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1import { LazyTruffleContractProvisioner } from "./provisioner";
2import { TruffleContract, TruffleContractInstance } from "./types";
3export declare class TruffleEnvironmentArtifacts {
4 private readonly _artifactsPath;
5 private readonly _provisioner;
6 constructor(artifactsPath: string, provisioner: LazyTruffleContractProvisioner);
7 require(contractPath: string): any;
8 contractNeedsLinking(Contract: TruffleContract): any;
9 contractWasLinked(Contract: TruffleContract): boolean;
10 /**
11 * This functions links a contract with one or multiple libraries.
12 *
13 * We have this method here because our artifacts format is slightly different
14 * than Truffle's and doesn't include deployment information.
15 *
16 * This method also makes TruffleContract work with solc 0.5.x bytecode and
17 * link symbols.
18 */
19 link(destination: TruffleContract, ...libraries: TruffleContractInstance[]): void;
20 private _getContractNameFromPath;
21 private _getTruffleContract;
23//# sourceMappingURL=artifacts.d.ts.map
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