3.95 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6exports.getLambdaOptionsFromFunction = exports.createZip = exports.createLambda = exports.Lambda = void 0;
7const assert_1 = __importDefault(require("assert"));
8const async_sema_1 = __importDefault(require("async-sema"));
9const yazl_1 = require("yazl");
10const minimatch_1 = __importDefault(require("minimatch"));
11const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra");
12const download_1 = require("./fs/download");
13const stream_to_buffer_1 = __importDefault(require("./fs/stream-to-buffer"));
14class Lambda {
15 constructor({ zipBuffer, handler, runtime, maxDuration, memory, environment, }) {
16 this.type = 'Lambda';
17 this.zipBuffer = zipBuffer;
18 this.handler = handler;
19 this.runtime = runtime;
20 this.memory = memory;
21 this.maxDuration = maxDuration;
22 this.environment = environment;
23 }
25exports.Lambda = Lambda;
26const sema = new async_sema_1.default(10);
27const mtime = new Date(1540000000000);
28async function createLambda({ files, handler, runtime, memory, maxDuration, environment = {}, }) {
29 assert_1.default(typeof files === 'object', '"files" must be an object');
30 assert_1.default(typeof handler === 'string', '"handler" is not a string');
31 assert_1.default(typeof runtime === 'string', '"runtime" is not a string');
32 assert_1.default(typeof environment === 'object', '"environment" is not an object');
33 if (memory !== undefined) {
34 assert_1.default(typeof memory === 'number', '"memory" is not a number');
35 }
36 if (maxDuration !== undefined) {
37 assert_1.default(typeof maxDuration === 'number', '"maxDuration" is not a number');
38 }
39 await sema.acquire();
40 try {
41 const zipBuffer = await createZip(files);
42 return new Lambda({
43 zipBuffer,
44 handler,
45 runtime,
46 memory,
47 maxDuration,
48 environment,
49 });
50 }
51 finally {
52 sema.release();
53 }
55exports.createLambda = createLambda;
56async function createZip(files) {
57 const names = Object.keys(files).sort();
58 const symlinkTargets = new Map();
59 for (const name of names) {
60 const file = files[name];
61 if (file.mode && download_1.isSymbolicLink(file.mode) && file.type === 'FileFsRef') {
62 const symlinkTarget = await fs_extra_1.readlink(file.fsPath);
63 symlinkTargets.set(name, symlinkTarget);
64 }
65 }
66 const zipFile = new yazl_1.ZipFile();
67 const zipBuffer = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
68 for (const name of names) {
69 const file = files[name];
70 const opts = { mode: file.mode, mtime };
71 const symlinkTarget = symlinkTargets.get(name);
72 if (typeof symlinkTarget === 'string') {
73 zipFile.addBuffer(Buffer.from(symlinkTarget, 'utf8'), name, opts);
74 }
75 else {
76 const stream = file.toStream();
77 stream.on('error', reject);
78 zipFile.addReadStream(stream, name, opts);
79 }
80 }
81 zipFile.end();
82 stream_to_buffer_1.default(zipFile.outputStream)
83 .then(resolve)
84 .catch(reject);
85 });
86 return zipBuffer;
88exports.createZip = createZip;
89async function getLambdaOptionsFromFunction({ sourceFile, config, }) {
90 if (config && config.functions) {
91 for (const [pattern, fn] of Object.entries(config.functions)) {
92 if (sourceFile === pattern || minimatch_1.default(sourceFile, pattern)) {
93 return {
94 memory: fn.memory,
95 maxDuration: fn.maxDuration,
96 };
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 return {};
102exports.getLambdaOptionsFromFunction = getLambdaOptionsFromFunction;