1 | import * as ejs from 'ejs';
2 | import { EOL } from 'node:os';
3 | import * as util from 'node:util';
4 | export default class PowerShellComp {
5 | config;
6 | _coTopics;
7 | commands;
8 | topics;
9 | constructor(config) {
10 | this.config = config;
11 | this.topics = this.getTopics();
12 | this.commands = this.getCommands();
13 | }
14 | generate() {
15 | const genNode = (partialId) => {
16 | const node = {};
17 | const nextArgs = [];
18 | const depth = partialId.split(':').length;
19 | for (const t of this.topics) {
20 | const topicNameSplit = t.name.split(':');
21 | if (t.name.startsWith(partialId + ':') && topicNameSplit.length === depth + 1) {
22 | nextArgs.push(topicNameSplit[depth]);
23 | node[topicNameSplit[depth]] = this.coTopics.includes(t.name)
24 | ? {
25 | ...genNode(`${partialId}:${topicNameSplit[depth]}`),
26 | }
27 | : {
28 | _summary: t.description,
29 | ...genNode(`${partialId}:${topicNameSplit[depth]}`),
30 | };
31 | }
32 | }
33 | for (const c of this.commands) {
34 | const cmdIdSplit = c.id.split(':');
35 | if (partialId === c.id && this.coTopics.includes(c.id)) {
36 | node._command = c.id;
37 | }
38 | if (c.id.startsWith(partialId + ':') &&
39 | cmdIdSplit.length === depth + 1 &&
40 | !nextArgs.includes(cmdIdSplit[depth])) {
41 | node[cmdIdSplit[depth]] = {
42 | _command: c.id,
43 | };
44 | }
45 | }
46 | return node;
47 | };
48 | const commandTree = {};
49 | const topLevelArgs = [];
50 |
51 | for (const t of this.topics) {
52 | if (!t.name.includes(':')) {
53 | commandTree[t.name] = this.coTopics.includes(t.name)
54 | ? {
55 | ...genNode(t.name),
56 | }
57 | : {
58 | _summary: t.description,
59 | ...genNode(t.name),
60 | };
61 | topLevelArgs.push(t.name);
62 | }
63 | }
64 |
65 | for (const c of this.commands) {
66 | if (!c.id.includes(':') && !this.coTopics.includes(c.id)) {
67 | commandTree[c.id] = {
68 | _command: c.id,
69 | };
70 | topLevelArgs.push(c.id);
71 | }
72 | }
73 | const hashtables = [];
74 | for (const topLevelArg of topLevelArgs) {
75 |
76 | hashtables.push(this.genHashtable(topLevelArg, commandTree));
77 | }
78 | const commandsHashtable = `
79 | @{
80 | ${hashtables.join('\n')}
81 | }`;
82 | const compRegister = `
83 | using namespace System.Management.Automation
84 | using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
85 |
86 | $scriptblock = {
87 | param($WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $CursorPosition)
88 |
89 | $Commands =${commandsHashtable}
90 |
91 | # Get the current mode
92 | $Mode = (Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "Tab" }).Function
93 |
94 | # Everything in the current line except the CLI executable name.
95 | $CurrentLine = $commandAst.CommandElements[1..$commandAst.CommandElements.Count] -split " "
96 |
97 | # Remove $WordToComplete from the current line.
98 | if ($WordToComplete -ne "") {
99 | if ($CurrentLine.Count -eq 1) {
100 | $CurrentLine = @()
101 | } else {
102 | $CurrentLine = $CurrentLine[0..$CurrentLine.Count]
103 | }
104 | }
105 |
106 | # Save flags in current line without the \`--\` prefix.
107 | $Flags = $CurrentLine | Where-Object {
108 | $_ -Match "^-{1,2}(\\w+)"
109 | } | ForEach-Object {
110 | $_.trim("-")
111 | }
112 | # Set $flags to an empty hashtable if there are no flags in the current line.
113 | if ($Flags -eq $null) {
114 | $Flags = @{}
115 | }
116 |
117 | # No command in the current line, suggest top-level args.
118 | if ($CurrentLine.Count -eq 0) {
119 | $Commands.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {
120 | $_.Key.StartsWith("$WordToComplete")
121 | } | Sort-Object -Property key | ForEach-Object {
122 | New-Object -Type CompletionResult -ArgumentList \`
123 | $($Mode -eq "MenuComplete" ? "$($_.Key) " : "$($_.Key)"),
124 | $_.Key,
125 | "ParameterValue",
126 | "$($_.Value._summary ?? $_.Value._command.summary ?? " ")"
127 | }
128 | } else {
129 | # Start completing command/topic/coTopic
130 |
131 | $NextArg = $null
132 | $PrevNode = $null
133 |
134 | # Iterate over the current line to find the command/topic/coTopic hashtable
135 | $CurrentLine | ForEach-Object {
136 | if ($NextArg -eq $null) {
137 | $NextArg = $Commands[$_]
138 | } elseif ($PrevNode[$_] -ne $null) {
139 | $NextArg = $PrevNode[$_]
140 | } elseif ($_.StartsWith('-')) {
141 | return
142 | } else {
143 | $NextArg = $PrevNode
144 | }
145 |
146 | $PrevNode = $NextArg
147 | }
148 |
149 | # Start completing command.
150 | if ($NextArg._command -ne $null) {
151 | # Complete flags
152 | # \`cli config list -<TAB>\`
153 | if ($WordToComplete -like '-*') {
154 | $NextArg._command.flags.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property key
155 | | Where-Object {
156 | # Filter out already used flags (unless \`flag.multiple = true\`).
157 | $_.Key.StartsWith("$($WordToComplete.Trim("-"))") -and ($_.Value.multiple -eq $true -or !$flags.Contains($_.Key))
158 | }
159 | | ForEach-Object {
160 | New-Object -Type CompletionResult -ArgumentList \`
161 | $($Mode -eq "MenuComplete" ? "--$($_.Key) " : "--$($_.Key)"),
162 | $_.Key,
163 | "ParameterValue",
164 | "$($NextArg._command.flags[$_.Key].summary ?? " ")"
165 | }
166 | } else {
167 | # This could be a coTopic. We remove the "_command" hashtable
168 | # from $NextArg and check if there's a command under the current partial ID.
169 | $NextArg.remove("_command")
170 |
171 | if ($NextArg.keys -gt 0) {
172 | $NextArg.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {
173 | $_.Key.StartsWith("$WordToComplete")
174 | } | Sort-Object -Property key | ForEach-Object {
175 | New-Object -Type CompletionResult -ArgumentList \`
176 | $($Mode -eq "MenuComplete" ? "$($_.Key) " : "$($_.Key)"),
177 | $_.Key,
178 | "ParameterValue",
179 | "$($NextArg[$_.Key]._summary ?? " ")"
180 | }
181 | }
182 | }
183 | } else {
184 | # Start completing topic.
185 |
186 | # Topic summary is stored as "_summary" in the hashtable.
187 | # At this stage it is no longer needed so we remove it
188 | # so that $NextArg contains only commands/topics hashtables
189 |
190 | $NextArg.remove("_summary")
191 |
192 | $NextArg.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {
193 | $_.Key.StartsWith("$WordToComplete")
194 | } | Sort-Object -Property key | ForEach-Object {
195 | New-Object -Type CompletionResult -ArgumentList \`
196 | $($Mode -eq "MenuComplete" ? "$($_.Key) " : "$($_.Key)"),
197 | $_.Key,
198 | "ParameterValue",
199 | "$($NextArg[$_.Key]._summary ?? $NextArg[$_.Key]._command.summary ?? " ")"
200 | }
201 | }
202 | }
203 | }
204 | Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName ${this.config.binAliases
205 | ? `@(${[...this.config.binAliases, this.config.bin].map((alias) => `"${alias}"`).join(',')})`
206 | : this.config.bin} -ScriptBlock $scriptblock
207 | `;
208 | return compRegister;
209 | }
210 | get coTopics() {
211 | if (this._coTopics)
212 | return this._coTopics;
213 | const coTopics = [];
214 | for (const topic of this.topics) {
215 | for (const cmd of this.commands) {
216 | if (topic.name === cmd.id) {
217 | coTopics.push(topic.name);
218 | }
219 | }
220 | }
221 | this._coTopics = coTopics;
222 | return this._coTopics;
223 | }
224 | genCmdHashtable(cmd) {
225 | const flaghHashtables = [];
226 | const flagNames = Object.keys(cmd.flags);
227 |
228 | if (!flagNames.includes('help')) {
229 | flaghHashtables.push(' "help" = @{ "summary" = "Show help for command" }');
230 | }
231 | if (flagNames.length > 0) {
232 | for (const flagName of flagNames) {
233 | const f = cmd.flags[flagName];
234 |
235 | if (f.hidden)
236 | continue;
237 | const flagSummary = this.sanitizeSummary(f.summary ?? f.description);
238 | if (f.type === 'option' && f.multiple) {
239 | flaghHashtables.push(` "${f.name}" = @{
240 | "summary" = "${flagSummary}"
241 | "multiple" = $true
242 | }`);
243 | }
244 | else {
245 | flaghHashtables.push(` "${f.name}" = @{ "summary" = "${flagSummary}" }`);
246 | }
247 | }
248 | }
249 | const cmdHashtable = `@{
250 | "summary" = "${cmd.summary}"
251 | "flags" = @{
252 | ${flaghHashtables.join('\n')}
253 | }
254 | }`;
255 | return cmdHashtable;
256 | }
257 | genHashtable(key, node, leafTpl) {
258 | if (!leafTpl) {
259 | leafTpl = `"${key}" = @{
260 | %s
261 | }
262 | `;
263 | }
264 | const nodeKeys = Object.keys(node[key]);
265 |
266 | if (nodeKeys.includes('_summary')) {
267 | let childTpl = `"_summary" = "${node[key]._summary}"\n%s`;
268 | const newKeys = nodeKeys.filter((k) => k !== '_summary');
269 | if (newKeys.length > 0) {
270 | const childNodes = [];
271 | for (const newKey of newKeys) {
272 | childNodes.push(this.genHashtable(newKey, node[key]));
273 | }
274 | childTpl = util.format(childTpl, childNodes.join('\n'));
275 | return util.format(leafTpl, childTpl);
276 | }
277 |
278 | return util.format(leafTpl, childTpl);
279 | }
280 | const childNodes = [];
281 | for (const k of nodeKeys) {
282 | if (k === '_command') {
283 | const cmd = this.commands.find((c) => c.id === node[key][k]);
284 | if (!cmd)
285 | throw new Error('no command');
286 | childNodes.push(util.format('"_command" = %s', this.genCmdHashtable(cmd)));
287 | }
288 | else if (node[key][k]._command) {
289 | const cmd = this.commands.find((c) => c.id === node[key][k]._command);
290 | if (!cmd)
291 | throw new Error('no command');
292 | childNodes.push(util.format(`"${k}" = @{\n"_command" = %s\n}`, this.genCmdHashtable(cmd)));
293 | }
294 | else {
295 | const childTpl = `"summary" = "${node[key][k]._summary}"\n"${k}" = @{ \n %s\n }`;
296 | childNodes.push(this.genHashtable(k, node[key], childTpl));
297 | }
298 | }
299 | if (childNodes.length > 0) {
300 | return util.format(leafTpl, childNodes.join('\n'));
301 | }
302 | return leafTpl;
303 | }
304 | getCommands() {
305 | const cmds = [];
306 | for (const p of this.config.getPluginsList()) {
307 | for (const c of p.commands) {
308 | if (c.hidden)
309 | continue;
310 | const summary = this.sanitizeSummary(c.summary ?? c.description);
311 | const { flags } = c;
312 | cmds.push({
313 | flags,
314 | id: c.id,
315 | summary,
316 | });
317 | for (const a of c.aliases) {
318 | cmds.push({
319 | flags,
320 | id: a,
321 | summary,
322 | });
323 | const split = a.split(':');
324 | let topic = split[0];
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 | for (let i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) {
331 | if (!this.topics.some((t) => t.name === topic)) {
332 | this.topics.push({
333 | description: `${topic.replaceAll(':', ' ')} commands`,
334 | name: topic,
335 | });
336 | }
337 | topic += `:${split[i + 1]}`;
338 | }
339 | }
340 | }
341 | }
342 | return cmds;
343 | }
344 | getTopics() {
345 | const topics = this.config.topics
346 | .filter((topic) => {
347 |
348 | const hasChild = this.config.topics.some((subTopic) => subTopic.name.includes(`${topic.name}:`));
349 | return hasChild;
350 | })
351 | .sort((a, b) => {
352 | if (a.name < b.name) {
353 | return -1;
354 | }
355 | if (a.name > b.name) {
356 | return 1;
357 | }
358 | return 0;
359 | })
360 | .map((t) => {
361 | const description = t.description
362 | ? this.sanitizeSummary(t.description)
363 | : `${t.name.replaceAll(':', ' ')} commands`;
364 | return {
365 | description,
366 | name: t.name,
367 | };
368 | });
369 | return topics;
370 | }
371 | sanitizeSummary(summary) {
372 | if (summary === undefined) {
373 |
374 |
375 | return ' ';
376 | }
377 | return ejs
378 | .render(summary, { config: this.config })
379 | .replaceAll('"', '""')
380 | .replaceAll('`', '``')
381 | .split(EOL)[0];
382 | }
383 | }