16.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2import oada from "../src/index";
3import chai from "chai";
4var expect = chai.expect;
5const status = require("http-status");
7let token = "def";
8//let domain = "https://vip3.ecn.purdue.edu";
9let domain = "https://localhost";
10let connections = new Array(4);
11let contentType = "application/vnd.oada.yield.1+json";
12let connectTime = 30 * 1000; // seconds to click through oauth
13let nTests = 5;
15const _ = require("lodash");
16const config = require("./config.js");
17const { tree, getConnections } = require("./utils.js");
19let connection;
21let connectionParameters = {
22 domain,
23 options: {
24 redirect: "http://localhost:8000/oauth2/redirect.html",
25 metadata:
26 "eyJqa3UiOiJodHRwczovL2lkZW50aXR5Lm9hZGEtZGV2LmNvbS9jZXJ0cyIsImtpZCI6ImtqY1NjamMzMmR3SlhYTEpEczNyMTI0c2ExIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.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.AJSjNlWX8UKfVh-h1ebCe0MEGqKzArNJ6x0nmta0oFMcWMyR6Cn2saR-oHvU8WrtUMEr-w020mAjvhfYav4EdT3GOGtaFgnbVkIs73iIMtr8Z-Y6mDEzqRzNzVRMLghj7CyWRCNJEk0jwWjOuC8FH4UsfHmtw3ouMFomjwsNLY0",
27 scope: "oada.yield:all"
28 }
31describe("~~~~~~ Testing Connect() -> Disconnect() -> Connect() ~~~~~~~", function() {
32 it("#1 - Should make a connection with websocket and cache", async function() {
33 this.timeout(connectTime);
34 connections[0] = await oada.connect({
35 domain,
36 token: "def",
37 options: connectionParameters.options
38 });
39 expect(connections[0]).to.have.keys([
40 "token",
41 "disconnect",
42 "reconnect",
43 "get",
44 "put",
45 "post",
46 "delete",
47 "resetCache",
48 "cache",
49 "websocket"
50 ]);
51 expect(connections[0].cache).to.equal(true);
52 expect(connections[0].websocket).to.equal(true);
53 expect(connections[0].get).to.satisfy(member => {
54 return typeof member === "function";
55 });
56 expect(connections[0].put).to.satisfy(member => {
57 return typeof member === "function";
58 });
59 expect(connections[0].post).to.satisfy(member => {
60 return typeof member === "function";
61 });
62 expect(connections[0].delete).to.satisfy(member => {
63 return typeof member === "function";
64 });
65 expect(connections[0].resetCache).to.satisfy(member => {
66 return typeof member === "function";
67 });
68 expect(connections[0].disconnect).to.satisfy(member => {
69 return typeof member === "function";
70 });
71 });
73 describe(`Disconnecting connection 0`, function() {
74 it("Should disconnect connection with websocket and cache", async () => {
75 connections[0].disconnect();
76 });
77 });
79 it("#2 - Should make a connection with websocket and cache", async function() {
80 this.timeout(connectTime);
81 connections[0] = await oada.connect({
82 domain,
83 token: "def",
84 options: connectionParameters.options
85 });
86 expect(connections[0]).to.have.keys([
87 "token",
88 "disconnect",
89 "reconnect",
90 "get",
91 "put",
92 "post",
93 "delete",
94 "resetCache",
95 "cache",
96 "websocket"
97 ]);
98 expect(connections[0].cache).to.equal(true);
99 expect(connections[0].websocket).to.equal(true);
100 expect(connections[0].get).to.satisfy(member => {
101 return typeof member === "function";
102 });
103 expect(connections[0].put).to.satisfy(member => {
104 return typeof member === "function";
105 });
106 expect(connections[0].post).to.satisfy(member => {
107 return typeof member === "function";
108 });
109 expect(connections[0].delete).to.satisfy(member => {
110 return typeof member === "function";
111 });
112 expect(connections[0].resetCache).to.satisfy(member => {
113 return typeof member === "function";
114 });
115 expect(connections[0].disconnect).to.satisfy(member => {
116 return typeof member === "function";
117 });
118 });
121describe("~~~~connect() -> disconnect() -> connect() -> puts ~~~~~~~", () => {
122 var connections;
123 var conn;
124 before(
125 "First, make the connection. Cache + websockets enabled.",
126 async function() {
127 connection = await oada.connect({
128 domain,
129 token: "def"
130 });
131 conn = connection;
132 }
133 );
135 before("Disconnecting - First time", function() {
136 conn.disconnect();
137 });
139 before(
140 "Second, make the connection. Cache + websockets enabled.",
141 async function() {
142 connection = await oada.connect({
143 domain,
144 token: "def"
145 });
146 conn = connection;
147 }
148 );
150 it(`Should error when neither 'url' nor 'path' are supplied`, async function() {
151 try {
152 var response = await conn.put({
153 data: `"123"`,
154 tree,
155 type: "application/json"
156 });
157 } catch (error) {
158 expect(error.message).to.equal("Either path or url must be specified.");
159 }
160 });
162 it(`Shouldn't error when 'data' contains a _type key.`, async function() {
163 try {
164 var response = await conn.put({
165 path: "/bookmarks/testA/sometest",
166 data: { _type: "application/json" }
167 });
168 expect(response.status).to.equal(status.NO_CONTENT);
169 } catch (error) {
170 console.log("data _type", error);
171 }
172 });
174 it(`Shouldn't error when 'type' is specified.`, async function() {
175 var response = await conn.put({
176 path: "/bookmarks/testA/somethingnew",
177 data: `"abc123"`,
178 type: "application/json"
179 });
180 expect(response.status).to.equal(status.NO_CONTENT);
181 });
183 it(`Shouldn't error when 'Content-Type' header is specified.`, async function() {
184 var response = await conn.put({
185 path: "/bookmarks/testA/somethingnew",
186 data: `"abc123"`,
187 headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
188 });
189 expect(response.status).to.equal(status.NO_CONTENT);
190 });
192 it("Should provide expected response status and headers when no tree is supplied.", async function() {
193 var response = await conn.put({
194 path:
195 "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/ccc/index-two/ddd/index-three/eee/test/123",
196 type: "application/vnd.oada.as-harvested.yield-moisture.dataset.1+json",
197 data: `"some test"`
198 });
199 expect(response.status).to.equal(204);
200 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
201 "content-location",
202 "x-oada-rev",
203 "location"
204 ]);
205 });
207 it(`Should create the data PUT in the previous test.`, async function() {
208 var response = await conn.get({
209 path: "/bookmarks/test"
210 });
211 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
212 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
213 "content-location",
214 "x-oada-rev"
215 ]);
216 });
218 it("retrieving previous data: aaa", async function() {
219 var response = await conn.get({
220 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa"
221 });
222 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
223 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
224 "content-location",
225 "x-oada-rev"
226 ]);
227 });
229 it("retrieving previous data: bbb", async function() {
230 var response = await conn.get({
231 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb"
232 });
233 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
234 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
235 "content-location",
236 "x-oada-rev"
237 ]);
238 });
240 it("retrieving previous data: index-one", async function() {
241 var response = await conn.get({
242 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one"
243 });
244 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
245 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
246 "content-location",
247 "x-oada-rev"
248 ]);
249 });
251 it("retrieving previous data: ccc", async function() {
252 var response = await conn.get({
253 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/ccc"
254 });
255 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
256 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
257 "content-location",
258 "x-oada-rev"
259 ]);
260 });
262 it("retrieving previous data: index-two", async function() {
263 var response = await conn.get({
264 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/ccc/index-two"
265 });
266 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
267 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
268 "content-location",
269 "x-oada-rev"
270 ]);
271 });
273 it("retrieving previous data: ddd", async function() {
274 var response = await conn.get({
275 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/ccc/index-two/ddd"
276 });
277 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
278 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
279 "content-location",
280 "x-oada-rev"
281 ]);
282 });
284 it("retrieving previous data: test", async function() {
285 var response = await conn.get({
286 path: "/bookmarks/test"
287 });
288 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
289 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
290 "content-location",
291 "x-oada-rev"
292 ]);
293 });
295 it("retrieving previous data: aaa", async function() {
296 var response = await conn.get({
297 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa"
298 });
299 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
300 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
301 "content-location",
302 "x-oada-rev"
303 ]);
304 });
306 it("retrieving previous data: bbb", async function() {
307 var response = await conn.get({
308 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb"
309 });
310 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
311 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
312 "content-location",
313 "x-oada-rev"
314 ]);
315 });
317 it("retrieving previous data: index-one", async function() {
318 var response = await conn.get({
319 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one"
320 });
321 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
322 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
323 "content-location",
324 "x-oada-rev"
325 ]);
326 });
328 it("retrieving previous data: ccc", async function() {
329 var response = await conn.get({
330 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/ccc"
331 });
332 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);
333 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
334 "content-location",
335 "x-oada-rev"
336 ]);
337 });
339 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
340 it("Should set watches on previous data: /bookmarks/test", async function() {
341 try {
342 var response = await conn.get({
343 path: "/bookmarks/test",
344 watch: payload => {
345 console.log("handlinh watch valid", payload);
346 } // handleWatch("exists")
347 });
348 expect(response.status).to.equal(status.OK);
349 expect(response.headers).to.include.keys([
350 "content-location",
351 "x-oada-rev"
352 ]);
353 } catch (error) {
354 console.log("Catch error", error);
355 }
356 });
358 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
359 it("Should fail setting watches on non existent data: yyy", async function() {
360 try {
361 var response = await conn.get({
362 path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/yyy",
363 watch: payload => {
364 console.log("handlinng watch invalid", payload);
365 } // handleWatch("exists")//handleWatch("does not exist")
366 //Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 destroyed listeners added.
367 });
368 } catch (error) {
369 // console.log("error watching non existent", error.message);
370 // expect(error.message).to.equal("Request failed with status code 404");
371 }
372 });
374 it("Now clean up", async function() {
375 await conn.resetCache();
376 await conn.delete({path: '/bookmarks/test', tree})
377 });
380describe("~~~~connect() -> disconnect() -> connect() -> disconnect() -> puts ~~~~~~~", () => {
381 var connections;
382 var conn;
383 before(
384 "First, make the connection. Cache + websockets enabled.",
385 async function() {
386 connection = await oada.connect({
387 domain,
388 token: "def"
389 });
390 conn = connection;
391 }
392 );
394 before("Disconnecting - First time", function() {
395 conn.disconnect();
396 });
398 before(
399 "Second, make the connection. Cache + websockets enabled.",
400 async function() {
401 connection = await oada.connect({
402 domain,
403 token: "def"
404 });
405 conn = connection;
406 }
407 );
409 before("Disconnecting - Second time", function() {
410 conn.disconnect();
411 });
413 it(`Should error when there is no active connection and neither 'url' nor 'path' are supplied`, async function() {
414 try {
415 var response = await conn.put({
416 data: `"123"`,
417 tree,
418 type: "application/json"
419 });
420 } catch (error) {
421 expect(error.message).to.equal("Either path or url must be specified.");
422 }
423 });
425 // it(`Should error when there is no active connection and 'data' contains a _type key.`, async function() {
426 // try {
427 // var response = await conn.put({
428 // path: "/bookmarks/testA/sometest",
429 // data: { _type: "application/json" }
430 // });
431 // } catch (error) {
432 // expect(error.message).to.include("WebSocket is not open");
433 // }
434 // });
436 // it(`Should error when there is no active connection and 'type' is specified.`, async function() {
437 // try {
438 // var reposnse = await conn.put({
439 // path: "/bookmarks/testA/somethingnew",
440 // data: `"abc123"`,
441 // type: "application/json"
442 // });
443 // } catch (error) {
444 // expect(error.message).to.equal(
445 // "WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED)"
446 // );
447 // }
448 // });
450 // it(`Should error when there is no active connection and 'Content-Type' header is specified.`, async function() {
451 // try {
452 // var response = await conn.put({
453 // path: "/bookmarks/testA/somethingnew",
454 // data: `"abc123"`,
455 // headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
456 // });
457 // } catch (error) {
458 // expect(error.message).to.equal(
459 // "WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED)"
460 // );
461 // }
462 // });
464 // it("Should not retrieve any data: aaa", async function() {
465 // try {
466 // var response = await conn.get({
467 // path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa"
468 // });
469 // } catch (error) {
470 // expect(error.message).to.equal(
471 // "WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED)"
472 // );
473 // }
474 // });
476 // it("Should not retrieve any data: bbb", async function() {
477 // try {
478 // var response = await conn.get({
479 // path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb"
480 // });
481 // } catch (error) {
482 // expect(error.message).to.equal(
483 // "WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED)"
484 // );
485 // }
486 // });
487 //});
490// /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
491// it("Should not set any watches on previous data: ccc when disconnected", async function() {
492// try {
493// var response = await conn.get({
494// path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/ccc",
495// watch: handleWath
496// });
497// } catch (error) {
498// //expect(error.message).to.include("WebSocket is not open");
499// expect(error.message).to.include("Cannot read property"); //ok, but error is not related to the websocket
500// }
501// });
502// });
504// /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
505// it("Should fail setting watches on non existent data: yyy and disconnected", async function() {
506// try {
507// var response = await conn.get({
508// path: "/bookmarks/test/aaa/bbb/index-one/yyy",
509// watch: handleWath
510// });
511// } catch (error) {
512// expect(error.message).to.include("WebSocket is not open");
513// }
514// });
516// it("Now clean up", () => {
517// conn.resetCache();
518// await conn.delete({path: '/bookmarks/test', tree})
519// });
520// });