1 | ;
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.featurePath = exports.group = exports.pluralize = exports.capitalize = exports.underscore = exports.classify = exports.camelize = exports.dasherize = exports.decamelize = void 0;
4 | /**
5 | * @license
6 | * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7 | *
8 | * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
9 | * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
10 | */
11 | var STRING_DASHERIZE_REGEXP = /[ _]/g;
12 | var STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP = /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g;
13 | var STRING_CAMELIZE_REGEXP = /(-|_|\.|\s)+(.)?/g;
14 | var STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_1 = /([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g;
15 | var STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_2 = /-|\s+/g;
16 | /**
17 | * Converts a camelized string into all lower case separated by underscores.
18 | *
19 | ```javascript
20 | decamelize('innerHTML'); // 'inner_html'
21 | decamelize('action_name'); // 'action_name'
22 | decamelize('css-class-name'); // 'css-class-name'
23 | decamelize('my favorite items'); // 'my favorite items'
24 | ```
25 | */
26 | function decamelize(str) {
27 | return str.replace(STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP, '$1_$2').toLowerCase();
28 | }
29 | exports.decamelize = decamelize;
30 | /**
31 | Replaces underscores, spaces, or camelCase with dashes.
32 |
33 | ```javascript
34 | dasherize('innerHTML'); // 'inner-html'
35 | dasherize('action_name'); // 'action-name'
36 | dasherize('css-class-name'); // 'css-class-name'
37 | dasherize('my favorite items'); // 'my-favorite-items'
38 | ```
39 | */
40 | function dasherize(str) {
41 | return decamelize(str || '').replace(STRING_DASHERIZE_REGEXP, '-');
42 | }
43 | exports.dasherize = dasherize;
44 | /**
45 | Returns the lowerCamelCase form of a string.
46 |
47 | ```javascript
48 | camelize('innerHTML'); // 'innerHTML'
49 | camelize('action_name'); // 'actionName'
50 | camelize('css-class-name'); // 'cssClassName'
51 | camelize('my favorite items'); // 'myFavoriteItems'
52 | camelize('My Favorite Items'); // 'myFavoriteItems'
53 | ```
54 | */
55 | function camelize(str) {
56 | return str
57 | .replace(STRING_CAMELIZE_REGEXP, function (_match, _separator, chr) {
58 | return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
59 | })
60 | .replace(/^([A-Z])/, function (match) { return match.toLowerCase(); });
61 | }
62 | exports.camelize = camelize;
63 | /**
64 | Returns the UpperCamelCase form of a string.
65 |
66 | ```javascript
67 | 'innerHTML'.classify(); // 'InnerHTML'
68 | 'action_name'.classify(); // 'ActionName'
69 | 'css-class-name'.classify(); // 'CssClassName'
70 | 'my favorite items'.classify(); // 'MyFavoriteItems'
71 | ```
72 | */
73 | function classify(str) {
74 | return str
75 | .split('.')
76 | .map(function (part) { return capitalize(camelize(part)); })
77 | .join('.');
78 | }
79 | exports.classify = classify;
80 | /**
81 | More general than decamelize. Returns the lower\_case\_and\_underscored
82 | form of a string.
83 |
84 | ```javascript
85 | 'innerHTML'.underscore(); // 'inner_html'
86 | 'action_name'.underscore(); // 'action_name'
87 | 'css-class-name'.underscore(); // 'css_class_name'
88 | 'my favorite items'.underscore(); // 'my_favorite_items'
89 | ```
90 | */
91 | function underscore(str) {
92 | return str
93 | .replace(STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_1, '$1_$2')
94 | .replace(STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_2, '_')
95 | .toLowerCase();
96 | }
97 | exports.underscore = underscore;
98 | /**
99 | Returns the Capitalized form of a string
100 |
101 | ```javascript
102 | 'innerHTML'.capitalize() // 'InnerHTML'
103 | 'action_name'.capitalize() // 'Action_name'
104 | 'css-class-name'.capitalize() // 'Css-class-name'
105 | 'my favorite items'.capitalize() // 'My favorite items'
106 | ```
107 | */
108 | function capitalize(str) {
109 | return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
110 | }
111 | exports.capitalize = capitalize;
112 | /**
113 | Returns the plural form of a string
114 |
115 | ```javascript
116 | 'innerHTML'.pluralize() // 'innerHTMLs'
117 | 'action_name'.pluralize() // 'actionNames'
118 | 'css-class-name'.pluralize() // 'cssClassNames'
119 | 'regex'.pluralize() // 'regexes'
120 | 'user'.pluralize() // 'users'
121 | ```
122 | */
123 | function pluralize(str) {
124 | return camelize([/([^aeiou])y$/, /()fe?$/, /([^aeiou]o|[sxz]|[cs]h)$/].map(function (c, i) { return (str = str.replace(c, "$1".concat('iv'[i] || '', "e"))); }) && str + 's');
125 | }
126 | exports.pluralize = pluralize;
127 | function group(name, group) {
128 | return group ? "".concat(group, "/").concat(name) : name;
129 | }
130 | exports.group = group;
131 | function featurePath(group, flat, path, name) {
132 | if (group && !flat) {
133 | return "../../".concat(path, "/").concat(name, "/");
134 | }
135 | return group ? "../".concat(path, "/") : './';
136 | }
137 | exports.featurePath = featurePath;
138 | //# sourceMappingURL=strings.js.map |
\ | No newline at end of file |