3.35 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import Vue from 'vue'
3// Custom AdSense Ad Component
4const adsbygoogle = {
5 render (h) {
6 return h(
7 'ins',
8 {
9 'class': ['adsbygoogle'],
10 style: this.adStyle,
11 attrs: {
12 'data-ad-client': this.adClient,
13 'data-ad-slot': this.adSlot || null,
14 'data-ad-format': this.adFormat,
15 'data-ad-region': this.show ? this.adRegion() : null,
16 'data-ad-layout': this.adLayout || null,
17 'data-ad-layout-key': this.adLayoutKey || null,
18 'data-page-url': this.pageUrl ? this.pageUrl : null,
19 'data-analytics-uacct': this.analyticsUacct ? this.analyticsUacct : null,
20 'data-analytics-domain-name': this.analyticsDomainName ? this.analyticsDomainName : null,
21 'data-adtest': <%= options.test ? '\'on\'' : 'null' %>,
22 'data-adsbygoogle-status': this.show ? null : '',
23 'data-full-width-responsive': this.adFullWidthResponsive || null,
24 },
25 domProps: {
26 innerHTML: this.show ? '' : ' '
27 },
28 key: Math.random()
29 }
30 )
31 },
32 props: {
33 adClient: {
34 type: String,
35 default: '<%= options.id %>'
36 },
37 adSlot: {
38 type: String
39 },
40 adFormat: {
41 type: String,
42 default: 'auto'
43 },
44 adLayout: {
45 type: String
46 },
47 adLayoutKey: {
48 type: String
49 },
50 adStyle: {
51 type: Object,
52 default () {
53 return {
54 display: 'block'
55 }
56 }
57 },
58 adFullWidthResponsive: {
59 type: Boolean,
60 default: false
61 },
62 pageUrl: {
63 type: String
64 },
65 analyticsUacct: {
66 type: String,
67 default: '<%= options.analyticsUacct %>'
68 },
69 analyticsDomainName: {
70 type: String,
71 default: '<%= options.analyticsDomainName %>'
72 },
73 includeQuery: {
74 type: Boolean,
75 default: <%= options.includeQuery %>
76 }
77 },
78 data () {
79 return {
80 show: true
81 }
82 },
83 mounted () {
84 this.showAd()
85 },
86 watch: {
87 '$route' (to, from) {
88 if (to.fullPath === from.fullPath) {
89 return;
90 }
91 const keys = Object.keys
92 const toQuery = to.query
93 const fromQuery = from.query
94 let changed = false
95 if (to.path !== from.path) {
96 changed = true
97 } else if (this.includeQuery) {
98 // If we include query params, check to see if they are loosely unequal
99 changed = (keys(toQuery).length !== keys(fromQuery).length) || !keys(toQuery).every(k => toQuery[k] === fromQuery[k])
100 }
101 if (changed) {
102 // If the route has changed, update the ad
103 this.updateAd()
104 }
105 }
106 },
107 methods: {
108 adRegion () {
109 return 'page-' + Math.random()
110 },
111 updateAd () {
112 if (this.isServer) {
113 return
114 }
115 // Reset the INS element
116 this.show = false
117 // Show new ad on nextTick
118 this.$nextTick(this.showAd)
119 },
120 showAd () {
121 this.show = true
122 this.$nextTick(() => {
123 try {
124 // Once ad container (<ins>) DOM has (re-)rendered, requesst a new advert
125 (window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})
126 } catch (error) {
127 console.error(error)
128 }
129 })
130 }
131 }
134// Register our ad component under the desired tag name
135Vue.component('<%= options.tag %>', adsbygoogle)