />
125 - Initialize the Module Worker<br />
126 - Create a new FlowMessage (with config as data) then send it to the "init" output and store message data on 'end' as Module Data (ModData)<br />
127 - Module executes the "boot" phase.<br />
128 - Boot the Module Worker<br />
129 - Create a new FlowMessage then send it to the "boot" output with ModData and update message data on 'end' as ModData<br />
130 - Module executes the "start" phase.<br />
131 - Start the Module Worker<br />
132 - Create a new FlowMessage then send it to the "start" output with ModData and update message data on 'end' as ModData<br />
133 - Module executes the "ready" phase.<br />
134 - Ready the Module Worker<br />
135 - Create a new FlowMessage then send it to the "ready" output with ModData and update message data on 'end' as ModData<br />
136 - Start the status monitor which sends status to UI at interval<br />
137 - Start heartbeat monitor which sends heartbeat to application at interval<br />
138- If AppRegisterResponse.success is false, then the module is not registered.<br />
139 - Module is disabled.<br />
142## Application Flow Architecture
143- Application Input (Input -> Phases -> Output)
144 - Application Input is the entry point for the application which is the input labeled "input".<br />
145 - Application Input is then sent to the "phases" output with the result being an array of strings used for that inputs processing phases.<br />
146 - Application Input metadata is sent to each module requesting its involvement (phases and priority).<br />
147 - Application Input is processed by each module involved according to priority with the results becoming the updated Application Input.<br />
148 - Resulting Application Input is sent to "output" output for final processing.<br />
149- Application Message (Message -> Application -> Response)
150 - Application Message is the message that is sent to the application from a module.<br />
151 - Application Messages are sent to the application via the BullMQ job queue system.<br />
152 - AppRegisterMessage is sent to the application to register a module.<br />
153 - AppUnregisterMessage is sent to the application to unregister a module.<br />
154 - AppHeartbeatMessage is sent to the application to inform it that a module is still alive.<br />
155 - AppAPIMessage is sent to the application to execute an API call (Handled by "api" output. When the message ends the data is sent back as the result).<br />
156 - AppModuleMessage is sent to the application to execute a module API call.<br />
157 - Application Messages are sent to the "api" output with the result being sent back to the module as an AppMessageResponse.<br />
158- Module Message (Module <-> Application <-> Module)
159 - Module Message is the message that is sent to a module from the another module through the Application.<br />
160 - Module Messages are sent to the application via the BullMQ job queue system.<br />
161 - The application sends the message to the appropriate module for processing and the result is sent back to the requesting module.<br />
163## Pre-requisites
165- [Node.js][nodejs-url] >= 8.16.0
166- [NPM][npm-url] >= 6.4.1 ([NPM][npm-url] comes with [Node.js][nodejs-url] so there is no need to install separately.)
168## Setup
170### Install
172#### Install Application
173- Create a new TotalJS Flow.
174- Create a new component and containing the contents of [Application Component][application-component-url].
175- Add the Application component under the "Application" group to the Flow.
176- Attach desired input and outputs to the Application component.
177- Configure Application component.
179#### Install Module
180- Create a new TotalJS Flow.
181- Create a new component and containing the contents of [Module Component][module-component-url].
182- Add the Module component under the "Module" group to the Flow.
183- Attach desired input and outputs to the Module component.
184- Configure Module component.
186## Messages
188### Application Messages
189Theses are messages sent TO the application.
191## License
193[MIT License](https://ColtonMcInroy.mit-license.org/) © Colton McInroy
195<!-- References -->
196[typescript-url]: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript
197[nodejs-url]: https://nodejs.org
198[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com
199[node-releases-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases
201<!-- MDN -->
202[array-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array
203[boolean-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Boolean
204[function-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function
205[map-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map
206[number-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number
207[object-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object
208[promise-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise
209[regexp-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp
210[set-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set
211[string-mdn-url]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String
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237[node-version-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download
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248[codebeat-url]: https://codebeat.co/projects/github-com-ColtonMcInroy-@nexgin/totaljsapplication-master
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250[coc-url]: https://github.com/ColtonMcInroy/@nexgin/totaljsapplication/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
252[application-component-url]: https://gitlab.mcinroy.info/npm/totaljsapplication/-/blob/main/components/Application.html
253[module-component-url]: https://gitlab.mcinroy.info/npm/totaljsapplication/-/blob/main/components/Module.html
254[totaljs-flow-url]: https://github.com/totaljs/flow