1 | import { Config, Errors, ux } from '@oclif/core';
2 | import { bold } from 'ansis';
3 | import makeDebug from 'debug';
4 | import { spawn } from 'node:child_process';
5 | import { access, mkdir, readFile, rename, rm, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
6 | import { basename, dirname, join, resolve } from 'node:path';
7 | import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
8 | import { gt, valid, validRange } from 'semver';
9 | import { NPM } from './npm.js';
10 | import { uniqWith } from './util.js';
11 | import { Yarn } from './yarn.js';
12 | const initPJSON = {
13 | dependencies: {},
14 | oclif: { plugins: [], schema: 1 },
15 | private: true,
16 | };
17 | async function fileExists(filePath) {
18 | try {
19 | await access(filePath);
20 | return true;
21 | }
22 | catch {
23 | return false;
24 | }
25 | }
26 | function dedupePlugins(plugins) {
27 | return uniqWith(plugins, (a, b) => a.name === b.name || (a.type === 'link' && b.type === 'link' && a.root === b.root));
28 | }
29 | function extractIssuesLocation(bugs, repository) {
30 | if (bugs) {
31 | return typeof bugs === 'string' ? bugs : bugs.url;
32 | }
33 | if (repository) {
34 | return typeof repository === 'string' ? repository : repository.url.replace('git+', '').replace('.git', '');
35 | }
36 | }
37 | function notifyUser(plugin, output) {
38 | const containsWarnings = [...output.stdout, ...output.stderr].some((l) => l.includes('npm WARN'));
39 | if (containsWarnings) {
40 | ux.stderr(bold.yellow(`\nThese warnings can only be addressed by the owner(s) of ${plugin.name}.`));
41 | if (plugin.pjson.bugs || plugin.pjson.repository) {
42 | ux.stderr(`We suggest that you create an issue at ${extractIssuesLocation(plugin.pjson.bugs, plugin.pjson.repository)} and ask the plugin owners to address them.\n`);
43 | }
44 | }
45 | }
46 | export default class Plugins {
47 | config;
48 | npm;
49 | debug;
50 | logLevel;
51 | constructor(options) {
52 | this.config = options.config;
53 | this.debug = makeDebug('@oclif/plugin-plugins');
54 | this.logLevel = options.logLevel ?? 'notice';
55 | this.npm = new NPM({
56 | config: this.config,
57 | logLevel: this.logLevel,
58 | });
59 | }
60 | async add(...plugins) {
61 | const pjson = await this.pjson();
62 | const mergedPlugins = [...(pjson.oclif.plugins || []), ...plugins];
63 | await this.savePJSON({
64 | ...pjson,
65 | oclif: {
66 | ...pjson.oclif,
67 | plugins: dedupePlugins(mergedPlugins),
68 | },
69 | });
70 | }
71 | friendlyName(name) {
72 | const { pluginPrefix, scope } = this.config.pjson.oclif;
73 | if (!scope)
74 | return name;
75 | const match = name.match(`@${scope}/${pluginPrefix ?? 'plugin'}-(.+)`);
76 | return match?.[1] ?? name;
77 | }
78 | async hasPlugin(name) {
79 | const list = await this.list();
80 | const friendlyName = this.friendlyName(name);
81 | const unfriendlyName = this.unfriendlyName(name) ?? name;
82 | return (list.find((p) => this.friendlyName(p.name) === friendlyName) ??
83 | list.find((p) => this.unfriendlyName(p.name) === unfriendlyName) ??
84 | list.find((p) => p.type === 'link' && resolve(p.root) === resolve(name)) ??
85 | false);
86 | }
87 | async install(name, { force = false, tag = 'latest' } = {}) {
88 | await this.maybeCleanUp();
89 | try {
90 | this.debug(`installing plugin ${name}`);
91 | const options = { cwd: this.config.dataDir, logLevel: this.logLevel, prod: true };
92 | await this.ensurePJSON();
93 | let plugin;
94 | const args = force ? ['--force'] : [];
95 | if (name.includes(':')) {
96 |
97 | const url = name;
98 | const output = await this.npm.install([...args, url], options);
99 | const { dependencies } = await this.pjson();
100 | const { default: npa } = await import('npm-package-arg');
101 | const normalizedUrl = npa(url);
102 | const matches = Object.entries(dependencies ?? {}).find(([, u]) => {
103 | const normalized = npa(u);
104 | return (normalized.hosted?.type === normalizedUrl.hosted?.type &&
105 | normalized.hosted?.user === normalizedUrl.hosted?.user &&
106 | normalized.hosted?.project === normalizedUrl.hosted?.project);
107 | });
108 | const installedPluginName = matches?.[0];
109 | if (!installedPluginName)
110 | throw new Errors.CLIError(`Could not find plugin name for ${url}`);
111 | const root = join(this.config.dataDir, 'node_modules', installedPluginName);
112 | plugin = await Config.load({
113 | devPlugins: false,
114 | name: installedPluginName,
115 | root,
116 | userPlugins: false,
117 | });
118 | notifyUser(plugin, output);
119 | this.isValidPlugin(plugin);
120 | await this.add({ name: installedPluginName, type: 'user', url });
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 | const safeToNotExist = new Set(['oclif.manifest.json', 'oclif.lock', 'npm-shrinkwrap.json']);
125 | const files = (plugin.pjson.files ?? [])
126 | .map((f) => join(root, f))
127 | .filter((f) => !safeToNotExist.has(basename(f)));
128 | this.debug(`checking for existence of files: ${files.join(', ')}`);
129 | const results = Object.fromEntries(await Promise.all(files?.map(async (f) => [f, await fileExists(f)]) ?? []));
130 | this.debug(results);
131 | if (!Object.values(results).every(Boolean)) {
132 | ux.warn(`This plugin from github may not work as expected because the prepare script did not produce all the expected files.`);
133 | }
134 | }
135 | else {
136 |
137 | const range = validRange(tag);
138 | const unfriendly = this.unfriendlyName(name);
139 | if (unfriendly && (await this.npmHasPackage(unfriendly))) {
140 | name = unfriendly;
141 | }
142 |
143 | await this.npmHasPackage(name, true);
144 | const output = await this.npm.install([...args, `${name}@${tag}`], options);
145 | this.debug(`loading plugin ${name}...`);
146 | plugin = await Config.load({
147 | devPlugins: false,
148 | name,
149 | root: join(this.config.dataDir, 'node_modules', name),
150 | userPlugins: false,
151 | });
152 | this.debug(`finished loading plugin ${name} at root ${plugin.root}`);
153 | notifyUser(plugin, output);
154 | this.isValidPlugin(plugin);
155 | await this.add({ name, tag: range ?? tag, type: 'user' });
156 | }
157 | await rm(join(this.config.dataDir, 'yarn.lock'), { force: true });
158 | return plugin;
159 | }
160 | catch (error) {
161 | this.debug('error installing plugin:', error);
162 | await this.uninstall(name).catch((error) => this.debug(error));
163 | if (String(error).includes('EACCES')) {
164 | throw new Errors.CLIError(error, {
165 | suggestions: [
166 | `Plugin failed to install because of a permissions error.\nDoes your current user own the directory ${this.config.dataDir}?`,
167 | ],
168 | });
169 | }
170 | throw error;
171 | }
172 | }
173 | async link(p, { install }) {
174 | const c = await Config.load(resolve(p));
175 | this.isValidPlugin(c);
176 | if (install) {
177 | if (await fileExists(join(c.root, 'yarn.lock'))) {
178 | this.debug('installing dependencies with yarn');
179 | const yarn = new Yarn({ config: this.config, logLevel: this.logLevel });
180 | await yarn.install([], {
181 | cwd: c.root,
182 | logLevel: this.logLevel,
183 | });
184 | }
185 | else if (await fileExists(join(c.root, 'package-lock.json'))) {
186 | this.debug('installing dependencies with npm');
187 | await this.npm.install([], {
188 | cwd: c.root,
189 | logLevel: this.logLevel,
190 | prod: false,
191 | });
192 | }
193 | else if (await fileExists(join(c.root, 'pnpm-lock.yaml'))) {
194 | ux.warn(`pnpm is not supported for installing after a link. The link succeeded, but you may need to run 'pnpm install' in ${c.root}.`);
195 | }
196 | else {
197 | ux.warn(`No lockfile found in ${c.root}. The link succeeded, but you may need to install the dependencies in your project.`);
198 | }
199 | }
200 | await this.add({ name: c.name, root: c.root, type: 'link' });
201 | return c;
202 | }
203 | async list() {
204 | const pjson = await this.pjson();
205 | return pjson.oclif.plugins;
206 | }
207 | async maybeUnfriendlyName(name) {
208 | await this.ensurePJSON();
209 | const unfriendly = this.unfriendlyName(name);
210 | this.debug(`checking registry for expanded package name ${unfriendly}`);
211 | if (unfriendly && (await this.npmHasPackage(unfriendly))) {
212 | return unfriendly;
213 | }
214 | this.debug(`expanded package name ${unfriendly} not found, using given package name ${name}`);
215 | return name;
216 | }
217 | async pjson() {
218 | const pjson = await this.readPJSON();
219 | const plugins = pjson ? normalizePlugins(pjson.oclif.plugins) : [];
220 | return {
221 | ...initPJSON,
222 | ...pjson,
223 | oclif: {
224 | ...initPJSON.oclif,
225 | ...pjson?.oclif,
226 | plugins,
227 | },
228 | };
229 | }
230 | async remove(name) {
231 | const pjson = await this.pjson();
232 | if (pjson.dependencies)
233 | delete pjson.dependencies[name];
234 | await this.savePJSON({
235 | ...pjson,
236 | oclif: {
237 | ...pjson.oclif,
238 | plugins: pjson.oclif.plugins.filter((p) => p.name !== name),
239 | },
240 | });
241 | }
242 | unfriendlyName(name) {
243 | if (name.includes('@'))
244 | return;
245 | const { pluginPrefix, scope } = this.config.pjson.oclif;
246 | if (!scope)
247 | return;
248 | return `@${scope}/${pluginPrefix ?? 'plugin'}-${name}`;
249 | }
250 | async uninstall(name) {
251 | try {
252 | const pjson = await this.pjson();
253 | if ((pjson.oclif.plugins ?? []).some((p) => typeof p === 'object' && p.type === 'user' && p.name === name)) {
254 | await this.npm.uninstall([name], {
255 | cwd: this.config.dataDir,
256 | logLevel: this.logLevel,
257 | });
258 | }
259 | }
260 | catch (error) {
261 | ux.warn(error);
262 | }
263 | finally {
264 | await this.remove(name);
265 | }
266 | }
267 | async update() {
268 | let plugins = (await this.list()).filter((p) => p.type === 'user');
269 | if (plugins.length === 0)
270 | return;
271 | await this.maybeCleanUp();
272 |
273 | const aliases = this.config.pjson.oclif.aliases || {};
274 | for (const [name, to] of Object.entries(aliases)) {
275 | const plugin = plugins.find((p) => p.name === name);
276 | if (!plugin)
277 | continue;
278 |
279 | if (to)
280 | await this.install(to);
281 |
282 | await this.uninstall(name);
283 | plugins = plugins.filter((p) => p.name !== name);
284 | }
285 | const urlPlugins = plugins.filter((p) => Boolean(p.url));
286 | if (urlPlugins.length > 0) {
287 | await this.npm.update(urlPlugins.map((p) => p.name), {
288 | cwd: this.config.dataDir,
289 | logLevel: this.logLevel,
290 | });
291 | }
292 | const npmPlugins = plugins.filter((p) => !p.url);
293 | const jitPlugins = this.config.pjson.oclif.jitPlugins ?? {};
294 | const modifiedPlugins = [];
295 | if (npmPlugins.length > 0) {
296 | await this.npm.install(npmPlugins.map((p) => {
297 |
298 | if (!valid(p.tag))
299 | return `${p.name}@${p.tag}`;
300 | if (p.tag && valid(p.tag) && jitPlugins[p.name] && gt(p.tag, jitPlugins[p.name])) {
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 | return `${p.name}@${p.tag}`;
305 | }
306 | const tag = jitPlugins[p.name] ?? p.tag;
307 | modifiedPlugins.push({ ...p, tag });
308 | return `${p.name}@${tag}`;
309 | }), { cwd: this.config.dataDir, logLevel: this.logLevel, prod: true });
310 | }
311 | await this.add(...modifiedPlugins);
312 | }
313 | async ensurePJSON() {
314 | if (!(await fileExists(this.pjsonPath))) {
315 | this.debug(`creating ${this.pjsonPath} with pjson: ${JSON.stringify(initPJSON, null, 2)}`);
316 | await this.savePJSON(initPJSON);
317 | }
318 | }
319 | isValidPlugin(p) {
320 | if (p.valid)
321 | return true;
322 | if (this.config.plugins.get('@oclif/plugin-legacy') ||
323 |
324 | p._base.includes('@oclif/plugin-legacy')) {
325 | return true;
326 | }
327 | throw new Errors.CLIError('plugin is invalid', {
328 | suggestions: [
329 | 'Plugin failed to install because it does not appear to be a valid CLI plugin.\nIf you are sure it is, contact the CLI developer noting this error.',
330 | ],
331 | });
332 | }
333 | async maybeCleanUp() {
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 | if (await fileExists(join(this.config.dataDir, 'yarn.lock'))) {
338 | try {
339 | this.debug('Found yarn.lock! Removing yarn.lock and node_modules...');
340 | await Promise.all([
341 | rename(join(this.config.dataDir, 'node_modules'), join(this.config.dataDir, 'node_modules.old')),
342 | rm(join(this.config.dataDir, 'yarn.lock'), { force: true }),
343 | ]);
344 |
345 | const rmScript = join(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), 'rm.js');
346 | this.debug(`spawning ${rmScript} to remove node_modules.old`);
347 | spawn(process.argv[0], [rmScript, join(this.config.dataDir, 'node_modules.old')], {
348 | detached: true,
349 | stdio: 'ignore',
350 | ...(this.config.windows ? { shell: true } : {}),
351 | }).unref();
352 | }
353 | catch (error) {
354 | this.debug('Error cleaning up yarn.lock and node_modules:', error);
355 | }
356 | }
357 | }
358 | async npmHasPackage(name, throwOnNotFound = false) {
359 | try {
360 | await this.npm.view([name], {
361 | cwd: this.config.dataDir,
362 | logLevel: this.logLevel,
363 | });
364 | this.debug(`Found ${name} in the registry.`);
365 | return true;
366 | }
367 | catch (error) {
368 | this.debug(error);
369 | if (throwOnNotFound)
370 | throw new Errors.CLIError(`${name} does not exist in the registry.`);
371 | return false;
372 | }
373 | }
374 | get pjsonPath() {
375 | return join(this.config.dataDir, 'package.json');
376 | }
377 | async readPJSON() {
378 | try {
379 | return JSON.parse(await readFile(this.pjsonPath, 'utf8'));
380 | }
381 | catch (error) {
382 | this.debug(error);
383 | const err = error;
384 | if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
385 | process.emitWarning(err);
386 | }
387 | }
388 | async savePJSON(pjson) {
389 | await mkdir(dirname(this.pjsonPath), { recursive: true });
390 | await writeFile(this.pjsonPath, JSON.stringify({ name: this.config.name, ...pjson }, null, 2));
391 | }
392 | }
393 |
394 | const normalizePlugins = (input) => {
395 | const normalized = (input ?? []).map((p) => typeof p === 'string'
396 | ? {
397 | name: p,
398 | tag: 'latest',
399 | type: 'user',
400 | }
401 | : p);
402 | return dedupePlugins(normalized);
403 | };