1 | const { join, extname } = require('path')
2 | const fs = require('graceful-fs').promises
3 | const Hookable = require('hookable')
4 | const chokidar = require('chokidar')
5 | const JSON5 = require('json5')
6 | const Loki = require('@lokidb/loki').default
7 | const LokiFullTextSearch = require('@lokidb/full-text-search').default
8 | const logger = require('consola').withScope('@nuxt/content')
9 | const { default: PQueue } = require('p-queue')
10 | const { Markdown, YAML, CSV, XML } = require('../parsers')
11 |
12 | const QueryBuilder = require('./query-builder')
13 | const EXTENSIONS = ['.md', '.json', '.json5', '.yaml', '.yml', '.csv', '.xml']
14 |
15 | LokiFullTextSearch.register()
16 |
17 | class Database extends Hookable {
18 | constructor (options) {
19 | super()
20 | this.dir = options.dir || process.cwd()
21 | this.cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd()
22 | this.markdown = new Markdown(options.markdown)
23 | this.yaml = new YAML(options.yaml)
24 | this.csv = new CSV(options.csv)
25 | this.xml = new XML(options.xml)
26 |
27 | this.db = new Loki('content.db')
28 |
29 | this.items = this.db.addCollection('items', {
30 | fullTextSearch: options.fullTextSearchFields.map(field => ({ field })),
31 | nestedProperties: options.nestedProperties
32 | })
33 |
34 | this.extendParser = options.extendParser || {}
35 | this.extendParserExtensions = Object.keys(this.extendParser)
36 |
37 | options.watch && this.watch()
38 | this.options = options
39 | }
40 |
41 | |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | query (path, { deep = false, text = false } = {}) {
47 | const isDir = !path || !!this.dirs.find(dir => dir === path)
48 |
49 | const query = isDir ? { dir: deep ? { $regex: new RegExp(`^${path}`) } : path } : { path }
50 |
51 | const postprocess = isDir ? [] : [data => data[0]]
52 |
53 | return new QueryBuilder({
54 | query: this.items.chain().find(query, !isDir),
55 | path,
56 | postprocess,
57 | text
58 | }, this.options)
59 | }
60 |
61 | |
62 |
63 |
64 | async init () {
65 | this.dirs = ['/']
66 | this.items.clear()
67 |
68 | const startTime = process.hrtime()
69 | await this.walk(this.dir)
70 | const [s, ns] = process.hrtime(startTime)
71 | logger.info(`Parsed ${this.items.count()} files in ${s},${Math.round(ns / 1e8)} seconds`)
72 | }
73 |
74 | |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | async walk (dir) {
79 | let files = []
80 | try {
81 | files = await fs.readdir(dir)
82 | } catch (e) {
83 | logger.warn(`${dir} does not exist`)
84 | }
85 |
86 | await Promise.all(files.map(async (file) => {
87 | const path = join(dir, file)
88 | const stats = await fs.stat(path)
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 | if (file.includes('node_modules') || (/(^|\/)\.[^/.]/g).test(file)) {
93 | return
94 | }
95 |
96 |
97 | if (stats.isDirectory()) {
98 |
99 | this.dirs.push(this.normalizePath(path))
100 |
101 | return this.walk(path)
102 | } else if (stats.isFile()) {
103 |
104 | return this.insertFile(path)
105 | }
106 | }))
107 | }
108 |
109 | |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 | async insertFile (path) {
114 | const items = await this.parseFile(path)
115 |
116 | if (!items) {
117 | return
118 | }
119 |
120 |
121 | if (items.length > 1) {
122 | this.dirs.push(this.normalizePath(path))
123 | }
124 |
125 | for (const item of items) {
126 | await this.callHook('file:beforeInsert', item)
127 |
128 | this.items.insert(item)
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 | |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | async updateFile (path) {
137 | const items = await this.parseFile(path)
138 |
139 | if (!items) {
140 | return
141 | }
142 |
143 | for (const item of items) {
144 | await this.callHook('file:beforeInsert', item)
145 |
146 | const document = this.items.findOne({ path: item.path })
147 |
148 | logger.info(`Updated ${path.replace(this.cwd, '.')}`)
149 | if (document) {
150 | this.items.update({ $loki: document.$loki, meta: document.meta, ...item })
151 | return
152 | }
153 | this.items.insert(item)
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 | async removeFile (path) {
162 | const normalizedPath = await this.normalizePath(path)
163 | const document = this.items.findOne({ path: normalizedPath })
164 |
165 | this.items.remove(document)
166 | }
167 |
168 | |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 | async parseFile (path) {
173 | const extension = extname(path)
174 |
175 | if (!EXTENSIONS.includes(extension) && !this.extendParserExtensions.includes(extension)) {
176 | return
177 | }
178 |
179 | const stats = await fs.stat(path)
180 | const file = {
181 | path,
182 | extension,
183 | data: await fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8')
184 | }
185 |
186 | await this.callHook('file:beforeParse', file)
187 |
188 |
189 | const parser = ({
190 | '.json': data => JSON.parse(data),
191 | '.json5': data => JSON5.parse(data),
192 | '.md': data => this.markdown.toJSON(data),
193 | '.csv': data => this.csv.toJSON(data),
194 | '.yaml': data => this.yaml.toJSON(data),
195 | '.yml': data => this.yaml.toJSON(data),
196 | '.xml': data => this.xml.toJSON(data),
197 | ...this.extendParser
198 | })[extension]
199 |
200 |
201 | let data = []
202 | try {
203 | data = await parser(file.data, { path: file.path })
204 |
205 | data = Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data]
206 | } catch (err) {
207 | logger.warn(`Could not parse ${path.replace(this.cwd, '.')}:`, err.message)
208 | return null
209 | }
210 |
211 |
212 | const normalizedPath = this.normalizePath(path)
213 |
214 |
215 | const isValidDate = (date) => {
216 | return date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date)
217 | }
218 |
219 | return data.map((item) => {
220 | const paths = normalizedPath.split('/')
221 |
222 | if (data.length > 1 && item.slug) {
223 | paths.push(item.slug)
224 | }
225 |
226 | const dir = paths.slice(0, paths.length - 1).join('/') || '/'
227 |
228 | const slug = paths[paths.length - 1]
229 |
230 | const path = paths.join('/')
231 |
232 |
233 | const existingCreatedAt = item.createdAt && new Date(item.createdAt)
234 | const existingUpdatedAt = item.updatedAt && new Date(item.updatedAt)
235 |
236 | return {
237 | slug,
238 |
239 | ...item,
240 | dir,
241 | path,
242 | extension,
243 | createdAt: isValidDate(existingCreatedAt) ? existingCreatedAt : stats.birthtime,
244 | updatedAt: isValidDate(existingUpdatedAt) ? existingUpdatedAt : stats.mtime
245 | }
246 | })
247 | }
248 |
249 | |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 | normalizePath (path) {
255 | let extractPath = path.replace(this.dir, '')
256 | const extensionPath = extractPath.substr(extractPath.lastIndexOf('.'))
257 | const additionalsExt = EXTENSIONS.concat(this.extendParserExtensions)
258 |
259 |
260 | if (additionalsExt.includes(extensionPath) || extractPath.startsWith('.')) {
261 | extractPath = extractPath.replace(/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/, '')
262 | }
263 |
264 | return extractPath.replace(/\\/g, '/')
265 | }
266 |
267 | |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 | watch () {
272 | this.queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 })
273 |
274 | this.watcher = chokidar.watch(['**/*'], {
275 | cwd: this.dir,
276 | ignoreInitial: true,
277 | ignored: 'node_modules/**/*'
278 | })
279 | .on('change', path => this.queue.add(this.refresh.bind(this, 'change', path)))
280 | .on('add', path => this.queue.add(this.refresh.bind(this, 'add', path)))
281 | .on('unlink', path => this.queue.add(this.refresh.bind(this, 'unlink', path)))
282 | }
283 |
284 | |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 | async refresh (event, path) {
289 | if (event === 'change') {
290 | await this.updateFile(`${this.dir}/${path}`)
291 | } else {
292 | await this.init()
293 | }
294 |
295 | this.callHook('file:updated', { event, path })
296 | }
297 |
298 | |
299 |
300 |
301 | async close () {
302 | await this.db.close()
303 | this.db = null
304 |
305 |
306 | if (this.watcher) {
307 | await this.watcher.close()
308 | this.watcher = null
309 | }
310 | }
311 | }
312 |
313 | module.exports = Database