1 | import {TestBed} from "@angular/core/testing";
2 | import {Observable, of} from "rxjs";
3 | import {TranslateCompiler, TranslateFakeCompiler, TranslateLoader, TranslateModule, TranslateService} from "../public-api";
4 |
5 | let translations: any = {LOAD: 'This is a test'};
6 |
7 | class FakeLoader implements TranslateLoader {
8 | getTranslation(lang: string): Observable<any> {
9 | return of(translations);
10 | }
11 | }
12 |
13 | describe('TranslateCompiler', () => {
14 | let translate: TranslateService;
15 |
16 | describe('with default TranslateFakeCompiler', () => {
17 | beforeEach(() => {
18 | TestBed.configureTestingModule({
19 | imports: [
20 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
21 | loader: {provide: TranslateLoader, useClass: FakeLoader},
22 | compiler: {provide: TranslateCompiler, useClass: TranslateFakeCompiler}
23 | })
24 | ],
25 | });
26 | translate = TestBed.inject(TranslateService);
27 |
28 | translate.use('en');
29 | });
30 |
31 | it('should use the correct compiler', () => {
32 | expect(translate).toBeDefined();
33 | expect(translate.compiler).toBeDefined();
34 | expect(translate.compiler instanceof TranslateFakeCompiler).toBeTruthy();
35 | });
36 |
37 | it('should use the compiler on loading translations', () => {
38 | translate.get('LOAD').subscribe((res: string) => {
39 | expect(res).toBe('This is a test');
40 | });
41 | });
42 |
43 | it('should use the compiler on manually adding a translation object', () => {
44 | translate.setTranslation('en', {'SET-TRANSLATION': 'A manually added translation'});
45 | expect(translate.instant('SET-TRANSLATION')).toBe('A manually added translation');
46 | });
47 |
48 | it('should use the compiler on manually adding a single translation', () => {
49 | translate.set('SET', 'Another manually added translation', 'en');
50 | expect(translate.instant('SET')).toBe('Another manually added translation');
51 | });
52 | });
53 |
54 | describe('with a custom compiler implementation', () => {
55 | class CustomCompiler implements TranslateCompiler {
56 | compile(value: string, lang: string): string {
57 | return value + '|compiled';
58 | }
59 |
60 | compileTranslations(translation: any, lang: string): Object {
61 | return Object.keys(translation).reduce((acc: any, key) => {
62 | acc[key] = () => translation[key] + '|compiled';
63 | return acc;
64 | }, {});
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | beforeEach(() => {
69 | TestBed.configureTestingModule({
70 | imports: [
71 | TranslateModule.forRoot({
72 | loader: {provide: TranslateLoader, useClass: FakeLoader},
73 | compiler: {provide: TranslateCompiler, useClass: CustomCompiler}
74 | })
75 | ],
76 | });
77 | translate = TestBed.inject(TranslateService);
78 |
79 | translate.use('en');
80 | });
81 |
82 | it('should use the correct compiler', () => {
83 | expect(translate).toBeDefined();
84 | expect(translate.compiler).toBeDefined();
85 | expect(translate.compiler instanceof CustomCompiler).toBeTruthy();
86 | });
87 |
88 | it('should use the compiler on loading translations', () => {
89 | translate.get('LOAD').subscribe((res: string) => {
90 | expect(res).toBe('This is a test|compiled');
91 | });
92 | });
93 |
94 | it('should use the compiler on manually adding a translation object', () => {
95 | translate.setTranslation('en', {'SET-TRANSLATION': 'A manually added translation'});
96 | expect(translate.instant('SET-TRANSLATION')).toBe('A manually added translation|compiled');
97 | });
98 |
99 | it('should use the compiler on manually adding a single translation', () => {
100 | translate.set('SET', 'Another manually added translation', 'en');
101 | expect(translate.instant('SET')).toBe('Another manually added translation|compiled');
102 | });
103 | });
104 | });