1 | # @ngx-translate/core  [](https://badge.fury.io/js/%40ngx-translate%2Fcore)
2 |
3 | The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular.
4 |
5 | Simple example using ngx-translate: https://stackblitz.com/github/ngx-translate/example
6 |
7 | Get the complete changelog here: https://github.com/ngx-translate/core/releases
8 |
9 | ## Table of Contents
10 | * [Installation](#installation)
11 | * [Usage](#usage)
12 | * [Import the TranslateModule](#1-import-the-translatemodule)
13 | * [SharedModule](#sharedmodule)
14 | * [Lazy loaded modules](#lazy-loaded-modules)
15 | * [Configuration](#configuration)
16 | * [AoT](#aot)
17 | * [Define the default language for the application](#2-define-the-default-language-for-the-application)
18 | * [Init the TranslateService for your application](#3-init-the-translateservice-for-your-application)
19 | * [Define the translations](#4-define-the-translations)
20 | * [Use the service, the pipe or the directive](#5-use-the-service-the-pipe-or-the-directive)
21 | * [Use HTML tags](#6-use-html-tags)
22 | * [API](#api)
23 | * [TranslateService](#translateservice)
24 | * [Properties](#properties)
25 | * [Methods](#methods)
26 | * [Write & use your own loader](#write--use-your-own-loader)
27 | * [Example](#example)
28 | * [How to use a compiler to preprocess translation values](#how-to-use-a-compiler-to-preprocess-translation-values)
29 | * [How to handle missing translations](#how-to-handle-missing-translations)
30 | * [Example](#example-1)
31 | * [Parser](#parser)
32 | * [Methods](#methods)
33 | * [FAQ](#faq)
34 | * [I'm getting an error `npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [...]`](#im-getting-an-error-npm-err-peerinvalid-peer-)
35 | * [Plugins](#plugins)
36 | * [Editors](#editors)
37 | * [Additional Framework Support](#additional-framework-support)
38 |
39 |
40 | ## Installation
41 |
42 | First you need to install the npm module:
43 |
44 | ```sh
45 | npm install @ngx-translate/core --save
46 | ```
47 |
48 | Choose the version corresponding to your Angular version:
49 |
50 | Angular | @ngx-translate/core | @ngx-translate/http-loader
51 | ------------- |---------------------| --------------------------
52 | 16+ | 15.x+ | 8.x+
53 | 13+ (ivy only)| 14.x+ | 7.x+
54 | 10/11/12/13 | 13.x+ | 6.x+
55 | 9 | 12.x+ | 5.x+
56 | 8 | 12.x+ | 4.x+
57 | 7 | 11.x+ | 4.x+
58 | 6 | 10.x | 3.x
59 | 5 | 8.x to 9.x | 1.x to 2.x
60 | 4.3 | 7.x or less | 1.x to 2.x
61 | 2 to 4.2.x | 7.x or less | 0.x
62 |
63 |
64 | ## Usage
65 |
66 | #### 1. Import the `TranslateModule`:
67 |
68 | Finally, you can use ngx-translate in your Angular project. You have to import `TranslateModule.forRoot()` in the root NgModule of your application.
69 |
70 | The [`forRoot`](https://angular.io/api/router/RouterModule#forroot) static method is a convention that provides and configures services at the same time.
71 | Make sure you only call this method in the root module of your application, most of the time called `AppModule`.
72 | This method allows you to configure the `TranslateModule` by specifying a loader, a parser and/or a missing translations handler.
73 |
74 | ```ts
75 | import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
76 | import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
77 | import {TranslateModule} from '@ngx-translate/core';
78 |
79 | @NgModule({
80 | imports: [
81 | BrowserModule,
82 | TranslateModule.forRoot()
83 | ],
84 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
85 | })
86 | export class AppModule { }
87 | ```
88 |
89 | ##### SharedModule
90 |
91 | If you use a [`SharedModule`](https://angular.io/guide/sharing-ngmodules) that you import in multiple other feature modules,
92 | you can export the `TranslateModule` to make sure you don't have to import it in every module.
93 |
94 | ```ts
95 | @NgModule({
96 | exports: [
97 | CommonModule,
98 | TranslateModule
99 | ]
100 | })
101 | export class SharedModule { }
102 | ```
103 |
104 | > Note: Never call a `forRoot` static method in the `SharedModule`. You might end up with different instances of the service in your injector tree. But you can use `forChild` if necessary.
105 |
106 | ##### Lazy loaded modules
107 |
108 | When you lazy load a module, you should use the `forChild` static method to import the `TranslateModule`.
109 |
110 | Since lazy loaded modules use a different injector from the rest of your application, you can configure them separately with a different loader/compiler/parser/missing translations handler.
111 |
112 | To make a child module extend translations from parent modules use `extend: true`. This will cause the service to also
113 | use translations from its parent module.
114 |
115 | You can also isolate the service by using `isolate: true`. In which case the service is a completely isolated instance (for translations, current lang, events, ...).
116 | Otherwise, by default, it will share its data with other instances of the service (but you can still use a different loader/compiler/parser/handler even if you don't isolate the service).
117 |
118 | ```ts
119 | @NgModule({
120 | imports: [
121 | TranslateModule.forChild({
122 | loader: {provide: TranslateLoader, useClass: CustomLoader},
123 | compiler: {provide: TranslateCompiler, useClass: CustomCompiler},
124 | parser: {provide: TranslateParser, useClass: CustomParser},
125 | missingTranslationHandler: {provide: MissingTranslationHandler, useClass: CustomHandler},
126 | isolate: true
127 | })
128 | ]
129 | })
130 | export class LazyLoadedModule { }
131 | ```
132 |
133 | ##### Configuration
134 |
135 | By default, there is no loader available. You can add translations manually using `setTranslation` but it is better to use a loader.
136 | You can write your own loader, or import an existing one.
137 | For example you can use the [`TranslateHttpLoader`](https://github.com/ngx-translate/http-loader) that will load translations from files using HttpClient.
138 |
139 | To use it, you need to install the http-loader package from @ngx-translate:
140 |
141 | ```sh
142 | npm install @ngx-translate/http-loader --save
143 | ```
144 |
145 | Once you've decided which loader to use, you have to setup the `TranslateModule` to use it.
146 |
147 | Here is how you would use the `TranslateHttpLoader` to load translations from "/assets/i18n/[lang].json" (`[lang]` is the lang that you're using, for english it could be `en`):
148 |
149 | ```ts
150 | import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
151 | import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
152 | import {HttpClientModule, HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
153 | import {TranslateModule, TranslateLoader} from '@ngx-translate/core';
154 | import {TranslateHttpLoader} from '@ngx-translate/http-loader';
155 | import {AppComponent} from './app';
156 |
157 | // AoT requires an exported function for factories
158 | export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient) {
159 | return new TranslateHttpLoader(http);
160 | }
161 |
162 | @NgModule({
163 | imports: [
164 | BrowserModule,
165 | HttpClientModule,
166 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
167 | loader: {
168 | provide: TranslateLoader,
169 | useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
170 | deps: [HttpClient]
171 | }
172 | })
173 | ],
174 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
175 | })
176 | export class AppModule { }
177 | ```
178 |
179 | ##### AoT
180 |
181 | If you want to configure a custom `TranslateLoader` while using [AoT compilation](https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/aot-compiler.html) or [Ionic](http://ionic.io/), you must use an exported function instead of an inline function.
182 |
183 | ```ts
184 | export function createTranslateLoader(http: HttpClient) {
185 | return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, './assets/i18n/', '.json');
186 | }
187 |
188 | @NgModule({
189 | imports: [
190 | BrowserModule,
191 | HttpClientModule,
192 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
193 | loader: {
194 | provide: TranslateLoader,
195 | useFactory: (createTranslateLoader),
196 | deps: [HttpClient]
197 | }
198 | })
199 | ],
200 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
201 | })
202 | export class AppModule { }
203 | ```
204 |
205 | #### 2. Define the `default language` for the application
206 |
207 | ```ts
208 | @NgModule({
209 | imports: [
210 | BrowserModule,
211 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
212 | defaultLanguage: 'en'
213 | })
214 | ],
215 | providers: [
216 |
217 | ],
218 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
219 | })
220 | export class AppModule { }
221 | ```
222 |
223 | #### 3. Init the `TranslateService` for your application:
224 |
225 | ```ts
226 | import {Component} from '@angular/core';
227 | import {TranslateService} from '@ngx-translate/core';
228 |
229 | @Component({
230 | selector: 'app',
231 | template: `
232 | <div>{{ 'HELLO' | translate:param }}</div>
233 | `
234 | })
235 | export class AppComponent {
236 | param = {value: 'world'};
237 |
238 | constructor(translate: TranslateService) {
239 | // this language will be used as a fallback when a translation isn't found in the current language
240 | translate.setDefaultLang('en');
241 |
242 | // the lang to use, if the lang isn't available, it will use the current loader to get them
243 | translate.use('en');
244 | }
245 | }
246 | ```
247 |
248 | #### 4. Define the translations:
249 |
250 | Once you've imported the `TranslateModule`, you can put your translations in a json file that will be imported with the `TranslateHttpLoader`. The following translations should be stored in `en.json`.
251 |
252 | ```json
253 | {
254 | "HELLO": "hello {{value}}"
255 | }
256 | ```
257 |
258 | You can also define your translations manually with `setTranslation`.
259 |
260 | ```ts
261 | translate.setTranslation('en', {
262 | HELLO: 'hello {{value}}'
263 | });
264 | ```
265 |
266 | The `TranslateParser` understands nested JSON objects. This means that you can have a translation that looks like this:
267 |
268 | ```json
269 | {
270 | "HOME": {
271 | "HELLO": "hello {{value}}"
272 | }
273 | }
274 | ```
275 |
276 | You can then access the value by using the dot notation, in this case `HOME.HELLO`.
277 |
278 | #### 5. Use the service, the pipe or the directive:
279 |
280 | You can either use the `TranslateService`, the `TranslatePipe` or the `TranslateDirective` to get your translation values.
281 |
282 | With the **service**, it looks like this:
283 |
284 | ```ts
285 | translate.get('HELLO', {value: 'world'}).subscribe((res: string) => {
286 | console.log(res);
287 | //=> 'hello world'
288 | });
289 | ```
290 |
291 | This is how you do it with the **pipe**:
292 |
293 | ```html
294 | <div>{{ 'HELLO' | translate:param }}</div>
295 | ```
296 |
297 | And in your component define `param` like this:
298 | ```ts
299 | param = {value: 'world'};
300 | ```
301 |
302 | You can construct the translation keys dynamically by using simple string concatenation inside the template:
303 |
304 | ```html
305 | <ul *ngFor="let language of languages">
306 | <li>{{ 'LANGUAGES.' + language | translate }}</li>
307 | </ul>
308 | ```
309 |
310 | Where `languages` is an array member of your component:
311 |
312 | ```ts
313 | languages = ['EN', 'FR', 'BG'];
314 | ```
315 |
316 | You can also use the output of the built-in pipes `uppercase` and `lowercase` in order to guarantee that your dynamically generated translation keys are either all uppercase or all lowercase. For example:
317 |
318 | ```html
319 | <p>{{ 'ROLES.' + role | uppercase | translate }}</p>
320 | ```
321 |
322 | ```ts
323 | role = 'admin';
324 | ```
325 |
326 | will match the following translation:
327 | ```json
328 | {
329 | "ROLES": {
330 | "ADMIN": "Administrator"
331 | }
332 | }
333 | ```
334 |
335 | This is how you use the **directive**:
336 | ```html
337 | <div [translate]="'HELLO'" [translateParams]="{value: 'world'}"></div>
338 | ```
339 |
340 | Or even simpler using the content of your element as a key:
341 | ```html
342 | <div translate [translateParams]="{value: 'world'}">HELLO</div>
343 | ```
344 |
345 | #### 6. Use HTML tags:
346 |
347 | You can easily use raw HTML tags within your translations.
348 |
349 | ```json
350 | {
351 | "HELLO": "Welcome to my Angular application!<br><strong>This is an amazing app which uses the latest technologies!</strong>"
352 | }
353 | ```
354 |
355 | To render them, simply use the `innerHTML` attribute with the pipe on any element.
356 |
357 | ```html
358 | <div [innerHTML]="'HELLO' | translate"></div>
359 | ```
360 |
361 | ## API
362 |
363 | ### TranslateService
364 |
365 | #### Properties:
366 |
367 | - `currentLang`: The lang currently used
368 | - `currentLoader`: An instance of the loader currently used (static loader by default)
369 | - `onLangChange`: An EventEmitter to listen to lang change events. A `LangChangeEvent` is an object with the properties `lang: string` & `translations: any` (an object containing your translations).
370 |
371 | example:
372 | ```ts
373 | onLangChange.subscribe((event: LangChangeEvent) => {
374 | // do something
375 | });
376 | ```
377 | - `onTranslationChange`: An EventEmitter to listen to translation change events. A `TranslationChangeEvent` is an object with the properties `lang: string` & `translations: any` (an object containing your translations).
378 |
379 | example:
380 | ```ts
381 | onTranslationChange.subscribe((event: TranslationChangeEvent) => {
382 | // do something
383 | });
384 | ```
385 | - `onDefaultLangChange`: An EventEmitter to listen to default lang change events. A `DefaultLangChangeEvent` is an object with the properties `lang: string` & `translations: any` (an object containing your translations).
386 |
387 | example:
388 | ```ts
389 | onDefaultLangChange.subscribe((event: DefaultLangChangeEvent) => {
390 | // do something
391 | });
392 | ```
393 |
394 | #### Methods:
395 |
396 | - `setDefaultLang(lang: string)`: Sets the default language to use as a fallback
397 | - `getDefaultLang(): string`: Gets the default language
398 | - `use(lang: string): Observable<any>`: Changes the lang currently used
399 | - `getTranslation(lang: string): Observable<any>`: Gets an object of translations for a given language with the current loader
400 | - `setTranslation(lang: string, translations: Object, shouldMerge: boolean = false)`: Manually sets an object of translations for a given language, set `shouldMerge` to true if you want to append the translations instead of replacing them
401 | - `addLangs(langs: Array<string>)`: Add new langs to the list
402 | - `getLangs()`: Returns an array of currently available langs
403 | - `get(key: string|Array<string>, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable<string|Object>`: Gets the translated value of a key (or an array of keys) or the key if the value was not found
404 | - `getStreamOnTranslationChange(key: string|Array<string>, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable<string|Object>`: Returns a stream of translated values of a key (or an array of keys) or the key if the value was not found. Without any `onTranslationChange` events this returns the same value as `get` but it will also emit new values whenever the translation changes.
405 | - `stream(key: string|Array<string>, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable<string|Object>`: Returns a stream of translated values of a key (or an array of keys) or the key if the value was not found. Without any `onLangChange` events this returns the same value as `get` but it will also emit new values whenever the used language changes.
406 | - `instant(key: string|Array<string>, interpolateParams?: Object): string|Object`: Gets the instant translated value of a key (or an array of keys). /!\ This method is **synchronous** and the default file loader is asynchronous. You are responsible for knowing when your translations have been loaded and it is safe to use this method. If you are not sure then you should use the `get` method instead.
407 | - `set(key: string, value: string, lang?: string)`: Sets the translated value of a key
408 | - `reloadLang(lang: string): Observable<string|Object>`: Calls resetLang and retrieves the translations object for the current loader
409 | - `resetLang(lang: string)`: Removes the current translations for this lang. /!\ You will have to call `use`, `reloadLang` or `getTranslation` again to be able to get translations
410 | - `getBrowserLang(): string | undefined`: Returns the current browser lang if available, or undefined otherwise
411 | - `getBrowserCultureLang(): string | undefined`: Returns the current browser culture language name (e.g. "de-DE" if available, or undefined otherwise
412 |
413 | #### Write & use your own loader
414 |
415 | If you want to write your own loader, you need to create a class that implements `TranslateLoader`. The only required method is `getTranslation` that must return an `Observable`. If your loader is synchronous, just use [`Observable.of`](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS/blob/master/doc/api/core/operators/of.md) to create an observable from your static value.
416 |
417 | ##### Example
418 |
419 | ```ts
420 | class CustomLoader implements TranslateLoader {
421 | getTranslation(lang: string): Observable<any> {
422 | return Observable.of({KEY: 'value'});
423 | }
424 | }
425 | ```
426 |
427 | Once you've defined your loader, you can provide it in your configuration by adding it to its `providers` property.
428 |
429 | ```ts
430 | @NgModule({
431 | imports: [
432 | BrowserModule,
433 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
434 | loader: {provide: TranslateLoader, useClass: CustomLoader}
435 | })
436 | ],
437 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
438 | })
439 | export class AppModule { }
440 | ```
441 | [Another custom loader example with translations stored in Firebase](FIREBASE_EXAMPLE.md)
442 |
443 | #### How to use a compiler to preprocess translation values
444 |
445 | By default, translation values are added "as-is". You can configure a `compiler` that implements `TranslateCompiler` to pre-process translation values when they are added (either manually or by a loader). A compiler has the following methods:
446 |
447 | - `compile(value: string, lang: string): string | Function`: Compiles a string to a function or another string.
448 | - `compileTranslations(translations: any, lang: string): any`: Compiles a (possibly nested) object of translation values to a structurally identical object of compiled translation values.
449 |
450 | Using a compiler opens the door for powerful pre-processing of translation values. As long as the compiler outputs a compatible interpolation string or an interpolation function, arbitrary input syntax can be supported.
451 |
452 |
453 | #### How to handle missing translations
454 |
455 | You can setup a provider for the `MissingTranslationHandler` in the bootstrap of your application (recommended), or in the `providers` property of a component. It will be called when the requested translation is not available. The only required method is `handle` where you can do whatever you want. If this method returns a value or an observable (that should return a string), then this will be used. Just don't forget that it will be called synchronously from the `instant` method.
456 |
457 | You can use `useDefaultLang` to decide whether default language string should be used when there is a missing translation in current language. Default value is true. If you set it to false, `MissingTranslationHandler` will be used instead of the default language string.
458 |
459 | ##### Example:
460 |
461 | Create a Missing Translation Handler
462 |
463 | ```ts
464 | import {MissingTranslationHandler, MissingTranslationHandlerParams} from '@ngx-translate/core';
465 |
466 | export class MyMissingTranslationHandler implements MissingTranslationHandler {
467 | handle(params: MissingTranslationHandlerParams) {
468 | return 'some value';
469 | }
470 | }
471 | ```
472 |
473 | Setup the Missing Translation Handler in your module import by adding it to the `forRoot` (or `forChild`) configuration.
474 |
475 | ```ts
476 | @NgModule({
477 | imports: [
478 | BrowserModule,
479 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
480 | missingTranslationHandler: {provide: MissingTranslationHandler, useClass: MyMissingTranslationHandler},
481 | useDefaultLang: false
482 | })
483 | ],
484 | providers: [
485 |
486 | ],
487 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
488 | })
489 | export class AppModule { }
490 | ```
491 |
492 | ### Parser
493 |
494 | If you need it for some reason, you can use the `TranslateParser` service.
495 |
496 | #### Methods:
497 | - `interpolate(expr: string | Function, params?: any): string`: Interpolates a string to replace parameters or calls the interpolation function with the parameters.
498 |
499 | `This is a {{ key }}` ==> `This is a value` with `params = { key: "value" }`
500 | `(params) => \`This is a ${params.key}\` ==> `This is a value` with `params = { key: "value" }`
501 | - `getValue(target: any, key: string): any`: Gets a value from an object by composed key
502 | `parser.getValue({ key1: { keyA: 'valueI' }}, 'key1.keyA') ==> 'valueI'`
503 |
504 | ## FAQ
505 |
506 | #### I'm getting an error `npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [...]`
507 |
508 | If you're using npm 2.x, upgrade to npm 3.x, because npm 2 doesn't handle peer dependencies well. With npm 2 you could only use fixed versions, but with npm 3 you can use `^` to use a newer version if available.
509 |
510 | If you're already on npm 3, check if it's an error (`npm ERR!`) or a warning (`npm WARN!`), warning are just informative and if everything works then don't worry !
511 |
512 | If you're using an old version of Angular and ngx-translate requires a newer version then you should consider upgrading your application to use the newer angular 2 version. There is always a reason when I upgrade the minimum dependencies of the library. Often it is because Angular had a breaking changes. If it's not an option for you, then check [the changelog](https://github.com/ngx-translate/core/releases) to know which version is the last compatible version for you.
513 |
514 | #### I want to hot reload the translations in my application but `reloadLang` does not work
515 |
516 | If you want to reload the translations and see the update on all your components without reloading the page, you have to load the translations manually and call `setTranslation` function which triggers `onTranslationChange`.
517 |
518 | ## Plugins
519 | - [Localize Router](https://github.com/Greentube/localize-router) by @meeroslav: An implementation of routes localization for Angular. If you need localized urls (for example /fr/page and /en/page).
520 | - [.po files Loader](https://github.com/biesbjerg/ngx-translate-po-http-loader) by @biesbjerg: Use .po translation files with ngx-translate
521 | - [browser.i18n Loader](https://github.com/pearnaly/ngx-translate-browser-i18n-loader) by @pearnaly: loader for native translation files of browser extensions.
522 | - [ngx-translate-extract](https://github.com/biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract) by @biesbjerg: Extract translatable strings from your projects
523 | - [MessageFormat Compiler](https://github.com/lephyrus/ngx-translate-messageformat-compiler) by @lephyrus: Compiler for ngx-translate that uses messageformat.js to compile translations using ICU syntax for handling pluralization, gender, and more
524 | - [ngx-translate-zombies](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=seveseves.ngx-translate-zombies) by @seveves: A vscode extension that finds unused translation keys and shows them in a diff view (so called zombies).
525 | - [ngx-translate-multi-http-loader](https://github.com/denniske/ngx-translate-multi-http-loader) by @denniske: Fetch multiple translation files with ngx-translate.
526 | - [ngx-translate-cache](https://github.com/jgpacheco/ngx-translate-cache) by @jgpacheco: Simplified version of localize-router. If you are already using localize-router you don't need this extension. This extension is aimed only to facilitate language caching.
527 | - [ngx-translate-module-loader](https://github.com/larscom/ngx-translate-module-loader) by @larscom: Fetch multiple translation files (http) with ngx-translate. Each translation file gets it's own namespace out of the box and the configuration is very flexible.
528 | - [ngx-translate-all](https://github.com/irustm/ngx-translate-all) by @irustm: Automate translations for Angular projects.
529 | - [ngx-translate-migrate](https://github.com/irustm/ngx-translate-migrate) by @irustm: Automate migrations from ngx-translate to Angular i18n.
530 | - [ngx-translate-lint](https://github.com/svoboda-rabstvo/ngx-translate-lint) by @svoboda-rabstvo: Simple CLI tools for check ngx-translate keys in whole app
531 | - [ngx-translate-cut](https://github.com/bartholomej/ngx-translate-cut) by @bartholomej: Simple and useful pipe for cutting translations ✂️
532 |
533 | ## Editors
534 | - [BabelEdit](https://www.codeandweb.com/babeledit) — translation editor for JSON files
535 | - [Translation Manager](https://translation-manager-86c3d.firebaseapp.com/) — Progressive web-app, translation editor for JSON files
536 | - [Crowdl.io](https://crowdl.io) — Free translation management and crowd-translations tool with support for JSON files
537 | - [ngx-translate-editor](https://github.com/svoboda-rabstvo/ngx-translate-editor) - Simple GUI for CRUD translate files of `ngx-translate`, which included `ngx-translate-lint`
538 | - [tl8.io](https://tl8.io) - A multi-platform application to enable the whole product team, including non-developers, to modify translations. WYSIWYG interface. Results can be downloaded as JSON and copied in the project as is.
539 |
540 | ### Extensions
541 |
542 | #### VScode
543 | - [Generate Translation](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=thiagocordeirooo.generate-translation) by [@thiagocordeirooo](https://github.com/thiagocordeirooo): A visual studio code extension for you to generate the translations without leaving the current file.
544 | - [Lingua](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=chr33z.lingua-vscode&utm_source=www.vsixhub.com) by [@chr33z](https://github.com/chr33z): A visual studio code extension to help managing translations for ngx-translate - featuring inline translation lookup and in-place translation creation and editing.
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 | ## Additional Framework Support
549 |
550 | * [Use with NativeScript](https://github.com/NathanWalker/nativescript-ng2-translate/issues/5#issuecomment-257606661)