3.66 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3class JsonSerializer {
4 constructor(_writer, _indentDelta = 2) {
5 this._writer = _writer;
6 this._indentDelta = _indentDelta;
7 this._state = [];
8 }
9 _willOutputValue() {
10 if (this._state.length > 0) {
11 const top = this._top();
12 const wasEmpty = top.empty;
13 top.empty = false;
14 if (!wasEmpty && !top.property) {
15 this._writer(',');
16 }
17 if (!top.property) {
18 this._indent();
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 _top() {
23 return this._state[this._state.length - 1] || {};
24 }
25 _indent() {
26 if (this._indentDelta == 0) {
27 return;
28 }
29 let str = '\n';
30 let i = this._state.length * this._indentDelta;
31 while (i--) {
32 str += ' ';
33 }
34 this._writer(str);
35 }
36 start() { }
37 end() {
38 if (this._indentDelta) {
39 this._writer('\n');
40 }
41 }
42 object(node) {
43 if (node.defined == false) {
44 return;
45 }
46 this._willOutputValue();
47 this._writer('{');
48 this._state.push({ empty: true, type: 'object' });
49 for (const key of Object.keys(node.children)) {
50 this.property(node.children[key]);
51 }
52 // Fallback to direct value output for additional properties.
53 if (!node.frozen) {
54 for (const key of Object.keys(node.value)) {
55 if (key in node.children) {
56 continue;
57 }
58 this._willOutputValue();
59 this._writer(JSON.stringify(key));
60 this._writer(': ');
61 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.value[key]));
62 }
63 }
64 this._state.pop();
65 if (!this._top().empty) {
66 this._indent();
67 }
68 this._writer('}');
69 }
70 property(node) {
71 if (node.defined == false) {
72 return;
73 }
74 this._willOutputValue();
75 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.name));
76 this._writer(': ');
77 this._top().property = true;
78 node.serialize(this);
79 this._top().property = false;
80 }
81 array(node) {
82 if (node.defined == false) {
83 return;
84 }
85 this._willOutputValue();
86 if (node.items.length === 0) {
87 this._writer('[]');
88 return;
89 }
90 this._writer('[');
91 this._state.push({ empty: true, type: 'array' });
92 for (let i = 0; i < node.items.length; i++) {
93 node.items[i].serialize(this);
94 }
95 this._state.pop();
96 if (!this._top().empty) {
97 this._indent();
98 }
99 this._writer(']');
100 }
101 outputOneOf(node) {
102 this.outputValue(node);
103 }
104 outputEnum(node) {
105 this.outputValue(node);
106 }
107 outputValue(node) {
108 this._willOutputValue();
109 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.value, null, this._indentDelta));
110 }
111 outputString(node) {
112 this._willOutputValue();
113 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.value));
114 }
115 outputNumber(node) {
116 this._willOutputValue();
117 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.value));
118 }
119 outputInteger(node) {
120 this._willOutputValue();
121 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.value));
122 }
123 outputBoolean(node) {
124 this._willOutputValue();
125 this._writer(JSON.stringify(node.value));
126 }
128exports.JsonSerializer = JsonSerializer;
129//# sourceMappingURL=/users/hansl/sources/angular-cli/src/serializers/json.js.map
\No newline at end of file