1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | const fs = require("fs");
4 | const path = require("path");
5 | const workspace_1 = require("@nrwl/workspace");
6 | const allMigrations = fs
7 | .readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, '/../../migrations'))
8 | .filter(f => f.endsWith('.js') && !f.endsWith('.d.js'))
9 | .map(file => ({
10 | migration: require(`../../migrations/${file}`).default,
11 | name: path.parse(file).name
12 | }));
13 | const latestMigration = readLatestMigration();
14 | const migrationsToRun = calculateMigrationsToRun(allMigrations, latestMigration);
15 | if (migrationsToRun.length === 0) {
16 | console.log('No migrations to run');
17 | process.exit(0);
18 | }
19 | printMigrationsNames(latestMigration, migrationsToRun);
20 | runMigrations(migrationsToRun);
21 | updateLatestMigration();
22 | console.log('All migrations run successfully');
23 | function readLatestMigration() {
24 | const angularCli = workspace_1.readWorkspaceConfigPath();
25 | return angularCli.project.latestMigration;
26 | }
27 | function calculateMigrationsToRun(migrations, latestMigration) {
28 | const startingWith = latestMigration
29 | ? migrations.findIndex(item => item.name === latestMigration) + 1
30 | : 0;
31 | return migrations.slice(startingWith);
32 | }
33 | function printMigrationsNames(latestMigration, migrations) {
34 | console.log(`Nx will run the following migrations (after ${latestMigration}):`);
35 | migrations.forEach(m => {
36 | console.log(`- ${m.name}`);
37 | });
38 | console.log('---------------------------------------------');
39 | }
40 | function runMigrations(migrations) {
41 | migrations.forEach(m => {
42 | try {
43 | console.log(`Running ${m.name}`);
44 | console.log(m.migration.description);
45 | m.migration.run();
46 | console.log('---------------------------------------------');
47 | }
48 | catch (e) {
49 | console.error(`Migration ${m.name} failed`);
50 | console.error(e);
51 | console.error(`Please run 'git checkout .'`);
52 | process.exit(1);
53 | }
54 | });
55 | }
56 | function updateLatestMigration() {
57 |
58 | workspace_1.updateJsonFile('.angular-cli.json', angularCliJson => {
59 | angularCliJson.project.latestMigration =
60 | migrationsToRun[migrationsToRun.length - 1].name;
61 | });
62 | }