4.88 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6const chalk_1 = __importDefault(require("chalk"));
7const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug"));
8const ethereumjs_util_1 = require("ethereumjs-util");
9const server_1 = require("../internal/buidler-evm/jsonrpc/server");
10const constants_1 = require("../internal/constants");
11const config_env_1 = require("../internal/core/config/config-env");
12const errors_1 = require("../internal/core/errors");
13const errors_list_1 = require("../internal/core/errors-list");
14const construction_1 = require("../internal/core/providers/construction");
15const reporter_1 = require("../internal/sentry/reporter");
16const lazy_1 = require("../internal/util/lazy");
17const task_names_1 = require("./task-names");
18const watch_1 = require("./utils/watch");
19const log = debug_1.default("buidler:core:tasks:node");
20function _createBuidlerEVMProvider(config) {
21 log("Creating BuidlerEVM Provider");
22 const networkName = constants_1.BUIDLEREVM_NETWORK_NAME;
23 const networkConfig = config.networks[networkName];
24 return lazy_1.lazyObject(() => {
25 log(`Creating buidlerevm provider for JSON-RPC sever`);
26 return construction_1.createProvider(networkName, Object.assign({ loggingEnabled: true }, networkConfig), config.solc.version, config.paths);
27 });
29function logBuidlerEvmAccounts(networkConfig) {
30 if (networkConfig.accounts === undefined) {
31 return;
32 }
33 console.log("Accounts");
34 console.log("========");
35 for (const [index, account] of networkConfig.accounts.entries()) {
36 const address = ethereumjs_util_1.bufferToHex(ethereumjs_util_1.privateToAddress(ethereumjs_util_1.toBuffer(account.privateKey)));
37 const privateKey = ethereumjs_util_1.bufferToHex(ethereumjs_util_1.toBuffer(account.privateKey));
38 const balance = new ethereumjs_util_1.BN(account.balance)
39 .div(new ethereumjs_util_1.BN(10).pow(new ethereumjs_util_1.BN(18)))
40 .toString(10);
41 console.log(`Account #${index}: ${address} (${balance} ETH)
42Private Key: ${privateKey}
44 }
46function default_1() {
47 config_env_1.task(task_names_1.TASK_NODE, "Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Buidler EVM")
48 .addOptionalParam("hostname", "The host to which to bind to for new connections", "localhost", config_env_1.types.string)
49 .addOptionalParam("port", "The port on which to listen for new connections", 8545, config_env_1.types.int)
50 .setAction(async ({ hostname, port }, { network, buidlerArguments, config }) => {
51 if (network.name !== constants_1.BUIDLEREVM_NETWORK_NAME &&
52 // We normally set the default network as buidlerArguments.network,
53 // so this check isn't enough, and we add the next one. This has the
54 // effect of `--network <defaultNetwork>` being a false negative, but
55 // not a big deal.
56 buidlerArguments.network !== undefined &&
57 buidlerArguments.network !== config.defaultNetwork) {
58 throw new errors_1.BuidlerError(errors_list_1.ERRORS.BUILTIN_TASKS.JSONRPC_UNSUPPORTED_NETWORK);
59 }
60 try {
61 const serverConfig = {
62 hostname,
63 port,
64 provider: _createBuidlerEVMProvider(config),
65 };
66 const server = new server_1.JsonRpcServer(serverConfig);
67 const { port: actualPort, address } = await server.listen();
68 console.log(chalk_1.default.green(`Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at http://${address}:${actualPort}/`));
69 console.log();
70 try {
71 await watch_1.watchCompilerOutput(server.getProvider(), config.solc, config.paths);
72 }
73 catch (error) {
74 console.warn(chalk_1.default.yellow("There was a problem watching the compiler output, changes in the contracts won't be reflected in the Buidler EVM. Run Buidler with --verbose to learn more."));
75 log("Compilation output can't be watched. Please report this to help us improve Buidler.\n", error);
76 reporter_1.Reporter.reportError(error);
77 }
78 const networkConfig = config.networks[constants_1.BUIDLEREVM_NETWORK_NAME];
79 logBuidlerEvmAccounts(networkConfig);
80 await server.waitUntilClosed();
81 }
82 catch (error) {
83 if (errors_1.BuidlerError.isBuidlerError(error)) {
84 throw error;
85 }
86 throw new errors_1.BuidlerError(errors_list_1.ERRORS.BUILTIN_TASKS.JSONRPC_SERVER_ERROR, {
87 error: error.message,
88 }, error);
89 }
90 });
92exports.default = default_1;
93//# sourceMappingURL=node.js.map
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