1 | # endpoint.js
2 |
3 | > Turns GitHub REST API endpoints into generic request options
4 |
5 | [![@latest](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@octokit/endpoint.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@octokit/endpoint)
6 | [![Build Status](https://github.com/octokit/endpoint.js/workflows/Test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/octokit/endpoint.js/actions/workflows/test.yml?query=branch%3Amain)
7 |
8 | `@octokit/endpoint` combines [GitHub REST API routes](https://developer.github.com/v3/) with your parameters and turns them into generic request options that can be used in any request library.
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 | - [Usage](#usage)
15 | - [API](#api)
16 | - [`endpoint(route, options)` or `endpoint(options)`](#endpointroute-options-or-endpointoptions)
17 | - [`endpoint.defaults()`](#endpointdefaults)
18 | - [`endpoint.DEFAULTS`](#endpointdefaults)
19 | - [`endpoint.merge(route, options)` or `endpoint.merge(options)`](#endpointmergeroute-options-or-endpointmergeoptions)
20 | - [`endpoint.parse()`](#endpointparse)
21 | - [Special cases](#special-cases)
22 | - [The `data` parameter – set request body directly](#the-data-parameter-%E2%80%93-set-request-body-directly)
23 | - [Set parameters for both the URL/query and the request body](#set-parameters-for-both-the-urlquery-and-the-request-body)
24 | - [LICENSE](#license)
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | ## Usage
29 |
30 | <table>
31 | <tbody valign=top align=left>
32 | <tr><th>
33 | Browsers
34 | </th><td width=100%>
35 | Load <code>@octokit/endpoint</code> directly from <a href="https://esm.sh">esm.sh</a>
36 |
37 | ```html
38 | <script type="module">
39 | import { endpoint } from "https://esm.sh/@octokit/endpoint";
40 | </script>
41 | ```
42 |
43 | </td></tr>
44 | <tr><th>
45 | Node
46 | </th><td>
47 |
48 | Install with <code>npm install @octokit/endpoint</code>
49 |
50 | ```js
51 | import { endpoint } from "@octokit/endpoint";
52 | ```
53 |
54 | </td></tr>
55 | </tbody>
56 | </table>
57 |
58 | Example for [List organization repositories](https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-organization-repositories)
59 |
60 | ```js
61 | const requestOptions = endpoint("GET /orgs/{org}/repos", {
62 | headers: {
63 | authorization: "token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
64 | },
65 | org: "octokit",
66 | type: "private",
67 | });
68 | ```
69 |
70 | The resulting `requestOptions` looks as follows
71 |
72 | ```json
73 | {
74 | "method": "GET",
75 | "url": "https://api.github.com/orgs/octokit/repos?type=private",
76 | "headers": {
77 | "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
78 | "authorization": "token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
79 | "user-agent": "octokit/endpoint.js v1.2.3"
80 | }
81 | }
82 | ```
83 |
84 | You can pass `requestOptions` to common request libraries
85 |
86 | ```js
87 | const { url, ...options } = requestOptions;
88 | // using with fetch (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API)
89 | fetch(url, options);
90 | // using with request (https://github.com/request/request)
91 | request(requestOptions);
92 | // using with got (https://github.com/sindresorhus/got)
93 | got[options.method](url, options);
94 | // using with axios
95 | axios(requestOptions);
96 | ```
97 |
98 | > [!IMPORTANT]
99 | > As we use [conditional exports](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#conditional-exports), you will need to adapt your `tsconfig.json`. See the TypeScript docs on [package.json "exports"](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/modules/reference.html#packagejson-exports).
100 |
101 | ## API
102 |
103 | ### `endpoint(route, options)` or `endpoint(options)`
104 |
105 | <table>
106 | <thead align=left>
107 | <tr>
108 | <th>
109 | name
110 | </th>
111 | <th>
112 | type
113 | </th>
114 | <th width=100%>
115 | description
116 | </th>
117 | </tr>
118 | </thead>
119 | <tbody align=left valign=top>
120 | <tr>
121 | <th>
122 | <code>route</code>
123 | </th>
124 | <td>
125 | String
126 | </td>
127 | <td>
128 | If set, it has to be a string consisting of URL and the request method, e.g., <code>GET /orgs/{org}</code>. If it’s set to a URL, only the method defaults to <code>GET</code>.
129 | </td>
130 | </tr>
131 | <tr>
132 | <th>
133 | <code>options.method</code>
134 | </th>
135 | <td>
136 | String
137 | </td>
138 | <td>
139 | <strong>Required unless <code>route</code> is set.</strong> Any supported <a href="https://developer.github.com/v3/#http-verbs">http verb</a>. <em>Defaults to <code>GET</code></em>.
140 | </td>
141 | </tr>
142 | <tr>
143 | <th>
144 | <code>options.url</code>
145 | </th>
146 | <td>
147 | String
148 | </td>
149 | <td>
150 | <strong>Required unless <code>route</code> is set.</strong> A path or full URL which may contain <code>:variable</code> or <code>{variable}</code> placeholders,
151 | e.g., <code>/orgs/{org}/repos</code>. The <code>url</code> is parsed using <a href="https://github.com/bramstein/url-template">url-template</a>.
152 | </td>
153 | </tr>
154 | <tr>
155 | <th>
156 | <code>options.baseUrl</code>
157 | </th>
158 | <td>
159 | String
160 | </td>
161 | <td>
162 | <em>Defaults to <code>https://api.github.com</code></em>.
163 | </td>
164 | </tr>
165 | <tr>
166 | <th>
167 | <code>options.headers</code>
168 | </th>
169 | <td>
170 | Object
171 | </td>
172 | <td>
173 | Custom headers. Passed headers are merged with defaults:<br>
174 | <em><code>headers['user-agent']</code> defaults to <code>octokit-endpoint.js/1.2.3</code> (where <code>1.2.3</code> is the released version)</em>.<br>
175 | <em><code>headers['accept']</code> defaults to <code>application/vnd.github.v3+json</code></em>.<br>
176 | </td>
177 | </tr>
178 | <tr>
179 | <th>
180 | <code>options.mediaType.format</code>
181 | </th>
182 | <td>
183 | String
184 | </td>
185 | <td>
186 | Media type param, such as <code>raw</code>, <code>diff</code>, or <code>text+json</code>. See <a href="https://developer.github.com/v3/media/">Media Types</a>. Setting <code>options.mediaType.format</code> will amend the <code>headers.accept</code> value.
187 | </td>
188 | </tr>
189 | <tr>
190 | <th>
191 | <code>options.data</code>
192 | </th>
193 | <td>
194 | Any
195 | </td>
196 | <td>
197 | Set request body directly instead of setting it to JSON based on additional parameters. See <a href="#data-parameter">"The <code>data</code> parameter"</a> below.
198 | </td>
199 | </tr>
200 | <tr>
201 | <th>
202 | <code>options.request</code>
203 | </th>
204 | <td>
205 | Object
206 | </td>
207 | <td>
208 | Pass custom meta information for the request. The <code>request</code> object will be returned as is.
209 | </td>
210 | </tr>
211 | </tbody>
212 | </table>
213 |
214 | All other options will be passed depending on the `method` and `url` options.
215 |
216 | 1. If the option key has a placeholder in the `url`, it will be used as the replacement. For example, if the passed options are `{url: '/orgs/{org}/repos', org: 'foo'}` the returned `options.url` is `https://api.github.com/orgs/foo/repos`.
217 | 2. If the `method` is `GET` or `HEAD`, the option is passed as a query parameter.
218 | 3. Otherwise, the parameter is passed in the request body as a JSON key.
219 |
220 | **Result**
221 |
222 | `endpoint()` is a synchronous method and returns an object with the following keys:
223 |
224 | <table>
225 | <thead align=left>
226 | <tr>
227 | <th>
228 | key
229 | </th>
230 | <th>
231 | type
232 | </th>
233 | <th width=100%>
234 | description
235 | </th>
236 | </tr>
237 | </thead>
238 | <tbody align=left valign=top>
239 | <tr>
240 | <th><code>method</code></th>
241 | <td>String</td>
242 | <td>The http method. Always lowercase.</td>
243 | </tr>
244 | <tr>
245 | <th><code>url</code></th>
246 | <td>String</td>
247 | <td>The url with placeholders replaced with passed parameters.</td>
248 | </tr>
249 | <tr>
250 | <th><code>headers</code></th>
251 | <td>Object</td>
252 | <td>All header names are lowercased.</td>
253 | </tr>
254 | <tr>
255 | <th><code>body</code></th>
256 | <td>Any</td>
257 | <td>The request body if one is present. Only for <code>PATCH</code>, <code>POST</code>, <code>PUT</code>, <code>DELETE</code> requests.</td>
258 | </tr>
259 | <tr>
260 | <th><code>request</code></th>
261 | <td>Object</td>
262 | <td>Request meta option, it will be returned as it was passed into <code>endpoint()</code></td>
263 | </tr>
264 | </tbody>
265 | </table>
266 |
267 | ### `endpoint.defaults()`
268 |
269 | Override or set default options. Example:
270 |
271 | ```js
272 | const request = require("request");
273 | const myEndpoint = require("@octokit/endpoint").defaults({
274 | baseUrl: "https://github-enterprise.acme-inc.com/api/v3",
275 | headers: {
276 | "user-agent": "myApp/1.2.3",
277 | authorization: `token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001`,
278 | },
279 | org: "my-project",
280 | per_page: 100,
281 | });
282 |
283 | request(myEndpoint(`GET /orgs/{org}/repos`));
284 | ```
285 |
286 | You can call `.defaults()` again on the returned method, the defaults will cascade.
287 |
288 | ```js
289 | const myProjectEndpoint = endpoint.defaults({
290 | baseUrl: "https://github-enterprise.acme-inc.com/api/v3",
291 | headers: {
292 | "user-agent": "myApp/1.2.3",
293 | },
294 | org: "my-project",
295 | });
296 | const myProjectEndpointWithAuth = myProjectEndpoint.defaults({
297 | headers: {
298 | authorization: `token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001`,
299 | },
300 | });
301 | ```
302 |
303 | `myProjectEndpointWithAuth` now defaults the `baseUrl`, `headers['user-agent']`,
304 | `org` and `headers['authorization']` on top of `headers['accept']` that is set
305 | by the global default.
306 |
307 | ### `endpoint.DEFAULTS`
308 |
309 | The current default options.
310 |
311 | ```js
312 | endpoint.DEFAULTS.baseUrl; // https://api.github.com
313 | const myEndpoint = endpoint.defaults({
314 | baseUrl: "https://github-enterprise.acme-inc.com/api/v3",
315 | });
316 | myEndpoint.DEFAULTS.baseUrl; // https://github-enterprise.acme-inc.com/api/v3
317 | ```
318 |
319 | ### `endpoint.merge(route, options)` or `endpoint.merge(options)`
320 |
321 | Get the defaulted endpoint options, but without parsing them into request options:
322 |
323 | ```js
324 | const myProjectEndpoint = endpoint.defaults({
325 | baseUrl: "https://github-enterprise.acme-inc.com/api/v3",
326 | headers: {
327 | "user-agent": "myApp/1.2.3",
328 | },
329 | org: "my-project",
330 | });
331 | myProjectEndpoint.merge("GET /orgs/{org}/repos", {
332 | headers: {
333 | authorization: `token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001`,
334 | },
335 | org: "my-secret-project",
336 | type: "private",
337 | });
338 |
339 | // {
340 | // baseUrl: 'https://github-enterprise.acme-inc.com/api/v3',
341 | // method: 'GET',
342 | // url: '/orgs/{org}/repos',
343 | // headers: {
344 | // accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
345 | // authorization: `token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001`,
346 | // 'user-agent': 'myApp/1.2.3'
347 | // },
348 | // org: 'my-secret-project',
349 | // type: 'private'
350 | // }
351 | ```
352 |
353 | ### `endpoint.parse()`
354 |
355 | Stateless method to turn endpoint options into request options. Calling
356 | `endpoint(options)` is the same as calling `endpoint.parse(endpoint.merge(options))`.
357 |
358 | ## Special cases
359 |
360 | <a name="data-parameter"></a>
361 |
362 | ### The `data` parameter – set request body directly
363 |
364 | Some endpoints such as [Render a Markdown document in raw mode](https://developer.github.com/v3/markdown/#render-a-markdown-document-in-raw-mode) don’t have parameters that are sent as request body keys, instead, the request body needs to be set directly. In these cases, set the `data` parameter.
365 |
366 | ```js
367 | const options = endpoint("POST /markdown/raw", {
368 | data: "Hello world github/linguist#1 **cool**, and #1!",
369 | headers: {
370 | accept: "text/html;charset=utf-8",
371 | "content-type": "text/plain",
372 | },
373 | });
374 |
375 | // options is
376 | // {
377 | // method: 'post',
378 | // url: 'https://api.github.com/markdown/raw',
379 | // headers: {
380 | // accept: 'text/html;charset=utf-8',
381 | // 'content-type': 'text/plain',
382 | // 'user-agent': userAgent
383 | // },
384 | // body: 'Hello world github/linguist#1 **cool**, and #1!'
385 | // }
386 | ```
387 |
388 | ### Set parameters for both the URL/query and the request body
389 |
390 | There are API endpoints that accept both query parameters as well as a body. In that case, you need to add the query parameters as templates to `options.url`, as defined in the [RFC 6570 URI Template specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570).
391 |
392 | Example
393 |
394 | ```js
395 | endpoint(
396 | "POST https://uploads.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/releases/1/assets{?name,label}",
397 | {
398 | name: "example.zip",
399 | label: "short description",
400 | headers: {
401 | "content-type": "text/plain",
402 | "content-length": 14,
403 | authorization: `token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001`,
404 | },
405 | data: "Hello, world!",
406 | },
407 | );
408 | ```
409 |
410 | ## LICENSE
411 |
412 | [MIT](LICENSE)