1 | import * as React from 'react'
2 | import { Interpolation, SpringConfig } from '@react-spring/web'
3 | import { CurveFactory } from 'd3-shape'
4 | import { ComponentType } from 'react'
5 |
6 | export type DatumValue = string | number | Date
7 |
8 | export interface Dimensions {
9 | height: number
10 | width: number
11 | }
12 |
13 | export interface Point {
14 | x: number
15 | y: number
16 | }
17 |
18 | export interface AlignBox extends Dimensions, Point {}
19 |
20 | export type Margin = {
21 | bottom: number
22 | left: number
23 | right: number
24 | top: number
25 | }
26 | export type Padding = Margin
27 |
28 | export type Box = Partial<Margin>
29 | export type BoxAlign =
30 | | 'center'
31 | | 'top-left'
32 | | 'top'
33 | | 'top-right'
34 | | 'right'
35 | | 'bottom-right'
36 | | 'bottom'
37 | | 'bottom-left'
38 | | 'left'
39 | export const boxAlignments: readonly BoxAlign[]
40 | export function alignBox(box: AlignBox, container: AlignBox, alignment: BoxAlign): [number, number]
41 |
42 | export type GetColor<T> = (datum: T) => string
43 | export type Colors = readonly string[] | string
44 | export interface ColorProps<T> {
45 | colors?: Colors
46 | colorBy?: string | GetColor<T>
47 | }
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 | export type TextStyle = {
53 | fontFamily: Exclude<React.CSSProperties['fontFamily'], undefined>
54 | fontSize: Exclude<React.CSSProperties['fontSize'], undefined>
55 | fill: string
56 | outlineWidth: number
57 | outlineColor: string
58 | outlineOpacity: number
59 | } & Partial<React.CSSProperties>
60 |
61 | export function sanitizeSvgTextStyle(style: TextStyle): any
62 |
63 | export type CompleteTheme = {
64 | background: string
65 | text: TextStyle
66 | axis: {
67 | domain: {
68 | line: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
69 | }
70 | ticks: {
71 | line: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
72 | text: TextStyle
73 | }
74 | legend: {
75 | text: TextStyle
76 | }
77 | }
78 | grid: {
79 | line: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
80 | }
81 | crosshair: {
82 | line: {
83 | stroke: string
84 | strokeWidth: number
85 | strokeOpacity: number
86 | strokeDasharray: string
87 | }
88 | }
89 | legends: {
90 | hidden: {
91 | symbol: Partial<{
92 | fill: string
93 | opacity: number
94 | }>
95 | text: TextStyle
96 | }
97 | title: {
98 | text: TextStyle
99 | }
100 | text: TextStyle
101 | ticks: {
102 | line: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
103 | text: TextStyle
104 | }
105 | }
106 | labels: {
107 | text: TextStyle
108 | }
109 | markers: {
110 | lineColor: string
111 | lineStrokeWidth: number
112 | textColor: string
113 | fontSize: string | 0
114 | text: TextStyle
115 | }
116 | dots: {
117 | text: TextStyle
118 | }
119 | tooltip: {
120 | wrapper: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
121 | container: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
122 | basic: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
123 | chip: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
124 | table: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
125 | tableCell: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
126 | tableCellValue: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
127 | }
128 | annotations: {
129 | text: {
130 | fill: string
131 | outlineWidth: number
132 | outlineColor: string
133 | outlineOpacity: number
134 | } & Partial<Omit<React.CSSProperties, 'fill'>>
135 | link: {
136 | stroke: string
137 | strokeWidth: number
138 | outlineWidth: number
139 | outlineColor: string
140 | outlineOpacity: number
141 | } & Partial<Omit<React.CSSProperties, 'stroke' | 'strokeWidth'>>
142 | outline: {
143 | stroke: string
144 | strokeWidth: number
145 | outlineWidth: number
146 | outlineColor: string
147 | outlineOpacity: number
148 | } & Partial<Omit<React.CSSProperties, 'stroke' | 'strokeWidth'>>
149 | symbol: {
150 | fill: string
151 | outlineWidth: number
152 | outlineColor: string
153 | outlineOpacity: number
154 | } & Partial<Omit<React.CSSProperties, 'fill'>>
155 | }
156 | }
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 | export type ThemeWithoutInheritance = {
169 | background: CompleteTheme['background']
170 | text: CompleteTheme['text']
171 | axis: {
172 | domain: {
173 | line: CompleteTheme['axis']['domain']['line']
174 | }
175 | ticks: {
176 | line: CompleteTheme['axis']['ticks']['line']
177 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['axis']['ticks']['text']>
178 | }
179 | legend: Partial<{
180 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['axis']['legend']['text']>
181 | }>
182 | }
183 | grid: {
184 | line: CompleteTheme['grid']['line']
185 | }
186 | crosshair: {
187 | line: CompleteTheme['crosshair']['line']
188 | }
189 | legends: {
190 | hidden: {
191 | symbol: CompleteTheme['legends']['hidden']['symbol']
192 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['hidden']['text']>
193 | }
194 | title: {
195 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['title']['text']>
196 | }
197 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['text']>
198 | ticks: {
199 | line: CompleteTheme['legends']['ticks']['line']
200 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['ticks']['text']>
201 | }
202 | }
203 | labels: {
204 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['labels']['text']>
205 | }
206 | markers: Partial<CompleteTheme['markers']>
207 | dots: {
208 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['dots']['text']>
209 | }
210 | tooltip: CompleteTheme['tooltip']
211 | annotations: {
212 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['annotations']['text']>
213 | link: CompleteTheme['annotations']['link']
214 | outline: CompleteTheme['annotations']['outline']
215 | symbol: CompleteTheme['annotations']['symbol']
216 | }
217 | }
218 |
219 | export type Theme = Partial<{
220 | background: CompleteTheme['background']
221 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['text']>
222 | axis: Partial<{
223 | domain: Partial<{
224 | line: Partial<CompleteTheme['axis']['domain']['line']>
225 | }>
226 | ticks: Partial<{
227 | line: Partial<CompleteTheme['axis']['ticks']['line']>
228 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['axis']['ticks']['text']>
229 | }>
230 | legend: Partial<{
231 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['axis']['legend']['text']>
232 | }>
233 | }>
234 | grid: Partial<{
235 | line: Partial<CompleteTheme['grid']['line']>
236 | }>
237 | crosshair: Partial<{
238 | line: Partial<CompleteTheme['crosshair']['line']>
239 | }>
240 | legends: Partial<{
241 | hidden: Partial<{
242 | symbol: CompleteTheme['legends']['hidden']['symbol']
243 | text: CompleteTheme['legends']['hidden']['text']
244 | }>
245 | title: Partial<{
246 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['title']['text']>
247 | }>
248 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['text']>
249 | ticks: Partial<{
250 | line: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['ticks']['line']>
251 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['legends']['ticks']['text']>
252 | }>
253 | }>
254 | labels: Partial<{
255 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['labels']['text']>
256 | }>
257 | markers: Partial<CompleteTheme['markers']>
258 | dots: Partial<{
259 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['dots']['text']>
260 | }>
261 | tooltip: Partial<CompleteTheme['tooltip']>
262 | annotations: Partial<{
263 | text: Partial<CompleteTheme['annotations']['text']>
264 | link: Partial<CompleteTheme['annotations']['link']>
265 | outline: Partial<CompleteTheme['annotations']['outline']>
266 | symbol: Partial<CompleteTheme['annotations']['symbol']>
267 | }>
268 | }>
269 |
270 | export function useTheme(): CompleteTheme
271 | export function usePartialTheme(theme?: Theme): CompleteTheme
272 | export function extendDefaultTheme(
273 | defaultTheme: ThemeWithoutInheritance,
274 | customTheme: Theme
275 | ): CompleteTheme
276 |
277 | export type MotionProps = Partial<{
278 | animate: boolean
279 | motionConfig: string | SpringConfig
280 | }>
281 |
282 | export function useMotionConfig(): {
283 | animate: boolean
284 | config: SpringConfig
285 | }
286 |
287 | export type SvgFillMatcher<T> = (datum: T) => boolean
288 | export interface SvgDefsAndFill<T> {
289 | defs?: readonly {
290 | id: string
291 | [key: string]: any
292 | }[]
293 | fill?: readonly { id: string; match: Record<string, unknown> | SvgFillMatcher<T> | '*' }[]
294 | }
295 |
296 | export type CssMixBlendMode =
297 | | 'normal'
298 | | 'multiply'
299 | | 'screen'
300 | | 'overlay'
301 | | 'darken'
302 | | 'lighten'
303 | | 'color-dodge'
304 | | 'color-burn'
305 | | 'hard-light'
306 | | 'soft-light'
307 | | 'difference'
308 | | 'exclusion'
309 | | 'hue'
310 | | 'saturation'
311 | | 'color'
312 | | 'luminosity'
313 |
314 | export type StackOrder = 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'insideOut' | 'none' | 'reverse'
315 |
316 | export type StackOffset = 'expand' | 'diverging' | 'none' | 'silhouette' | 'wiggle'
317 |
318 | export type AreaCurve =
319 | | 'basis'
320 | | 'cardinal'
321 | | 'catmullRom'
322 | | 'linear'
323 | | 'monotoneX'
324 | | 'monotoneY'
325 | | 'natural'
326 | | 'step'
327 | | 'stepAfter'
328 | | 'stepBefore'
329 |
330 | export function useAnimatedPath(path: string): Interpolation<string>
331 |
332 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 | // Patterns & Gradients
334 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 |
336 | export type GradientColor = {
337 | offset: number
338 | color: string
339 | opacity?: number
340 | }
341 |
342 | export function linearGradientDef(
343 | id: string,
344 | colors: GradientColor[],
345 | options?: React.SVGProps<SVGLinearGradientElement>
346 | ): {
347 | id: string
348 | type: 'linearGradient'
349 | colors: GradientColor[]
350 | } & React.SVGProps<SVGLinearGradientElement>
351 |
352 | export type LinearGradientDef = {
353 | id: string
354 | type: 'linearGradient'
355 | colors: {
356 | offset: number
357 | color: string
358 | opacity?: number
359 | }[]
360 | gradientTransform?: string
361 | }
362 |
363 | export type PatternDotsDef = {
364 | id: string
365 | type: 'patternDots'
366 | color?: string
367 | background?: string
368 | size?: number
369 | padding?: number
370 | stagger?: boolean
371 | }
372 | export function patternDotsDef(
373 | id: string,
374 | options?: Omit<PatternDotsDef, 'id' | 'type'>
375 | ): PatternDotsDef
376 | export function PatternDots(props: Omit<PatternDotsDef, 'type'>): JSX.Element
377 |
378 | export type PatternSquaresDef = Omit<PatternDotsDef, 'type'> & {
379 | type: 'patternSquares'
380 | }
381 | export function patternSquaresDef(
382 | id: string,
383 | options?: Omit<PatternSquaresDef, 'id' | 'type'>
384 | ): PatternSquaresDef
385 | export function PatternSquares(props: Omit<PatternSquaresDef, 'type'>): JSX.Element
386 |
387 | export type PatternLinesDef = {
388 | id: string
389 | type: 'patternLines'
390 | spacing?: number
391 | rotation?: number
392 | background?: string
393 | color?: string
394 | lineWidth?: number
395 | }
396 | export function patternLinesDef(
397 | id: string,
398 | options?: Omit<PatternLinesDef, 'id' | 'type'>
399 | ): PatternLinesDef
400 | export function PatternLines(props: Omit<PatternLinesDef, 'type'>): JSX.Element
401 |
402 | export type Def = LinearGradientDef | PatternDotsDef | PatternSquaresDef | PatternLinesDef
403 |
404 | export type DefsProps = {
405 | defs: readonly Def[]
406 | }
407 |
408 | export function Defs(props: DefsProps): JSX.Element
409 |
410 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
411 | // Motion
412 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 |
414 | export const defaultAnimate = true
415 |
416 | type MotionDefaultProps = {
417 | animate: true
418 | config: 'default'
419 | }
420 | export const motionDefaultProps: MotionDefaultProps
421 |
422 | type DefaultMargin = {
423 | top: 0
424 | right: 0
425 | bottom: 0
426 | left: 0
427 | }
428 | export const defaultMargin: DefaultMargin
429 |
430 | export function degreesToRadians(degrees: number): number
431 | export function radiansToDegrees(radians: number): number
432 | export function absoluteAngleDegrees(degrees: number): number
433 | export function normalizeAngle(degrees: number): number
434 | export function clampArc(startAngle: number, endAngle: number, length?: number): [number, number]
435 |
436 | type Accessor<T extends keyof U, U> = T extends string ? U[T] : never
437 |
438 | export type DatumPropertyAccessor<RawDatum, T> = (datum: RawDatum) => T
439 |
440 | export function useDimensions(
441 | width: number,
442 | height: number,
443 | margin?: Box
444 | ): {
445 | margin: Margin
446 | innerWidth: number
447 | innerHeight: number
448 | outerWidth: number
449 | outerHeight: number
450 | }
451 |
452 | export function useMeasure(): [
453 | React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>,
454 | { left: number; top: number; width: number; height: number }
455 | ]
456 |
457 | type SvgWrapperType = (
458 | props: React.PropsWithChildren<{
459 | width: number
460 | height: number
461 | margin: Margin
462 | defs?: any
463 | role?: string
464 | ariaLabel?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-label']
465 | ariaLabelledBy?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-labelledby']
466 | ariaDescribedBy?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-describedby']
467 | isFocusable?: boolean
468 | }>
469 | ) => JSX.Element
470 | export const SvgWrapper: SvgWrapperType
471 |
472 | interface ContainerProps {
473 | theme?: Theme
474 | renderWrapper?: boolean
475 | isInteractive?: boolean
476 | animate?: boolean
477 | motionConfig?: string | SpringConfig
478 | }
479 | type ContainerType = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<ContainerProps>) => JSX.Element
480 | export const Container: ContainerType
481 |
482 | type ResponsiveWrapperType = (props: {
483 | children: (dimensions: { width: number; height: number }) => JSX.Element
484 | }) => JSX.Element
485 | export const ResponsiveWrapper: ResponsiveWrapperType
486 |
487 | interface ThemeProviderProps {
488 | theme?: Theme
489 | }
490 |
491 | type ThemeProviderType = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<ThemeProviderProps>) => JSX.Element
492 | export const ThemeProvider: ThemeProviderType
493 |
494 | export function getDistance(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number
495 | export function getAngle(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number
496 |
497 | export function positionFromAngle(
498 | angle: number,
499 | distance: number
500 | ): {
501 | x: number
502 | y: number
503 | }
504 |
505 | export type ValueFormat<Value, Context = void> =
506 | | string // d3 formatter
507 | // explicit formatting function
508 | | (Context extends void ? (value: Value) => string : (value: Value, context: Context) => string)
509 | export function getValueFormatter<Value, Context = void>(
510 | format?: ValueFormat<Value, Context>
511 | ): Context extends void ? (value: Value) => string : (value: Value, context: Context) => string
512 | export function useValueFormatter<Value, Context = void>(
513 | format?: ValueFormat<Value, Context>
514 | ): Context extends void ? (value: Value) => string : (value: Value, context: Context) => string
515 |
516 | export type PropertyAccessor<Datum, Value> =
517 | // path to use with `lodash.get()`
518 | | string
519 | // explicit accessor function
520 | | ((datum: Datum) => Value)
521 | export function getPropertyAccessor<Datum, Value>(
522 | accessor: PropertyAccessor<Datum, Value>
523 | ): (datum: Datum) => Value
524 | export function usePropertyAccessor<Datum, Value>(
525 | accessor: PropertyAccessor<Datum, Value>
526 | ): (datum: Datum) => Value
527 |
528 | export function getRelativeCursor(
529 | element: Element,
530 | event: React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent
531 | ): [number, number]
532 | export function isCursorInRect(
533 | x: number,
534 | y: number,
535 | width: number,
536 | height: number,
537 | cursorX: number,
538 | cursorY: number
539 | ): boolean
540 |
541 | export interface CartesianMarkerProps<V extends DatumValue = DatumValue> {
542 | axis: 'x' | 'y'
543 | value: V
544 | legend?: string
545 | legendOrientation?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
546 | legendPosition?: BoxAlign
547 | lineStyle?: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
548 | textStyle?: Partial<React.CSSProperties>
549 | }
550 | interface CartesianMarkersProps<
551 | X extends DatumValue = DatumValue,
552 | Y extends DatumValue = DatumValue
553 | > {
554 | width: number
555 | height: number
556 | xScale: (value: X) => number
557 | yScale: (value: Y) => number
558 | markers: readonly CartesianMarkerProps<X | Y>[]
559 | }
560 | type CartesianMarkersType = <X extends DatumValue = DatumValue, Y extends DatumValue = DatumValue>(
561 | props: CartesianMarkersProps<X, Y>
562 | ) => JSX.Element
563 | export const CartesianMarkers: CartesianMarkersType
564 |
565 | export type CurveFactoryId =
566 | | 'basis'
567 | | 'basisClosed'
568 | | 'basisOpen'
569 | | 'bundle'
570 | | 'cardinal'
571 | | 'cardinalClosed'
572 | | 'cardinalOpen'
573 | | 'catmullRom'
574 | | 'catmullRomClosed'
575 | | 'catmullRomOpen'
576 | | 'linear'
577 | | 'linearClosed'
578 | | 'monotoneX'
579 | | 'monotoneY'
580 | | 'natural'
581 | | 'step'
582 | | 'stepAfter'
583 | | 'stepBefore'
584 |
585 | // Curve factories compatible d3 line shape generator
586 | export type LineCurveFactoryId =
587 | | 'basis'
588 | | 'cardinal'
589 | | 'catmullRom'
590 | | 'linear'
591 | | 'monotoneX'
592 | | 'monotoneY'
593 | | 'natural'
594 | | 'step'
595 | | 'stepAfter'
596 | | 'stepBefore'
597 |
598 | // Curve factories compatible d3 area shape generator
599 | export type AreaCurveFactoryId =
600 | | 'basis'
601 | | 'cardinal'
602 | | 'catmullRom'
603 | | 'linear'
604 | | 'monotoneX'
605 | | 'monotoneY'
606 | | 'natural'
607 | | 'step'
608 | | 'stepAfter'
609 | | 'stepBefore'
610 |
611 | export type ClosedCurveFactoryId =
612 | | 'basisClosed'
613 | | 'cardinalClosed'
614 | | 'catmullRomClosed'
615 | | 'linearClosed'
616 | export const closedCurvePropKeys: readonly ClosedCurveFactoryId[]
617 |
618 | export const curveFromProp: (interpolation: CurveFactoryId) => CurveFactory
619 |
620 | export const useCurveInterpolation: (interpolation: CurveFactoryId) => CurveFactory
621 |
622 | export interface DotsItemSymbolProps {
623 | size: number
624 | color: string
625 | borderWidth: number
626 | borderColor: string
627 | }
628 | export type DotsItemSymbolComponent = React.FunctionComponent<DotsItemSymbolProps>
629 |
630 | export interface DotsItemProps<D = any> {
631 | datum: D
632 | x: number
633 | y: number
634 | size: number
635 | color: string
636 | borderWidth: number
637 | borderColor: string
638 | label?: string | number
639 | labelTextAnchor?: 'start' | 'middle' | 'end'
640 | labelYOffset?: number
641 | symbol?: DotsItemSymbolComponent
642 | }
643 | export const DotsItem: React.FunctionComponent<DotsItemProps>
644 |
645 | export type ExtractProps<TComponent> = TComponent extends ComponentType<infer TProps>
646 | ? TProps
647 | : never
648 |
\ | No newline at end of file |