7.05 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2const {token, domain} = require('./config.js');
3import oada from "../src/index";
4import chai from "chai";
5import { getConnections } from './utils'
6var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");
8var expect = chai.expect;
10let connections = new Array(4);
11let contentType = "application/vnd.oada.yield.1+json";
12let connectTime = 30 * 1000; // seconds to click through oauth
14describe("~~~~~~ CONNECTIONS~~~~~~~", function() {
15 this.timeout(connectTime);
17 it("Should connect with metadata. Browser popup must be used to login within 30s.", async function() {
18 this.timeout(connectTime);
19 var result = await oada.connect({
20 domain,
21 options: {
22 redirect: "http://localhost:8000/oauth2/redirect.html",
23 metadata:
24 "eyJqa3UiOiJodHRwczovL2lkZW50aXR5Lm9hZGEtZGV2LmNvbS9jZXJ0cyIsImtpZCI6ImtqY1NjamMzMmR3SlhYTEpEczNyMTI0c2ExIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.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.AJSjNlWX8UKfVh-h1ebCe0MEGqKzArNJ6x0nmta0oFMcWMyR6Cn2saR-oHvU8WrtUMEr-w020mAjvhfYav4EdT3GOGtaFgnbVkIs73iIMtr8Z-Y6mDEzqRzNzVRMLghj7CyWRCNJEk0jwWjOuC8FH4UsfHmtw3ouMFomjwsNLY0",
25 scope: "oada.yield:all"
26 },
27 cache: false
28 })
29 expect(result).to.have.keys([
30 "token",
31 "cache",
32 "websocket",
33 "disconnect",
34 "reconnect",
35 "get",
36 "put",
37 "post",
38 "delete",
39 "resetCache"
40 ]);
41 expect(result.cache).to.equal(false);
42 expect(result.websocket).to.be.a("object");
43 expect(result.get).to.be.a("function");
44 expect(result.put).to.be.a("function");
45 expect(result.post).to.be.a("function");
46 expect(result.resetCache).to.be.a("function");
47 expect(result.disconnect).to.be.a("function");
48 });
50 it("Should make a connection with websocket and cache", async function() {
51 this.timeout(connectTime);
52 var result = await oada.connect({
53 domain,
54 token,
55 })
56 connections[0] = result;
57 expect(result).to.have.keys([
58 "token",
59 "disconnect",
60 "reconnect",
61 "get",
62 "put",
63 "post",
64 "delete",
65 "resetCache",
66 "cache",
67 "websocket"
68 ]);
69 expect(result.cache).to.be.a("object");
70 expect(result.websocket).to.be.a("object");
71 expect(result.get).to.be.a("function");
72 expect(result.put).to.be.a("function");
73 expect(result.post).to.be.a("function");
74 expect(result.resetCache).to.be.a("function");
75 expect(result.disconnect).to.be.a("function");
76 });
78 it("Should make a connection with websocket off, cache on", async function() {
79 this.timeout(connectTime);
80 var result = await oada.connect({
81 domain,
82 token,
83 websocket: false
84 })
85 connections[1] = result;
86 expect(result).to.have.keys([
87 "token",
88 "disconnect",
89 "reconnect",
90 "get",
91 "put",
92 "post",
93 "delete",
94 "resetCache",
95 "cache",
96 "websocket"
97 ]);
99 expect(result.cache).to.be.a("object");
100 expect(result.websocket).to.equal(false);
101 expect(result.get).to.be.a("function");
102 expect(result.put).to.be.a("function");
103 expect(result.post).to.be.a("function");
104 expect(result.resetCache).to.be.a("function");
105 expect(result.disconnect).to.be.a("function");
106 });
108 it("Should make a connection with websocket on, cache off", async function() {
109 this.timeout(connectTime);
110 var result = await oada.connect({
111 domain,
112 token: "def",
113 cache: false
114 })
115 connections[2] = result;
116 expect(result).to.have.keys([
117 "token",
118 "disconnect",
119 "get",
120 "put",
121 "post",
122 "reconnect",
123 "delete",
124 "resetCache",
125 "cache",
126 "websocket"
127 ]);
128 expect(result.cache).to.equal(false);
129 expect(result.websocket).to.be.a("object");
130 expect(result.get).to.be.a("function");
131 expect(result.put).to.be.a("function");
132 expect(result.post).to.be.a("function");
133 expect(result.resetCache).to.be.a("function");
134 expect(result.disconnect).to.be.a("function");
135 });
137 it("Should make a connection with websocket off, cache off", async function() {
138 this.timeout(connectTime);
139 var result = await oada.connect({
140 domain,
141 token: "def",
142 websocket: false,
143 cache: false
144 })
145 connections[3] = result;
146 expect(result).to.have.keys([
147 "token",
148 "cache",
149 "websocket",
150 "disconnect",
151 "get",
152 "reconnect",
153 "put",
154 "post",
155 "delete",
156 "resetCache"
157 ]);
158 expect(result.cache).to.equal(false);
159 expect(result.websocket).to.equal(false);
160 expect(result.get).to.be.a("function");
161 expect(result.put).to.be.a("function");
162 expect(result.post).to.be.a("function");
163 expect(result.resetCache).to.be.a("function");
164 expect(result.disconnect).to.be.a("function");
165 });
167 it("Should not make a connection without domain", async function() {
168 this.timeout(connectTime);
169 expect(
170 oada.connect({
171 token: "def",
172 websocket: false,
173 cache: false
174 })
175 ).to.be.rejectedWith(Error, "domain undefined");
176 });
178 it("Should not make a connection without options and token", async function() {
179 this.timeout(connectTime);
180 await expect(
181 oada.connect({
182 domain,
183 websocket: false,
184 cache: false
185 })
186 ).to.be.rejectedWith(Error, "options and token undefined");
187 });
189 it("Should not make a connection if token provided but not a string", async function() {
190 this.timeout(connectTime);
191 await expect(
192 oada.connect({
193 domain,
194 token: { def: "def" },
195 websocket: false,
196 cache: false
197 })
198 ).to.be.rejectedWith(Error, "token must be a string");
199 });
201 it("Should not make a connection if websocket provided but not a boolean", async function() {
202 this.timeout(connectTime);
203 await expect(
204 oada.connect({
205 domain,
206 token: "def",
207 websocket: "false"
208 })
209 ).to.be.rejectedWith(Error, "websocket must be boolean");
210 });
212 it("Should not make a connection if cache provided but not a boolean", async function() {
213 this.timeout(connectTime);
214 await expect(
215 oada.connect({
216 domain,
217 token: "def",
218 cache: "false"
219 })
220 ).to.be.rejectedWith(Error, `cache must be either a boolean or an object with 'name' and/or 'expires' keys`);
221 });
224 /**
225 * disconnections
226 */
227 for (let i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
228 describe(`Disconnecting connection ${i + 1}`, function() {
229 it("Should disconnect", async () => {
230 connections[i].disconnect();
231 });
232 });
233 } //for