1 | const logger = require('consola').withScope('@nuxt/content')
2 | const { camelCase } = require('change-case')
3 |
4 | const getDefaults = ({ dev = false } = {}) => ({
5 | editor: './editor.vue',
6 | watch: dev,
7 | liveEdit: true,
8 | apiPrefix: '_content',
9 | dir: 'content',
10 | fullTextSearchFields: ['title', 'description', 'slug', 'text'],
11 | nestedProperties: [],
12 | markdown: {
13 | tocDepth: 3,
14 | remarkPlugins: [
15 | 'remark-squeeze-paragraphs',
16 | 'remark-slug',
17 | 'remark-autolink-headings',
18 | 'remark-external-links',
19 | 'remark-footnotes',
20 | 'remark-gfm'
21 | ],
22 | rehypePlugins: [
23 | 'rehype-sort-attribute-values',
24 | 'rehype-sort-attributes',
25 | 'rehype-raw'
26 | ],
27 | prism: {
28 | theme: 'prismjs/themes/prism.css'
29 | }
30 | },
31 | yaml: {},
32 | csv: {},
33 | xml: {},
34 | extendParser: {}
35 | })
36 |
37 | const processMarkdownTocDepth = (markdown) => {
38 | const { tocDepth } = markdown
39 | const tocTags = []
40 |
41 | if (tocDepth < 1) {
42 | logger.info(`content.markdown.tocDepth is set as ${tocDepth}. Table of contents of markdown files will be empty.`)
43 | return tocTags
44 | }
45 |
46 | if (tocDepth > 6) {
47 | logger.info(`content.markdown.tocDepth is set as ${tocDepth}. Table of contents of markdown files will include all the headings.`)
48 | }
49 |
50 | for (let i = 2; i <= tocDepth; i++) {
51 | tocTags.push(`h${i}`)
52 | }
53 |
54 | return tocTags
55 | }
56 |
57 | const processMarkdownPlugins = (type, markdown, resolvePath) => {
58 | const plugins = []
59 |
60 | for (const plugin of markdown[`${type}Plugins`]) {
61 | let name
62 | let options
63 | let instance
64 |
65 | if (typeof plugin === 'string') {
66 | name = plugin
67 | options = markdown[camelCase(name)]
68 | } else if (Array.isArray(plugin)) {
69 | [name, options] = plugin
70 | }
71 |
72 | try {
73 | instance = require(resolvePath(name))
74 |
75 | plugins.push({ instance, name, options })
76 | } catch (e) {
77 | logger.error(e.toString())
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | return plugins
82 | }
83 |
84 | const processMarkdownOptions = (options, resolvePath) => {
85 | if (!resolvePath) {
86 | resolvePath = path => path
87 | }
88 | options.markdown.tocTags = processMarkdownTocDepth(options.markdown)
89 | options.markdown.remarkPlugins = processMarkdownPlugins('remark', options.markdown, resolvePath)
90 | options.markdown.rehypePlugins = processMarkdownPlugins('rehype', options.markdown, resolvePath)
91 | }
92 |
93 | module.exports = {
94 | getDefaults,
95 | processMarkdownOptions
96 | }