1.42 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import Config from 'webpack-chain'
3export interface ProjectOptions {
4 /** Folder output for prod build */
5 outputDir?: string;
6 /**
7 * Folder containing source.
8 * By default will be aliased to `@/`
9 * (for example, `@/lib/foo.js` will be resolved as `src/lib/foo.js`).
10 */
11 srcDir?: string;
12 /** Entry file (relative to project root) */
13 entry?: string;
14 /** Entry files (relative to project root) */
15 entries?: { [key: string]: string };
16 /** Enable sourcemaps in production build (can slow down build) */
17 productionSourceMap?: boolean;
18 /** Webpack externals packages */
19 externals?: any;
20 /** Minify production builds */
21 minify?: boolean;
22 /** Whitelist option for webpack-node-externals */
23 nodeExternalsWhitelist?: any;
24 /** Modify webpack config with webpack-chain */
25 chainWebpack?: (config: Config) => void;
26 /** Enable parallel compilation */
27 parallel?: boolean;
28 /** Force transpile `node_modules` packages with babel */
29 transpileDependencies?: Array<string | RegExp>;
30 /**
31 * Default port for `process.env.PORT` if it is not defined.
32 * It will change to a free port automatically if it is not available.
33 */
34 defaultPort?: number;
35 /** Enable file linting as part of the build process */
36 lintOnBuild?: boolean;
37 /** Environment variables replaced during compilation */
38 defineEnv?: string[];
39 /** Options for 3rd-party plugins */
40 pluginOptions?: any;