1 | # @nodelib/fs.walk
2 |
3 | > A library for efficiently walking a directory recursively.
4 |
5 | ## :bulb: Highlights
6 |
7 | * :moneybag: Returns useful information: `name`, `path`, `dirent` and `stats` (optional).
8 | * :gear: Built-in directories/files and error filtering system.
9 | * :link: Can safely work with broken symbolic links.
10 |
11 | ## Install
12 |
13 | ```console
14 | npm install @nodelib/fs.walk
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | ```ts
20 | import * as fsWalk from '@nodelib/fs.walk';
21 |
22 | fsWalk.walk('path', (error, entries) => { /* … */ });
23 | ```
24 |
25 | ## API
26 |
27 | ### .walk(path, [optionsOrSettings], callback)
28 |
29 | Reads the directory recursively and asynchronously. Requires a callback function.
30 |
31 | > :book: If you want to use the Promise API, use `util.promisify`.
32 |
33 | ```ts
34 | fsWalk.walk('path', (error, entries) => { /* … */ });
35 | fsWalk.walk('path', {}, (error, entries) => { /* … */ });
36 | fsWalk.walk('path', new fsWalk.Settings(), (error, entries) => { /* … */ });
37 | ```
38 |
39 | ### .walkStream(path, [optionsOrSettings])
40 |
41 | Reads the directory recursively and asynchronously. [Readable Stream](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v12.x/docs/api/stream.html#stream_readable_streams) is used as a provider.
42 |
43 | ```ts
44 | const stream = fsWalk.walkStream('path');
45 | const stream = fsWalk.walkStream('path', {});
46 | const stream = fsWalk.walkStream('path', new fsWalk.Settings());
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ### .walkSync(path, [optionsOrSettings])
50 |
51 | Reads the directory recursively and synchronously. Returns an array of entries.
52 |
53 | ```ts
54 | const entries = fsWalk.walkSync('path');
55 | const entries = fsWalk.walkSync('path', {});
56 | const entries = fsWalk.walkSync('path', new fsWalk.Settings());
57 | ```
58 |
59 | #### path
60 |
61 | * Required: `true`
62 | * Type: `string | Buffer | URL`
63 |
64 | A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
65 |
66 | #### optionsOrSettings
67 |
68 | * Required: `false`
69 | * Type: `Options | Settings`
70 | * Default: An instance of `Settings` class
71 |
72 | An [`Options`](#options) object or an instance of [`Settings`](#settings) class.
73 |
74 | > :book: When you pass a plain object, an instance of the `Settings` class will be created automatically. If you plan to call the method frequently, use a pre-created instance of the `Settings` class.
75 |
76 | ### Settings([options])
77 |
78 | A class of full settings of the package.
79 |
80 | ```ts
81 | const settings = new fsWalk.Settings({ followSymbolicLinks: true });
82 |
83 | const entries = fsWalk.walkSync('path', settings);
84 | ```
85 |
86 | ## Entry
87 |
88 | * `name` — The name of the entry (`unknown.txt`).
89 | * `path` — The path of the entry relative to call directory (`root/unknown.txt`).
90 | * `dirent` — An instance of [`fs.Dirent`](./src/types/index.ts) class.
91 | * [`stats`] — An instance of `fs.Stats` class.
92 |
93 | ## Options
94 |
95 | ### basePath
96 |
97 | * Type: `string`
98 | * Default: `undefined`
99 |
100 | By default, all paths are built relative to the root path. You can use this option to set custom root path.
101 |
102 | In the example below we read the files from the `root` directory, but in the results the root path will be `custom`.
103 |
104 | ```ts
105 | fsWalk.walkSync('root'); // → ['root/file.txt']
106 | fsWalk.walkSync('root', { basePath: 'custom' }); // → ['custom/file.txt']
107 | ```
108 |
109 | ### concurrency
110 |
111 | * Type: `number`
112 | * Default: `Infinity`
113 |
114 | The maximum number of concurrent calls to `fs.readdir`.
115 |
116 | > :book: The higher the number, the higher performance and the load on the File System. If you want to read in quiet mode, set the value to `4 * os.cpus().length` (4 is default size of [thread pool work scheduling](http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/threadpool.html#thread-pool-work-scheduling)).
117 |
118 | ### deepFilter
119 |
120 | * Type: [`DeepFilterFunction`](./src/settings.ts)
121 | * Default: `undefined`
122 |
123 | A function that indicates whether the directory will be read deep or not.
124 |
125 | ```ts
126 | // Skip all directories that starts with `node_modules`
127 | const filter: DeepFilterFunction = (entry) => !entry.path.startsWith('node_modules');
128 | ```
129 |
130 | ### entryFilter
131 |
132 | * Type: [`EntryFilterFunction`](./src/settings.ts)
133 | * Default: `undefined`
134 |
135 | A function that indicates whether the entry will be included to results or not.
136 |
137 | ```ts
138 | // Exclude all `.js` files from results
139 | const filter: EntryFilterFunction = (entry) => !entry.name.endsWith('.js');
140 | ```
141 |
142 | ### errorFilter
143 |
144 | * Type: [`ErrorFilterFunction`](./src/settings.ts)
145 | * Default: `undefined`
146 |
147 | A function that allows you to skip errors that occur when reading directories.
148 |
149 | For example, you can skip `ENOENT` errors if required:
150 |
151 | ```ts
152 | // Skip all ENOENT errors
153 | const filter: ErrorFilterFunction = (error) => error.code == 'ENOENT';
154 | ```
155 |
156 | ### stats
157 |
158 | * Type: `boolean`
159 | * Default: `false`
160 |
161 | Adds an instance of `fs.Stats` class to the [`Entry`](#entry).
162 |
163 | > :book: Always use `fs.readdir` with additional `fs.lstat/fs.stat` calls to determine the entry type.
164 |
165 | ### followSymbolicLinks
166 |
167 | * Type: `boolean`
168 | * Default: `false`
169 |
170 | Follow symbolic links or not. Call `fs.stat` on symbolic link if `true`.
171 |
172 | ### `throwErrorOnBrokenSymbolicLink`
173 |
174 | * Type: `boolean`
175 | * Default: `true`
176 |
177 | Throw an error when symbolic link is broken if `true` or safely return `lstat` call if `false`.
178 |
179 | ### `pathSegmentSeparator`
180 |
181 | * Type: `string`
182 | * Default: `path.sep`
183 |
184 | By default, this package uses the correct path separator for your OS (`\` on Windows, `/` on Unix-like systems). But you can set this option to any separator character(s) that you want to use instead.
185 |
186 | ### `fs`
187 |
188 | * Type: `FileSystemAdapter`
189 | * Default: A default FS methods
190 |
191 | By default, the built-in Node.js module (`fs`) is used to work with the file system. You can replace any method with your own.
192 |
193 | ```ts
194 | interface FileSystemAdapter {
195 | lstat: typeof fs.lstat;
196 | stat: typeof fs.stat;
197 | lstatSync: typeof fs.lstatSync;
198 | statSync: typeof fs.statSync;
199 | readdir: typeof fs.readdir;
200 | readdirSync: typeof fs.readdirSync;
201 | }
202 |
203 | const settings = new fsWalk.Settings({
204 | fs: { lstat: fakeLstat }
205 | });
206 | ```
207 |
208 | ## Changelog
209 |
210 | See the [Releases section of our GitHub project](https://github.com/nodelib/nodelib/releases) for changelog for each release version.
211 |
212 | ## License
213 |
214 | This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.