1.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.insertImport = void 0;
4const insert_statement_1 = require("./insert-statement");
5const devkit_1 = require("@nrwl/devkit");
6const typescript_1 = require("typescript");
7function insertImport(tree, path, name, modulePath) {
8 const contents = tree.read(path, 'utf-8');
9 const sourceFile = (0, typescript_1.createSourceFile)(path, contents, typescript_1.ScriptTarget.ESNext);
10 const importStatements = sourceFile.statements.filter(typescript_1.isImportDeclaration);
11 const existingImport = importStatements.find((statement) => (0, typescript_1.isStringLiteral)(statement.moduleSpecifier) &&
12 statement.moduleSpecifier
13 .getText(sourceFile)
14 .replace(/['"`]/g, '')
15 .trim() === modulePath &&
16 statement.importClause.namedBindings &&
17 (0, typescript_1.isNamedImports)(statement.importClause.namedBindings));
18 if (!existingImport) {
19 (0, insert_statement_1.insertStatement)(tree, path, `import { ${name} } from '${modulePath}';`);
20 return;
21 }
22 // TODO: Also check if the namedImport already exists
23 const namedImports = existingImport.importClause
24 .namedBindings;
25 const index = namedImports.getEnd() - 1;
26 let text;
27 if (namedImports.elements.hasTrailingComma) {
28 text = `${name},`;
29 }
30 else {
31 text = `,${name}`;
32 }
33 const newContents = (0, devkit_1.applyChangesToString)(contents, [
34 {
35 type: devkit_1.ChangeType.Insert,
36 index,
37 text,
38 },
39 ]);
40 tree.write(path, newContents);
42exports.insertImport = insertImport;
43//# sourceMappingURL=insert-import.js.map
\No newline at end of file