8.45 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.updateConfigsJest29 = void 0;
4const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5const devkit_1 = require("@nrwl/devkit");
6const ast_utils_1 = require("../../utils/ast-utils");
7const tsquery_1 = require("@phenomnomnominal/tsquery");
8const ts = require("typescript");
9const executor_options_utils_1 = require("@nrwl/workspace/src/utilities/executor-options-utils");
10const find_root_jest_files_1 = require("../../utils/config/find-root-jest-files");
11function updateConfigsJest29(tree) {
12 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
13 const rootPreset = (0, find_root_jest_files_1.findRootJestPreset)(tree);
14 const targetsWithJest = new Set();
15 // have to use graph so the negative configuration targets are expanded
16 const graph = yield (0, devkit_1.createProjectGraphAsync)();
17 (0, executor_options_utils_1.forEachExecutorOptionsInGraph)(graph, '@nrwl/jest:jest', (options, projectName, targetName) => {
18 if (options.jestConfig && tree.exists(options.jestConfig)) {
19 targetsWithJest.add(targetName);
20 // if the default root preset exists or if the project doesn't have a 'preset' configured
21 // -> update snapshot config
22 if (!rootPreset || !hasPresetConfigured(tree, options.jestConfig)) {
23 addSnapshotOptionsToConfig(tree, options.jestConfig, `From within the project directory, run "nx test --update-snapshot"`);
24 }
25 updateTsJestOptions(tree, options.jestConfig);
26 updateNgJestOptions(tree, options.jestConfig);
27 }
28 });
29 if (rootPreset && tree.exists(rootPreset)) {
30 const cmd = `"nx affected --targets=${Array.from(targetsWithJest).join(',')} --update-snapshot"`;
31 addSnapshotOptionsToConfig(tree, rootPreset, cmd);
32 updateTsJestOptions(tree, rootPreset);
33 updateNgJestOptions(tree, rootPreset);
34 }
35 yield (0, devkit_1.formatFiles)(tree);
36 devkit_1.logger.info((0, devkit_1.stripIndents) `NX Jest Snapshot format changed in v29.
37By default Nx kept the older style to prevent breaking of existing tests with snapshots.
38It's recommend you update to the latest format.
39You can do this in your project's jest config file.
40Remove the snapshotFormat property and re-run tests with the --update-snapshot flag.
41More info: https://jestjs.io/docs/upgrading-to-jest29#snapshot-format`);
42 });
44exports.updateConfigsJest29 = updateConfigsJest29;
45function addSnapshotOptionsToConfig(tree, configPath, updateSnapshotExample) {
46 const config = tree.read(configPath, 'utf-8');
47 const hasSnapshotOptions = tsquery_1.tsquery.query(config, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX} > ObjectLiteralExpression PropertyAssignment:has(Identifier[name="snapshotFormat"])`);
48 if (hasSnapshotOptions.length > 0) {
49 return;
50 }
51 const updatedConfig = tsquery_1.tsquery.replace(config, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX} > ObjectLiteralExpression`, (node) => {
52 return `{
53${node.properties.map((p) => getNodeWithComments(config, p)).join(',\n')},
54/* TODO: Update to latest Jest snapshotFormat
55 * By default Nx has kept the older style of Jest Snapshot formats
56 * to prevent breaking of any existing tests with snapshots.
57 * It's recommend you update to the latest format.
58 * You can do this by removing snapshotFormat property
59 * and running tests with --update-snapshot flag.
60 * Example: ${updateSnapshotExample}
61 * More info: https://jestjs.io/docs/upgrading-to-jest29#snapshot-format
62 */
63snapshotFormat: { escapeString: true, printBasicPrototype: true }
65 }, { visitAllChildren: false });
66 tree.write(configPath, updatedConfig);
68function hasPresetConfigured(tree, configPath) {
69 var _a;
70 const contents = tree.read(configPath, 'utf-8');
71 return (((_a = tsquery_1.tsquery.query(contents, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX} > ObjectLiteralExpression PropertyAssignment:has(Identifier[name="preset"])`)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0);
73function updateTsJestOptions(tree, configPath) {
74 // query for the globals property, if they don't have one then there's nothing to modify.
75 const contents = tree.read(configPath, 'utf-8');
76 let tsJestGlobalsConfig;
77 const noTsJestGlobals = tsquery_1.tsquery.replace(contents, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX} > ObjectLiteralExpression PropertyAssignment:has(Identifier[name="globals"])`, (node) => {
78 if (tsJestGlobalsConfig) {
79 devkit_1.logger.warn((0, devkit_1.stripIndents) `Found more than one "globals" object in the jest config, ${configPath}
80 Will use the first one`);
81 return;
82 }
83 tsJestGlobalsConfig = getGlobalTsJestConfig(node);
84 return getGlobalConfigWithoutTsJest(node);
85 });
86 if (!tsJestGlobalsConfig) {
87 return;
88 }
89 const updatedTsJestTransformer = tsquery_1.tsquery.replace(noTsJestGlobals, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX}> ObjectLiteralExpression PropertyAssignment:has(Identifier[name="transform"]) PropertyAssignment > :has(StringLiteral[value="ts-jest"], StringLiteral[value="jest-preset-angular"])`, (node) => {
90 return `[${node.getText()}, ${tsJestGlobalsConfig}]`;
91 });
92 tree.write(configPath, updatedTsJestTransformer);
94function updateNgJestOptions(tree, configPath) {
95 const contents = tree.read(configPath, 'utf-8');
96 let ngJestTeardownConfig;
97 const noTeardownConfig = tsquery_1.tsquery.replace(contents, 'BinaryExpression:has(PropertyAccessExpression:has(Identifier[name=ngJest])) PropertyAssignment:has(Identifier[name=teardown])', (node) => {
98 ngJestTeardownConfig = node.initializer.getText();
99 return ' ';
100 });
101 if (!ngJestTeardownConfig) {
102 return;
103 }
104 let maybeUpdatedTestEnvOpts = tsquery_1.tsquery.replace(noTeardownConfig, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX} > ObjectLiteralExpression PropertyAssignment:has(Identifier[name="testEnvironmentOptions"]) ObjectLiteralExpression`, (node) => {
105 return `{
106 ${node.properties
107 .map((p) => getNodeWithComments(noTeardownConfig, p))
108 .join(',\n')},
109 teardown: ${ngJestTeardownConfig}
110 }`;
111 });
112 if (maybeUpdatedTestEnvOpts !== noTeardownConfig) {
113 tree.write(configPath, maybeUpdatedTestEnvOpts);
114 return;
115 }
116 // didn't find existing testEnvironmentOptions, so add the new property
117 const updatedConfig = tsquery_1.tsquery.replace(maybeUpdatedTestEnvOpts, `${ast_utils_1.TS_QUERY_JEST_CONFIG_PREFIX} > ObjectLiteralExpression`, (node) => {
118 return `{
120 .map((p) => getNodeWithComments(maybeUpdatedTestEnvOpts, p))
121 .join(',\n')},
122testEnvironmentOptions: { teardown: ${ngJestTeardownConfig} },
124 }, { visitAllChildren: false });
125 tree.write(configPath, updatedConfig);
127function getGlobalTsJestConfig(node) {
128 var _a;
129 const globalObject = node.initializer;
130 const foundConfig = globalObject.properties.find((p) => ts.isPropertyAssignment(p) && p.name.getText().includes('ts-jest'));
131 return ((_a = foundConfig === null || foundConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : foundConfig.initializer) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getText()) || '';
133function getGlobalConfigWithoutTsJest(node) {
134 var _a;
135 const globalObject = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.initializer;
136 const withoutTsJest = (_a = globalObject === null || globalObject === void 0 ? void 0 : globalObject.properties) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter((p) => {
137 return !(ts.isPropertyAssignment(p) && p.name.getText().includes('ts-jest'));
138 });
139 const globalConfigs = withoutTsJest.map((c) => c.getText()).join(',\n');
140 return `globals: { ${globalConfigs} }`;
142function getNodeWithComments(fullText, node) {
143 const commentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(fullText, node.getFullStart());
144 if ((commentRanges === null || commentRanges === void 0 ? void 0 : commentRanges.length) > 0) {
145 const withComments = `${commentRanges
146 .map((r) => fullText.slice(r.pos, r.end))
147 .join('\n')}\n${node.getText()}`;
148 return withComments;
149 }
150 return node.getText();
152exports.default = updateConfigsJest29;
153//# sourceMappingURL=update-configs-jest-29.js.map
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